Title: Bring Me Into the Light (11/?)
AUTHOR: Mistress Ace & Em
FEEDBACK: Is the butter on our bread. We write because the story begs to be told. Feedback lets us know if we struck a chord with you.
DISTRIBUTION: Our site, Fandom Writers (http://www.fandomwriters.com), of course. FINNatics, Vamps-N-Slayers, the other list archives as well. Anyone else interested, we'll be happy to share.
RATING: NC-17 (Yup, we are *there*.)
CATEGORY: Romance, Angst
PAIRINGS: B/R/Sam, m/f, f/f
DISCLAIMER: Don't own the characters at all. (More's the pity) They belong to the Great God Joss Whedon et al. We are just borrowing them for a little bit. That's all. No BtVS characters were harmed in the writing of this fic. Well, maybe just a little.
SUMMARY: Not back for long enough. Not nearly long enough and there were too many things left up in the air. But isn't that the purpose of fan-fiction?
DEDICATION: From Ace: Well, to Em of course for bringing this Riley to the fore. For her lovely Buffy and for giving me the chance to get to know Sam. To Jenf'r for the original pairing idea and to our betas – you rock.
From Em: To my talented co-author for bringing her Riley, because we all know Em doesn't write Riley well. To our betas, the ever-wonderful people who keep us from making too many mistakes. And to all the lovely people out there who keep sending us such wonderful comments. :-)

Chapter 11

In turn, Sam lifted her head and found them watching each other, discovering one another all over again. Her breath caught in her throat and for a moment, she felt she was on the outside looking in until she felt Buffy's hand on her shoulder and Riley's on her hip. Matched hazel eyes turned from one another to solemnly regard her, then draw her into the circle that had always contained just the two of them.

She leaned in to kiss Riley, press her mouth against his before sliding further down the bed. Buffy's fingers tightened on her shoulder, almost in a momentary panic, afraid she was leaving. But instead, Sam tapped Riley on the hip, an unspoken signal for him to move. No need for words here, they had the silent communication thing down.

And move he did, rolling over until he was curled on his side next to Buffy. Who watched with wide, startled eyes as Sam took his place. She scattered kisses down the slope of her breasts, along the curve of her belly, tracing that sweet softness to its very source. Breath warm on her skin, followed by an equally warm mouth... one that knew the ins and out of her pleasure better than anyone. Including the man who rested beside her, cradling the back of his wife's head, giving her quiet encouragement.

Buffy's wide hazel eyes watched every move Sam made as she sprinkled kisses over her body. Sam's soft lips found all the sensitive places on her belly, and tiny tremors rippled under warm kisses. As Sam continued to move further down, Buffy couldn't believe how good it felt. No one had ever found all the right places to touch so unerringly, and a trace of awe lit Buffy's face as she followed every movement.

She began to wriggle slightly with anticipation and need as Sam moved closer and closer to her center. Part of her wanted to close her eyes and just feel... and another part of her couldn't bear to lose sight of her lover. Watching Sam's mouth move, the graceful curve of her lips and the way they parted and met again was an addictive sight in itself.

Open-mouthed kiss on her right thigh, then her left before Sam's eyes closed completely. Soft folds were parted by fingertips, gently... always gently. A butterfly wing of breath, followed by heat and wet and pressure. Expert licks, long and luxurious as Sam settled down to enjoy her work.

It had been so long. Too long. Empty days followed by empty nights. Waking, sweat-soaked and crying for Katja. Longing for the taste of her, the scent, the long strands of silken hair that curled around her hands. Curves, Sam missed curves. Missed the weight of a full breast in her hand, nipple rising hard and taut against her palm. Missed the soft moans, the rise of rounded hips, the sweet slickness in her mouth.

Riley watched, fascinated by the sight. When they kissed, they were beautiful. Now they were stunning. Bronze interwoven with pale, dark sable spread across rounded thighs and a beloved mouth moving to bring pleasure in the most intimate way possible.

Two angels locked in a carnal embrace, falling to earth in one another's arms. A sight not meant for the eyes of mortal man. But yes... a sight worth being turned to a pillar of salt. A sight worth burning in Hell for all eternity...

Buffy gasped and then moaned as she felt Sam's tongue on her. God, but she was good at this. Better than Riley, better than Angel. It took her breath away and made her feel light-headed.

Her hand joined Riley's on the back of Sam's head, fingers tangling into soft, dark hair. "Oh, God, Sam..." she whimpered, hips arching into each long lick. Her eyes half-closed, still not entirely willing to give up the image before her. She could see Sam's tongue moving over her, tasting her thoroughly, and it excited her.

Buffy spared a moment to look up at Riley and saw him almost staring at them, where Sam's mouth met her own body. The sight made her smile a bit, glad that he seemed to enjoy watching as much as she herself did. On impulse, she tilted her head and kissed the side of his neck gently, her tongue flicking out against his skin and tasting him again.

Buffy's cry to heaven was echoed by one of Riley's own. He was startled by the touch, stiffening before he melted into it. His choked exclamation brought Sam back to earth and she darted a look at him. Quick glance only, followed by a hum of satisfaction that he was being occupied before returning her entire focus to Buffy.

Searching for the right spot, Sam knew when she found it. Buffy gasped, a long drawn-out sound accompanied by the trembling on her legs. Forming her mouth around the tiny bud, Sam flicked it, circled it with her tongue, suckled on it. Two fingers swiftly in, the quick invasion greeted by a cry of her name muffled by what could only be a kiss.

Riley covered the sweet bow of Buffy's mouth with his own. Not so much to keep her quiet as to share her pleasure. To drink it in and make it his own. He cupped her breast, the length of his cock hard and hot against her hip. Slow slide against warm skin, painting her with possession and need.

Buffy wrapped her free arm around Riley's neck, kissing him back with fervor. Her body was on fire, arching into his hand on her breast and Sam's mouth on her sex. Soft moans muffled by his mouth, Buffy closed her eyes and just let her body feel. They were driving her crazy, and fast.

Fine sheen of sweat on her skin, the first sting of salt on his lips as Riley kissed her cheek, her throat, the curve of her shoulder. He hazarded a glance down at Sam and bit back a curse. Her elbow was held tight against her body, hand under her chin and moving in a familiar pattern. One he knew by heart, just as he knew Buffy's reactions. Legs tightening, stomach hollow and taut, hands in his hair then raking down his back.

The pulse of Buffy's heart beat a fierce tattoo against her lips. Sam felt her rising up to meet each gentle thrust, heard the sharp intake of breath, the unspoken plea that brought her husband's mouth back down to Buffy's breast. Tension, strung so tight something was bound to snap.

Soon, soon, soon.

Her mouth now unoccupied, Buffy's moans and soft cries filled the room. As her companions continued to make love to her, she spiraled higher and higher. She lost all coherent thought and, if not for the gentle pressure of their bodies anchoring hers, her body would be writhing off the bed.

"Sam... Riley... God, I... I'm..." She tried hard to piece together the words to tell them that she was on the edge of a powerful climax, but was too lost in the feel of their mouths and hands on her to form anything resembling a sentence. If anything, her incoherent words seemed to her as if they just encouraged her lovers further.


Just what she wanted to hear. Spoken in that breathy broken voice Sam had fallen in love with tonight. Just as she'd fallen in love with the rest of her. Bringing Buffy to the point, to this pinnacle was almost enough to send her over the edge as well.

Hard lick across the apex of her sex, followed by equally hard suction. The time for softness was passed. A little more, just a little more and their sweet Slayer would break. Would shatter into a million shards, shards they would gather up and mold back into the living embodiment of their devotion.

Lifting his head from her breast, Riley looked down at her. Smoothed back the locks of hair that had fallen into her eyes and whispered. "We love you," as she trembled, bit her lower lip and arched up into Sam's mouth.

Just as she gasped out their names again, his eyes dropped to the scar on her throat. Mesmerizing by Angel's mark of possession, Riley leaned forward. Dipped down, mouth open and hungry, covered it, made it his own.

And in doing so, made her his.

The combination of sensations flowing in waves over her body was too much. The moment Riley's mouth covered the scar on her neck, Buffy let out a shrill scream and arched off the bed as her climax crashed over her like a tidal wave and swept her away.

Hazel eyes half-open, dark enough to be little more than a dark blue-green band around large pupils, and entirely clouded with pleasure, she was the very picture of over-satiation. She glowed from the love poured into her, even as her senses shattered from the excess.

Buffy trembled, spent for the moment, as she slowly came back to awareness of herself and her surroundings. She felt as if she were floating and some remote part of her mind wondered what she looked like from her lovers' point of view.

Riding out that climax, Sam continued to gently lave the folds of her lover's sex. Caught every drop, savored it. Her own body yearned for the same satisfaction but it was enough to have brought Buffy to this point. To have replaced agony with ecstasy.

It wouldn't make up for the hell Buffy's life had become. Wouldn't even be a drop in the bucket. But at least... it was a start.

When the screaming stopped, when her lithe body relaxed under his own, Riley released her. He sat up slowly, intent on catching his own breath while he observed the aftermath. She was golden, light shining in her eyes, light shining from her. Golden girl – bright, beautiful golden girl. His golden girl.


Their golden girl. Not the Slayer tonight. Not the force of nature that kept the Hellmouth and it's demonic citizens in check. No. This was Buffy. The one hidden away from the world because she was so easy to hurt, so easy to shatter.

The tiny blonde lay on the bed, chest heaving as she worked to catch her breath. When she was able to do so, she half-opened her eyes and looked at her lovers. Riley caught her notice first, sitting right next to her and easier to see, and she gave him a languid smile. She could see the fire burning in his eyes, not dimmed with pleasure as in her own, but still flaring brightly.

Her gaze then moved further down and found Sam, lying on the bed between her legs. Buffy reached down to Sam and gave a gentle tug on her arms. She lacked the strength to actually pull her lover up at the moment, but the gesture was understood and Sam rose to hover above her.

With a smile and a whisper of "Thank you," Buffy lifted her head and kissed Sam. She tasted herself on Sam's lips, and it was at the same time familiar and different.

"No." Soft word whispered against her mouth, followed by another kiss. Mouth lingering, one hand brushing down her throat and then the curve under her breasts. Soft touch, so soft. While Riley had always been gentle with Buffy, his strength had always shone through.

Not so with Sam. She was aching tenderness and love so deep that to touch it was to heal. When their mouths parted, a tear adorned the surface of her cheek, a single diamond in the moonlight as she whispered. "No, Buffy. Thank you."

Buffy reached up and smoothed the tear away with gentle fingertips. A smile that was at once soft and tender and full of love curved her lips and lit her eyes before she replied, "You don't have to thank me, Sam. I wanted it as much as you did. And it was incredible... I never imagined anything quite like this, with both of you. You totally blew me away. I just wish I knew how to do the same." Her voice softened as she spoke, ending with a soft waver of wistfulness and hope that perhaps she might learn to do the same someday.

She hazarded a quick glance at Riley and then back to Sam again. Buffy knew that she herself might be satisfied, for the moment at least, but neither of her lovers were. They were both still aching, the fire in them burning brightly. She had a few ideas, but they were mostly one-at-a-time centric, and she wasn't sure either of them could wait too much longer. She wished she knew how to give to both of them at the same time.

Sam shot a quick look at Riley and the corners of her mouth lifted in a slow, sly manner. "I think we can fix that. One of the best teachers I know is right here." Looking down at Buffy, Sam's husky laugh sent a shiver down her spine. "You know he's a lesbian, right?"

He didn't blush. Not even a hint of red appeared as Riley murmured, "And damned proud of it."

There was a challenging light in Sam's eyes as she sat up, a challenge directed at her husband. "Damned good at it, too. Care to give a demonstration?" Gauntlet thrown, the need evident in her voice and the fine tremor in her hands where they now rested on Buffy's thigh.

"A demonstration..." The tone and actual words reminiscent of one of Buffy's dreams, Riley's voice dropped an octave as he regarded his wife. At least Sam didn't tell him to 'be a good boy.' There were memories enough of Maggie littered throughout Sunnydale without bringing them to this bed. "I think I can oblige."

Buffy giggled as she remembered Riley's "confession" about being a lesbian, back when they first started dating. Their entire exchange told Buffy that Sam knew everything, or nearly, about what had happened between herself and Riley in the past. But that was okay, she had no objection to it.

She sat up and shifted to one side, opening up a space for Sam to lie down on the bed. Her legs were still tangled with Sam's, so she couldn't get very far, but once they separated there would be enough room. "Please do," she replied to Riley's comment. "I'll have to take notes."

Buffy shot a look at Riley, who knew very well that she was not much of a note taker. But this was completely different from a class at school, and Buffy intended to engrave as much as possible in her memory. If at some point she could send Sam into spasms of ecstasy the way Sam had to her, she'd feel the effort worthwhile indeed.

"Well, if there are notes to be taken, guess we better get the lesson plans out." Untangling herself from Buffy wasn't difficult, their smooth limbs slid apart gracefully, but Sam didn't want to lose the contact. She held onto Buffy's hand as she laid down between them, offering herself to their view.

Riley reached over, his fingers steady and sure, sliding through Buffy's hair as he drew her in for one more kiss. Licked at her lips, caught the last hints of his wife's own kiss. That was a combination he truly appreciated. "Wouldn't be the first time I taught you things, now would it?" The air was thick with memory as Riley murmured those final words to Buffy before settling down between Sam's legs.

She rose to meet him, silent and eager. They kissed, his mouth caressing hers, tongues teasing and dancing while Buffy watched. Riley's hands skimmed up and down Sam's sides, along the outside of her thighs, wherever he could reach while he kissed her breathless.

Kissed her senseless.

Buffy held Sam's hand gently, her fingers brushing lightly over the back and down to her wrist. She watched them kiss, their tanned skin glowing, and idly wondered at the reactions they provoked in each other. They seemed to match, while she was in many ways a contrast. Her breath caught in her throat as she watched the fire flare brightly between them.

"You're so beautiful," she breathed softly. "You fit each other perfectly..." She wasn't expecting an answer, but couldn't leave the words unsaid.

The answer she received was not verbal for Riley continued to kiss his wife, continued to worship her mouth. But he did reach out to her, one hand on her hip and then around her waist, drawing Buffy down into their embrace. Sam let go of her hand and urged her down as well until Buffy lay next to her.

When their kiss finally broke, Riley turned his head and his mouth found Buffy's. Covered hers with his own and breathed life back into her. With that touch he included her in this, made her a part of what was happening between them. He opened not just their embrace to her and not just their bed but their marriage as well.

In turn, Sam kissed Buffy when Riley was done. Not as forceful a kiss but just as accepting and loving as his had been. Fascinated with the sweep and fall of Buffy's hair, Sam's fingers continued to comb through it while Riley kissed Sam's throat, her shoulders, a tiny mole that lay along the upper curve of her right breast.

Buffy curled lightly against Sam's side as she returned the gentle, sweet kiss. She had offered herself to them, and they had taken her up on it and were offering her the same in return. She had a place with them, and she always would. They had their own special connection, but Buffy had hers with Riley and was in the process of gaining one with Sam.

She was intensely grateful to them for saving not just her life but her sanity and her humanity. They were making her whole again, and she hoped she could give back to them in some way. Catching Sam's hand briefly as it lifted from her hair, Buffy placed a soft kiss into the palm. Then she let go again and simply stayed cuddled close, watching them.

Bronzed fingers on equally bronzed skin, cupping a full breast. He circled the nipple with his thumb, feeling it pebble up and tighten. From his resting place on Sam's shoulder, Riley looked over at Buffy and his slow smile warmed her all the way through. "Lesson number one. Do what I do."

With that said Riley nuzzled Sam's breast, kissing along the underside while his thumb continued to tease the nipple. Soft sounds of encouragement came from Sam, her eyes half-shuttered, breath catching as she waited for Buffy to follow suit. This was the final test. The moment where they discovered if their new arrangement would work or not.

Her pale hand stood out visibly against Sam's dark tan as Buffy cupped Sam's breast in her palm. Her thumb circled the nipple and her fingers gently rubbed along the underside. On impulse, she lifted her head and placed a feather-light kiss on the upper curve of the soft mound.

"Mmmm... yes," Sam's fingers combed through her hair again before coming to rest of Buffy's shoulder. She managed to hide her relief, kept her voice from shaking as she murmured, "That feels good."

The last word trailed away into a gasp as Riley's mouth closed over her nipple. He sucked and licked at it, nipping the tender furl. Intent on following his tutelage, Buffy did the same, her touch nowhere near as assured.

Warm, their mouths were so warm. This was outside of Sam's experience. She'd always been a one-on-one kind of gal and she was pretty sure Riley was the same but... God, if this was any indication of what things were going to be like, Sam was perfectly willing to sell her soul to the devil to keep this. To feel this every night.

Riley's generous mouth, his strength and self-confident manner combined with Buffy's tenderness, her strength - although greater - was leashed and her touch soft. Exquisitely soft. Tentative, unsure of where this would lead but willing to follow.

Soul to the devil. Where was the paper and the blood for her to sign with?

Buffy's confidence grew somewhat as she felt, like earlier, that Sam responded to some of the same things she liked. She kept her fingers and her mouth soft and gentle, using light touches, soft kisses and gentle sucking to pleasure her lover.

For herself, Buffy found the experience very pleasant. The unfamiliar softness beneath her lips and her fingers, the soft curves, the gentle, whispery sounds that escaped Sam... it was different, but very enjoyably so. Buffy felt she could stay right where she was for a very long time and never want for more.

Riley abandoned Sam's breast in favor of nipping at her stomach, moving further down the bed as he did so. The sheets went with him, exposing more and more of Sam's body. After a moment of two, Buffy shifted closer, reaching to touch Riley's mouth where she expected to find it on Sam's breast only to discover nothing but slick skin.

She lifted her head, a little startled by his absence until she spotted his dark blond head dipping over the sweet curve of Sam's belly. "Lesson two. Remember lesson number one," was the quiet comment from him, muffled a little against Sam's skin.

Lesson one was easy, so Buffy put it off for a moment. She indulged herself long enough to place a gentle, almost reverent kiss on Sam's lips. Her fingers still moved, rubbing against Sam's nipples with soft fingertips. She kissed Sam long and slow and deep, lavishing her love on the one person other than Riley who accepted her as she was without question.

Sweet, her mouth was sweet and lush. Sam could spend the rest of her life kissing Buffy and probably would. She returned the kiss, her tongue slipping in and out of that tiny mouth. She'd never expected Buffy to be this small, this delicate. To hear Riley talk about her, Sam's image had been of an amazon instead of the elfin woman entwined in her arms. Something larger than life and instead Buffy was this exquisite angel.

Their kiss continued until Sam broke away, gasping, back arching. Confused, Buffy looked around, searching for an enemy because Sam's cry had bordered on pain.

No enemy to be found. Only Riley's cap of dark blond nestled in between Sam's legs. Wet sounds, hushed and rich and more than enough to send a quick frisson of sensual heat along Buffy's skin. Riley was... he was and this was something she'd never seen from this perspective. Or at least had never seen without feeling it as well.

Buffy relaxed, calming her nerves once she was sure that there was no danger. She sat back on her heels for a few moments, watching Riley's movements and Sam's reaction to them. She took note as best she could of what he touched when, how he moved his lips or curled his tongue. She hoped she would remember.

After several long, breathless minutes, she recalled herself to 'lesson two' and bent down to trail lips and tongue over the soft curves of Sam's waist and belly. She continued to watch Riley as best she could as she sought out the sensitive spots on Sam's flanks and stomach, finding the right places for her kisses or to tease with her tongue.

One thing Sam gave Riley points on all the time, he was really, really good at this. The lesbian comment was kind of a joke and kind of not. He was as good as Katja, as good as any of the lovers Sam ever had. He knew just when and where to press and when to pull away. When his fingers joined his tongue, her silence was broken.

"Yes... right there. Riley... oh Riley..." Encouraging him with her words, Sam encouraged Buffy with her hands. Stroking her face, touching the edge of her lips with fingertips that shook, smoothing locks of hair out of her eyes.

Lifting his head, Riley looked at Buffy and murmured. "Lesson three. Give me your hand." There was whiskey and smoke in his voice, the sound lying thick in the otherwise quiet room. He waited for her to obey, his own fingers sliding gently along Sam's hip and then the inside of her thigh.

Obeying, curiosity in her expression, Buffy shifted closer to him and gave him her hand. She placed several more kisses on Sam's stomach before lifting her head to see what Riley wanted her to do. She had an idea of where he was going and was a little shy about it, but it was also what she wanted and she was glad of his willingness to help her.

Drawing her hand down to his mouth, Riley kissed her fingertips. Ran his tongue over them, tracing the pads with the tip. Felt her shiver, smiled when she moaned, the tiny sound sending a matching shiver through him. One last nip against her palm before he drew her hand downward.

He guided her into place, setting the index finger down on a soft fold of flesh. "Here. Use a light touch... yes, like that." Riley's soft encouragement combined with Sam's gasp and involuntary rise up into that touch was quite the incentive.

Buffy marveled at the sensation of soft, wet folds beneath her fingertips. Not that she'd never touched herself before, but it was totally different with another woman. She could only feel the softness under her fingers; she kept her touch light because without being able to feel what it felt like to Sam, she wasn't sure how much harder she dared to press for fear of hurting her.

Still, she gently explored, following the contours of flesh and listening to the sounds Sam made.

The contrast between Riley's broad fingers and Buffy's slender ones made this so much more erotic. While Buffy explored, Sam felt her husband slide one of his inside her. "Yes... Oh honey... Buffy, so nice... please, don't stop, don't stop."

Riley watched Buffy, watched her watching her own fingers. When she caught him looking, they regarded each other for a moment or two. Licking his lips, Riley asked quietly, "Buffy, do you trust me?"

"With everything that I am," she affirmed in a soft voice. "What do you want me to do?" She looked up at him curiously. Her fingers never stopped moving... she could explore by feel as well as by sight.

"Just keep doing what you're doing. Little higher..." When she obeyed his request, Buffy was rewarded by a keening cry from Sam. "Yes, right there." Riley smiled, dipping his head down to kiss the inside of Sam's right thigh and then her left. Felt her tense beneath him in anticipation of what was to come.

Warmth, flooding warmth as Riley's mouth opened over her. His tongue flicked over Buffy's fingers, diving in to tease the tiny nub that was revealed with each light tug. Together they worked, as much in synch here as they were on any battlefield. What Sam had witnessed earlier tonight was simply a prelude to this.

"Oh God. Oh God. Oh God." The words were coming faster and faster. Her body tightening, every nerve on fire. The event horizon was upon her, ready to sweep here away with one more touch. One more kiss. Sam's eyes widened as she pleaded with Buffy. "Please... kiss me... please, Buffy... I'm... Oh Riley... love you... both of you."

Stretching herself upwards, Buffy leaned over and kissed Sam deeply, fueling the fire she saw in those deep green eyes. Their tongues danced and tangled and Buffy's free hand slipped under Sam's neck, just lightly touching. Their chests pressed together, their breasts rubbing slightly as they moved. A sudden outflowing of love filled Buffy's heart, and she did everything she could to communicate it non-verbally rather than frustrate them all by struggling to make the words come.

Nerves stretched taut from hours of fighting, by the dance in the Bronze, by watching and touching and kissing, finally let go. The first wave broke as they kissed, Sam accepting Buffy's love and returning it in kind. The second wave crashed over her, stealing her mouth from its partner as Sam gasped for breath. Powerful, all-encompassing pleasure filled every inch of her body.

Throughout, Riley continued to suck, testing and teasing. Knowing her better than anyone in the world, he prolonged her pleasure until the fire of it burnt Sam to ash. Only then was he satisfied and willing to let her drift. Listen to her sigh as he kissed her thighs, then the rise of one hip and finally the gentle curve of her stomach.

Buffy slowed the movement of her fingers a bit at a time, and then began to lighten her touches as well. She backed off to just a whisper of a touch before she pulled her hand away. At the same time, she trailed soft kisses and feathery caresses over Sam's face and neck. Soft, gentle touches to help calm her and ease her back into reality.

There was no awkward silence, no bumbling pauses between them. Just warm kisses and sweet touches from Buffy and Riley's solid presence as he moved. As he sat up, his hands rested on Sam's hips while a broad smile lit up his face.

He smoothed away the last of the tremors and leaned forward to kiss Sam. Who moaned, sucking on his lower lip, tasting herself there. Slow dip into his mouth, chasing every remnant as Riley continued to stroke and soothe every part of her that he could reach.

Buffy pulled back, giving them room to kiss. She watched them with a soft smile on her face. After a few moments, she realized that her fingers were still sticky and a little damp. Curious again, she lifted her fingers to her lips and lightly licked them. It was a strange taste, tangy and heady and not entirely unlike her own. Her curiosity satisfied, she licked her fingers clean and returned to watching the two entwined in front of her.

Languid, every movement fluid underneath him. Riley knew Sam was spent for awhile. She never recovered quickly from a strong one. And that climax had been strong...

Always tense after a good fight, much like the two Slayers he'd known, Riley figured out this way to help Sam unwind. More often than not after the dust had settled during one of their missions, he ended up spending several blissful hours with his face between Sam's thighs. Pushing her right to the edge, easing off and pushing her to the edge again until finally letting her tumble over. Afterward, she would mumble his name, thank him with a messy kiss or two and fall fast asleep.

Buffy grinned to herself at the smug look on Riley's face. He knew exactly what he did to them both, and he was proud of it. She waited patiently until his lips parted from Sam's, then she leaned in to kiss him. There on his lips, she tasted the last traces of Sam, savored the combined taste as her tongue danced with his.

It was a unique flavor and she rather enjoyed it. Hopefully she would have further chances to experience it in the future.

"Mmmmm... You two have no idea how good you look together," Sam's sleepy voice purred out those few words as she watched them kiss. She loved watching them do that, could spend hours watching them do that. Something to check off their agenda.

Wipe out major Sunnydale hot spots - check.

Recruit Buffy for their squad - check.

Discover that Riley's love for Buffy hadn't faded and her own hero worship was something much more - check...

The list went on and on and on. Ending up with this. Watching her lovers kiss, cradled in between them and not inclined to move anytime soon. Even though she could feel the weight of Riley's continued interest heavy on her hip.

"Buffy... think you could take care of something for me?" Still sleepy sounding, with a hint of slyness that no one other than Riley had ever heard. He reluctantly pulled back, eyeing Sam who was smiling up at them. This could prove to be very interesting. Riley waited for whatever his wife was going to request.

"Sure, Sam," Buffy replied, gently brushing a strand of hair out of Sam's sleepy eyes and glimpsing a hint of a smirk in them. "What can I do for you?"

Her answer was immediate and given with a close to a straight face as Sam could manage, given her current blissful state. "Him..." Meaningful glance down the length of Riley's body, coming to rest on the mute evidence of his readiness for more.

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