Title: Bring Me Into the Light (13/?)
AUTHOR: Mistress Ace & Em
E-MAIL: rosewood@inreach.com & slayerbuffy@aol.com
FEEDBACK: Is the butter on our bread. We write because the story begs to be told. Feedback lets us know if we struck a chord with you.
DISTRIBUTION: Our site, Fandom Writers (http://www.fandomwriters.com), of course. FINNatics, Vamps-N-Slayers, the other list archives as well. Anyone else interested, we'll be happy to share.
CATEGORY: Story: Romance, Angst
PAIRINGS: B/R/Sam, m/f, f/f
DISCLAIMER: Don't own the characters at all. (More's the pity) They belong to the Great God Joss Whedon et al. We are just borrowing them for a little bit. That's all. No BtVS characters were harmed in the writing of this fic. Well, maybe just a little.
SUMMARY: Not back for long enough. Not nearly long enough and there were too many things left up in the air. But isn't that the purpose of fan-fiction?
NOTES: This was actually done sitting right next to each other. And, hey, we're early even! :-)

Chapter 13

It was Sam who finally broke the silence by stretching and sitting up. "Anybody thirsty?" Logical question, considering the fact that her mouth felt as dry as the Sahara right now. And that was one place she'd be happy if they never saw again.

"Actually, yeah. Now that you mention it, I could use a drink... all that heavy breathing..." Buffy giggled softly. "What about you, Riley? Thirsty?"

"Definitely. Let me take care of it. You two rest." He rolled away, his feet hitting the floor before Sam could raise a protest about his leg. Which promptly gave him hell as he stood up, sharp knotted pain that took his breath away. Riley sat right back down. "Then again, maybe not."

"Finn, stay put. Otherwise I'm going to report you on the injured list." The words were harsher than how they were said. Sam's voice was full of humor as she got to her feet. "Cuddle with our Slayer, soldier. I'll take care of the supplies."

"Yes, ma'am." He shot back, broad smile lighting up his eyes. That smile dimmed a little as he started settle into place beside Buffy and finally noticed the dents in the wall. Deep ones right behind the headboard; there was no doubt how they came to be there. No doubt at all. "Buffy... are you okay? Looks like I got a little rough."

Buffy looked up at the wall and began to laugh softly. "I'm perfectly fine, Riley. You know me, I can take it. Drives me crazy because it feels so good is more like it. You never hurt me." She pulled him all the way down beside her and placed a reassuring kiss on his lips. "I promise, I'm just fine. I'm not made of crystal."

"It's not the first time you broke a hotel room, Ry." Sam said over her shoulder as she padded off toward the bathroom. Footfalls a whisper of sound in the thick carpet, the dim light gilded one shoulder, accenting the symphony of movement. From his vantage-point on the bed, Riley admired the line of her back and the sway of her hips until Sam was gone from view.

His attention was drawn back to Buffy then, seeking out another kiss to still her question about Sam's comment. The broken hotel room was a good story. Strike that; it was a great story but now was not the time. Tonight was about making memories instead of recounting them. There would be time enough to tell her all of their adventures later.

Besides there were other forces at work here. He needed to make something perfectly clear. Crystal clear. "I know you're pretty much unbreakable, Buffy. I get that. But... the thing with Spike wasn't all hearts and flowers. You said he could hit you and I don't ever want to make you feel that way."

Shock registered in Buffy's eyes as she realized what he was thinking. "Oh, Riley, no... you could never make me feel that way. I like it that you're strong, powerful... it's what drew me to you to begin with, way back when. Nothing between you and Sam and I, in any combination thereof, could make me feel like I did with him. There's no comparison at all."

She wrapped her arms around him and snuggled close. "You make me feel safe, Riley. You and Sam both do, in your own ways. Please don't worry about all that? I know there are still issues to deal with... but that isn't one of them."

"Thank God. If I ever get too rough just let me know. Promise?" Riley kissed the top of her head and felt her nod, her hair brushing against his lips. He closed his eyes, drew in her scent, drowned himself in it. She still used the same shampoo, light and herbal. The familiar fragrance tingled in his nose and seriously percolated his hormones.

Hormones that really needed to take a break right about now.

After the slaying workout and the other physical activities they'd engaged in, he was pleasantly sore and a little spent. Not too spent. He was sure he could fully rise to the occasion again but not without the possibility of being really sore in the morning.

Sam's return with two full glasses of cold water put a stop to those musings right away. Although she caught the tail end of them, or at least his physical reaction. The smile on her face qualified as a full-on smirk, one that deepened when she sat down and handed each of them a glass. "Drink up. Can't have you two getting dehydrated."

Buffy took her glass and drank deeply. She sidled over to sit next to Sam, leaning against her and one arm wrapping around the taller woman. "Thanks, Sam," she murmured as she continued to sip her water.

The more time that passed since the post-orgasmic high wore off, the less inclination she had to go anywhere. When she realized it, snuggled in Sam's arms with absolutely no desire to move, Buffy asked softly, "Would you guys mind too much if I stayed here tonight? Having absolutely no will to go home..."

"Of course you can stay." Riley's answer was immediate and emphatic as his half-empty glass thumped down on the nightstand. He slid closer to the two of them, his hand skimming along Buffy's upraised shoulder. "Wasn't looking forward to letting you go."

No need to seek Sam's approval, it was there in her eyes. She hadn't been prepared to let Buffy go either. Doing so would have turned this into something it wasn't: a one-night stand in a hotel room. Granted the Marriott wasn't seedy but the feeling would have been just the same. Bed her, use her and then send her home.

That wasn't the way Sam worked. It never had been.

For months after his exodus to Belize, it had been how Riley worked. Nameless bars and faceless women, every night fading into a blur as he tried everything possible to wipe out the memories from Sunnydale. Everything and anything that brought a single moment of oblivion.

It wasn't how he worked now.

"Wasn't planning on letting you go," Sam finally replied, taking the glass from Buffy and sipping some of it herself. "Finn can be insufferable in the morning. Too cheerful for his own good. We can let him do his morning run and stay warm here in bed, together if you want."

Buffy smiled at Sam again. "Sounds lovely to me." She turned her eyes on Riley, a question in them. "Would you wake me when you get up, though, so I can call Wills and Dawn? I wouldn't want them to worry..."

"Happy to oblige. It's..." He looked over at the clock and groaned. Morning was going to come way too early. "too late for you to call now. Think they'll understand your staying out all night?" The image of Willow hovering over their bed and threatening him with a shovel was pretty quick in springing to mind. She wasn't doing magic anymore but that didn't mean Buffy's best friend wasn't dangerous in other ways.

You couldn't survive the more interesting aspects of night life in Sunnydale without learning ways to be dangerous. Simple necessity if you wanted to remain among the breathing.

Buffy bit her lip and shrugged lightly. "Wouldn't be the first time." Her voice was very soft and she couldn't look at either of them as the admission passed her lips. "At least I called earlier to tell them I was with friends."

No need to ask who she'd been with. His eyes went cold, as cold as they'd been when he found her in Spike's crypt. He had no right to be angry, no right to judge after all he'd seen and done since leaving her but that didn't stay the sudden rush of anger. "Got it." Sub-arctic tone, his mouth set in a thin line, jaw tight and jumping, Riley turned away to set the alarm.

When he did, Sam drew Buffy in even closer. She kissed Buffy's forehead and her cheek, combing her fingers through a tousled mane of blond hair. Apologizing for her husband's abrupt shift in behavior. "Finn, don't be an ass. Water under the bridge." Another kiss, this one below Buffy's right ear.

Okay, so he could still be jealous about her. Even now, even after being back in her arms again. Or maybe it was because he had been in her arms again. The thought of her with Spike was enough to make his blood boil. But Sam was right. Water under the bridge.

Over and done.

Forgiveness was a hard lesson; one he learned amidst the blood, sweat and grit of the last year. Learned in the circle of Sam's arms when everything broke. When anger and denial shifted to acceptance and finally understanding. He'd been the one who left, the one who cracked under the strain, not Buffy. None of this had been Buffy's fault, not one single bit of it.

Hand in hand with forgiveness came contrition. She didn't need this, really didn't need the jealousy riff. Turning back to face them, Riley kissed the nape of Buffy's neck and her shoulder. "I'm sorry. Had a territorial moment. Still in possession of a Y chromosome here."

Buffy relaxed, forgiving him instantly. "It's okay," she whispered. She kissed him softly, then turned her head to give Sam a kiss of gratitude. If not for the other woman's instant comfort, she would have drawn back into herself out of fear. She knew that about herself, and was grateful to her lover for recognizing it.

The little Slayer glanced at the clock and blinked in surprise. "When did it get so late?" Her words were punctuated by a yawn. The night's activities were catching up with her, finally, as was the lack of sleep. Even she could only go so long... but she anticipated for that night the best night's sleep in a very long time.

Another warm, possessive kiss on the nape of her neck as Riley curled himself around her. Molded his chest to her back, felt those sweet cherished curves so close. He'd dreamed about this every night in Belize, in Peru, in Argentina, in Fiji... those memories faded when Sam became his lover but they were back now. "Time flies when you're having fun. Which you did, right?"

The faint hitch in Riley's voice no one else would have noticed but Sam knew him inside and out. It was strange to see her husband unsure of himself again. Very few things could do this to him. So few that Sam could count them on the fingers of one hand. Well, actually on the thumb of one hand. The only thing in the world that got to him was the tiny woman in his arms. So thin and frail-looking that she could be mistaken for a kid.

Buffy was his one weakness.

"Oh, yes, very much so. But you knew that." Buffy curled up in his arms as much as she could without releasing Sam. She needed to be close to them, and they offered it to her so freely. Her greatest strength and her greatest weakness rolled into one - these two were that by far. More so than any of the others that she cared about, with the possible exception of Dawn.

Their presence gave her strength, but she would be devastated if anything should happen to them. And considering that they were in the same line of work, it would be impossible to keep them safe. Nor would they allow her to, just as she wouldn't allow them to tuck her somewhere safe and out of the way. None of them could live like that... so they just had to be there for each other whenever possible.

And realizing that was the first step in preventing another incident like before Riley had left her. She couldn't protect him, couldn't keep him completely safe. No matter how much she wanted to. His instinct was the same as hers, and smothering it would only do damage. Damage that might be irreparable this time.

So many things unsaid, so many things they still needed to discuss while the passion between them was spent. But her husband's eyelids were drooping and Buffy was clearly exhausted. Something to be grateful for, they were in a relatively secure place. There was no need to mount a watch. After weeks in the jungle, sleeping through the night was going to feel good. "Sleep now. Talk later." Sam stated clearly before kissing Buffy's forehead, then her husband's sleepy mouth.

"Good plan," Riley murmured, fluffing his pillow and pulling the covers up. Held them aloft so Sam could slide underneath and into Buffy's full embrace. The two women in his life wound themselves around each other in a manner that was sweet and not sexual in the least. It had everything to do with comfort instead.

"Love you, Sam." Sleep-tinged tone, words mingled with warm breath, spoken against the creamy skin of Buffy's shoulder. "Love you, Buffy." Riley turned, rose up long enough to turn off the bedside light before he eased back down. One hand petted Buffy's hip absently, smoothed along the curve as his eyes slowly drifted shut.

Buffy settled into their embrace quickly. Normally she had an extremely difficult time relaxing in an unfamiliar bed, but not tonight. She was already falling asleep, her mind drifting in a sea of love and contentment. In her half-conscious state, she mumbled back, "Love you too, both..." before sleep took her gently and completely. No nightmares would come that night.

Once they were both down for the count, Sam disentangled herself from Buffy's embrace. Her lover shifted, a tiny frown appearing between her brows, only to disappear when Riley's arm tightened around her waist. The slumbering pair moved closer together, Riley's larger body protecting her from whatever dreams might come.

Sitting beside them, Sam studied Buffy. Noted the hollows where there should be roundness. Noted how thin her arms were, and her legs. First order of business, get the girl to eat. Too thin to be healthy, let alone do the job she was doing. Even though she healed incredibly fast, hard hits over barely covered bones were bound to be painful.

Along with the pill, she was going to write a script for Buffy for vitamins; probably pre-natal because they would have the best concentration of things her body needed to recover from months of abuse. In the shadow of one cheek was the barest hint of a bruise, tiny tinge of yellow there should only have been pink. Hazards of the job but still... it ached to see her like this.

Must really bother Ry to see her this worn out. After all, he'd known her before... before she'd stepped off a platform and plunged to her death. He'd never mentioned anything like this. In all his stories Buffy was strong and unbroken, a golden girl from a golden time. Untouchable, perfect and precious... larger than life.

His hero. Whether Buffy knew it or not.

So many things said tonight. So many things revealed. So much had changed. Riley's perfect girl turned out to be human, achingly human. Fragility where there had been strength, shattered by the weight of what had happened to her. Still precious, infinitely precious, but not untouchable.

Never untouchable.

It would take a long time before Sam had all of it straight in her head. Despite the changes, though, one thing remained constant. Riley loved Buffy, always had and always would. And now Sam loved her too.

Which was enough.

More than enough.

Buffy's eyelids fluttered and she stirred, feeling Sam's intense gaze and occasional touch. She'd become a lighter sleeper in the past several months and it didn't take much to get her attention. She slowly opened her eyes and looked up at the figure seated beside her. Since it hadn't been all that long since she'd fallen asleep, she was able to place the face right away. "Sam?" she whispered, hoping she wouldn't wake Riley.

"Yes." A soft response followed by a soft touch on her throat. Sam's face lay half in shadow and half in moonlight. Silvered along one cheek and the line of her jaw. Eerily beautiful. Completely serene as her fingertips glided across smooth skin.

Behind Buffy, Riley stirred too. The same spill of silvered light picked out the shift of muscle and bone under gilded skin when he stretched. A contented sound escaped from his throat, somewhere between a hum and a moan. Soft sigh of breath, followed by the return of silence as he remained locked in the world of dreams.

Catching Sam's hand gently, Buffy studied her lover as best she could in the moonlight. She thought she saw concern in the other woman's eyes, but couldn't be completely sure. So she opted for the easy alternative and asked very softly, "Is something wrong?" She shifted lightly away from Riley, moving slowly until she was far enough away to prop herself up without disturbing him further.

Sam's other hand skimmed down the planes of her face and over her shoulders. Her fingertips found every bone that could be seen under the thin layer of skin. Nothing sensual or sexual in that touch; it was a cool assessment of her condition.

"You're thin." Sam's voice was barely above a whisper, kept low so as not to disturb their somnolent partner. "Too thin."

It wasn't meant as a criticism of Buffy, or of her beauty because there was no denying that she was beautiful. Any more than there was a chance Sam was not attracted to her, because she was. Had proven that undeniable reality already. But the doctor in her was rattling off facts and figures and the concern was mounting.

Buffy frowned, saddened and slightly defensive but not angry. She heard the traces of detachment in Sam's voice and suspected it was the doctor speaking rather than her lover. So rather than argue or deny it, she simply sighed and asked, "So what do I do about it? I have no appetite, Sam. I eat when my body demands it, but I can't make myself eat much when every other part of me is protesting..."

"Everybody reacts differently to stress. Some people overeat and some go the other way. You go the other way. When you're sad or depressed, you don't feel like eating, do you?" Sam's eyes were nowhere near as detached as her voice. When Buffy looked up into them, she found the caring and concern that was missing elsewhere in her life.

Moved by Sam's genuine concern, she found that she couldn't deny the assessment of her. She shook her head slowly. "No, I don't. I suppose I should have realized... it's not the first time it's happened."

Buffy wasn't sure that she would classify it as a reaction to stress... unless one counted unhappiness as stressful. Perhaps it was, in a way, but she really didn't equate the two. Stress, in her mind, was saving the world, or knowing that an apocalypse was on the way. Being unhappy was just icing on the cake.

"There are some things I can do for you until your appetite comes back. Vitamins will help. Do you take any now?" The next sweep of her hand was not nearly as clinical, she lingered along the soft curve of Buffy's breast. Touching her more like a lover.

Another hand, one heavier and more familiar, glided over her back. A gentle, sure touch - a very aware touch. Riley said nothing, simply gave his support where he could. He'd woken a moment or two before but hadn't wanted to disturb them. Until he heard the quiet note of despair in Buffy's voice.

Buffy took comfort from the gentle caresses, and a little of the uncertainty and despair left her. In answer to Sam's question, she shook her head again. "I've never needed to before, so I guess I didn't think about it. I've never been nutritionally deficient before in my life, though whether that's a Slayer attribute or one of the benefits of having a mother, I really don't know."

There was a shifting behind her and the next moment, Buffy found herself surrounded by Riley. His arms wrapped around her, one hand played over her stomach, warm body against her back. Still silent, he lent her the strength of his body and his heart.

"I'm going to write you a script for pre-natal vitamins, Buffy." The startled sound from her husband and the sharp lift of his head was very telling. Sam watched his eyes widen and then narrow, watched a myriad of emotions cross his face.

Interesting reaction. Very interesting. She knew Ry wanted kids, just never suspected that he might've wanted them with Buffy. Apparently there were even more things that they all needed to talk about. "They're the best to help rebuild your body right now."

Drawing strength from Riley's silent support, Buffy nodded her agreement. But she missed most of Riley's reaction to Sam's words since her attention remained on Sam. "Whatever you think best, then." She smiled a bit and added, "I'll try not to argue too much. Though I'll admit that the battle over food is one that my mom and I had more than once."

He had to close his eyes. Couldn't look. Couldn't be seen as those thoughts resurfaced. When he'd first fallen in love with Buffy, he'd wondered how she would look carrying his child. The flat belly under his hands swollen with life and promise.

Tiny hand wrapped around his finger while he held their child. Watching Buffy sleep, the ravages of birth having done nothing to hide her beauty. Baby at her breast, wisps of blond hair being smoothed by her hand. Solid gold band with their names engraved on it winking in the sunlight.

Dreams: they had been nothing but dreams.

Ghosts and shadows that disappeared along with the rest of his hopes when he realized her duty would never allow for it. A pregnant Slayer was a dead Slayer. Giles had been quite clear in his delivery of that particular dose of sober reality, even though Buffy's Watcher had been far from sober when he made the pronouncement.

Soul-crushing pearl of wisdom dropped in Riley's lap when he'd gone to the older man, looking for permission to marry his adopted daughter. Riley Finn was an old-fashioned guy; you checked with the girl's family first, usually the dad. But given Hank Summers' persistent non-presence in Buffy's life, that had left him with Giles.

Who had been in a remarkably foul mood, probably due to his having yet another concussion. Some random demon incident that nobody bothered to give Riley the full details on. Which was par for the course with being the boyfriend rather than the sidekicks. All bitterness aside, that night cemented Riley's opinion that Watchers should get helmets and protective gear issued along with stack after stack after stack of dusty books.

Giles had been hurt and drunk and angry about it. He railed at the fates and then railed at Riley. In the depths of his fourth or fifth tumbler of Scotch, Buffy's Watcher turned on him and pressed hard about his being careful. About not taking chances with Buffy's life to satisfy some half-baked, post-adolescent, testosterone-soaked whim.

Clearly impressed by Giles' command of vicious invective, which shouldn't be so surprising given his nationality, Riley came to the conclusion that Giles had found out about their near pregnancy scare earlier that month. Three days of worry, of Buffy taking EPT's and giving him the silent treatment, followed by apologies on both sides. Hers for being so scared and his... for wanting it to be true.

That wasn't the reason why he'd made the decision to marry her... not at all. He loved Buffy and wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. No matter how short either of their lives turned out to be.

The words never got out Riley's mouth that night, nor had the ring been presented. He listened to Giles' rant about Slayers and men and why in the past the girls had remained pure from time of calling to time of death. Which made Riley really wonder about the duties a Watcher's life encompassed before he decided not to go there.

It wasn't his business to wonder about chastity belts and up-tight middle-aged British men making sure their charges were locked away from everything but the monsters that were out to eat them alive. Not his business at all.

Ring box in his pocket. Riley chose to ask nothing at all. He listened to Giles, half-carried him to the bathroom when all the scotch he'd consumed decided to make a reappearance and then helped him into bed. A week later, Dracula came to town and everything started to come apart. Until there was nothing left of his dreams but the cold wash of the chopper blades and a whole lot of interesting scars on his body.

Not going to think about that now.

Water under the bridge.

Water. Under. The. Bridge.

Unaware of her husband's train of thought, Sam caressed his arm along with the flat slope of Buffy's stomach. She loved the contrast of their bodies. Buffy, so tiny and Riley, so huge. Beautiful together... so perfect together. "We'll start with the vitamins and see if your appetite returns. Who knows, with a little happiness in your life, we might not be able to keep you away from the Ben and Jerry's in our freezer."

Buffy's eyes lit up. "Ooh, ice cream?" Then she giggled at herself. "Okay, you found my weakness. I've never been able to turn down a pint of ice cream or a good milkshake. I just haven't been able to buy any in a really long time." She was half-joking, but in a way it was true. She and Willow had more than once indulged in a tear-fest and then gone out for ice cream.

And chocolate peanut butter ice cream was the closest one could get to orgasmic without ever being touched.

"Ice cream we can do." Riley murmured in her ear, silencing the rest of his words by kissing the delicate shell. **With pickles or whatever other strange cravings that come along. Stop it, Finn. Just stop it. Not gonna happen. Not a chance in hell.** He clamped down on his thoughts, locking them away to deal with later.

Much later.

Sam laughed, her hands braced behind her as she leaned back. There was a wealth of humor in her eyes even though she knew something was up with Riley. Something big. "It's Iowa boy here's favorite treat. Can't get it in most of the places we end up so whenever we're near civilization, he stocks up. I think he'd got twenty flavors right now."

Buffy shivered and leaned back against Riley as he kissed the rim of her ear, but her eyes sparkled with humor as she listened to Sam. "Why does that not surprise me? Like, at all. It's rather rough to live life without the sensual richness of good chocolate ice cream..."

"Chocolate ice cream..." The words were more a moan than anything else. Chocolate ice cream, dribbled off the end of a spoon. Fat drops striking faintly bronzed skin, sending shivers through his whole body. Warm tongue following them, smearing the creamy treat across his chest while Buffy tried to smother her giggles about turning him into a Riley sundae.

Sam grinned, she'd heard about this one. Bad habit of his, talking in his sleep. It was a good thing she had a top-secret clearance. She'd woken to his mutterings and listened as the whole scenario was laid out. In great detail. Illustrated by moans and the urgent rise of his hips, an open invitation, which Sam took full advantage of.

Riley woke up halfway through, his hands gripping her waist and pulling her into him. Mouth open on her breast, flow of words finally silenced until later. They discussed the incident when he was lucid and then tried it on their own... Only Sam preferred coffee ice cream and he'd indulged her.

He always indulged her.

The tone of Riley's voice sparked her own memories, sending the images flashing before her eyes. Buffy shivered lightly, grinning. "It was fun, wasn't it? Messy, though."

They'd both needed a shower after that particular game. Not that they minded in the slightest... it had simply led to more playing, of the hot, wet variety. Teasing voices and caressing hands filled with soap as they washed, and then wet tiles beneath her back and her legs wrapped around his waist. It had been a very good thing that the bathroom door locked.

"God, yes," his voice a velvet caress in her ear. The hand on her stomach was rising, fingertips brushing the underside of one breast and then the other. Hard again, not surprising given the inspiration those memories provided. Not just the ones with Buffy but the ones with Sam as well.

Watching the two of them with a raised eyebrow, Sam chuckled. It had been awhile since Riley had been this... motivated. "Why do I have the feeling that sleep might not be had tonight?" Completely rhetorical question, she didn't expect an answer. Little difficult to answer while kissing, which was Sam's next move. Leaning forward, finding Buffy's mouth with her own and absorbing whatever she was going to say in that touch.

Buffy wrapped her arms around Sam, pulling her closer as they kissed. The strength in her arms was tightly controlled, strong enough to pull and hold Sam close but in such a gentle way that it wouldn't hurt at all. Part of Buffy was constantly aware of the difference between her strength and others' ability to withstand it; her abilities were only totally loosed when on the hunt or against a demon.

But she used her abilities as she could, even in her personal life. She never completely let go, though, even when things got wild. She was too afraid of hurting someone important to her, so she leashed both her strength and her fears.

And so far, it had worked for her.

"Beautiful, so beautiful." Riley's hands in their hair, his mouth on their shoulders, kissing wherever he could reach. Felt the leashed strength of Buffy's body encircled by his own. Sam was right, they weren't going to get much sleep tonight.

Made sense. The first night he'd been with Buffy, they'd finally fallen asleep somewhere around dawn. Exhausted and satiated, bodies too tired to carry on even though the interest had been there. It was the same with Sam, they made love until the storm subsided, driving into and against each other time and time again.

She should be the voice of reason, should inject some form of sanity into this. But one touch of Buffy's soft lips, one echo of her husband's moan as he rocked into both of them was enough to send sanity on a long-deserved vacation.

They could be sensible later.

With a soft giggle, Buffy took advantage of her strength and her position between them to tumble their little group back onto the bed. That they ended up laying in a heap of startled dark eyes and tangled legs bothered her not at all and she leaned over to kiss first Sam and then Riley. She knew she wouldn't be able to catch them both by surprise very often, and she enjoyed the feeling while she could.

Riley laced his fingers through Buffy's hair, pulling her down for a fierce kiss. One that went on and on and on, and finally ended up with both of them breathless. He shuddered when someone's knee, probably Sam's brushed against his cock. Got an apology and a kiss from her as well as a very intimate caress from Buffy. It was starting all over again... which was just fine. Best to push all the questions and the worries back.

Deal with them in the light of day.

Deal with each other now.

Good plan.

The logistics of how to actually deal with three bodies instead of two, he didn't have either a roadmap or diagrams for but Riley was certain he could wing it. Improvisation was a very useful skill.

Sam answered at least one of the questions for him. Her hand found his cock, wrapped around it as she murmured, "My turn."

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