Title: Bring Me Into the Light (17/?)
AUTHOR: Mistress Ace & Em
E-MAIL: rosewood@inreach.com & slayerbuffy@aol.com
FEEDBACK: Is the butter on our bread. We write because the story begs to be told. Feedback lets us know if we struck a chord with you.
DISTRIBUTION: Our site, Fandom Writers (http://www.fandomwriters.com), of course. FINNatics, Vamps-N-Slayers, the other list archives as well. Anyone else interested, we'll be happy to share.
CATEGORY: Story: Romance, Angst
PAIRINGS: B/R/Sam, m/f, f/f
DISCLAIMER: Don't own the characters at all. (More's the pity) They belong to the Great God Joss Whedon et al. We are just borrowing them for a little bit. That's all. No BtVS characters were harmed in the writing of this fic. Well, maybe just a little.
SUMMARY: Not back for long enough. Not nearly long enough and there were too many things left up in the air. But isn't that the purpose of fan-fiction?

Chapter 17

Buffy laughed with Sam as they walked down the hall. She linked her arm through Sam's, her other hand finding Riley's as he caught up with them. Together, they walked out to the parking lot, a happy group. Buffy got a thrill using the key card to unlock the passenger-side door of the SUV; she could see how Riley got fond of his toy so quickly.

It was a really nice toy.

Leaving it to Riley to open Sam's door - he couldn't not, she knew - she made her way around to the driver's side and let herself in. Before she did anything else, she adjusted the seat so she could reach the pedals and the mirrors so she could see. The height difference was obvious in the set-up of the vehicle - blatantly obvious. Sam and Riley were just so tall.

Sam settled herself in the front seat while Buffy made adjustments. Her smile got broader and broader, hard to imagine that such a tiny girl was the Slayer. It'd honestly startled her when she found them together at the dam. Part of the reason why she was so harsh with Buffy then was because she couldn't believe that the petite and gorgeous blond hanging on her husband was in fact her hero.

Pulling himself up into the back seat, Riley leaned forward and tapped a few of the keys on the console. The seat slid into an even more comfortable position and when Buffy looked up at him through the rearview, he shrugged. "Programmed you into the system." Her look of absolute incredulity was greeted by a self-conscious laugh. "Not what you're thinking. Contingency planning. Worst-case scenario. Me and Sam down and you needing to get us to a safe place..."

"Ahh, I gotcha. Any little tricks I need to know about before we go anywhere?" Privately, Buffy was a little nervous about driving a high-tech machine like Riley's SUV. She was used to her mom's jeep, and this monster of a car was nothing like either that or Xander's little sedan. Buffy hid it well, though, and she knew she needed to get comfortable with it in case anything ever should happen. As long as it drove like a regular vehicle, she was probably fine.

"Not too many. It works like a regular truck. Just don't push the buttons on the main console. Especially this one." Riley tapped the console, right below a red button. The SUV wasn't 007 material but it had a few special features that she needed to know about. The red button was a big one. "Push this one and we could have a problem."

"Don't push the red button, got it. The red buttons are always the self-destruct in the movies, anyway." Buffy winked at him. Next to her, Sam was sorting through a stack of CD's "Anything else? Oh, I won't mess with the stereo while I'm driving, but you guys can go ahead. Won't bother me."

Riley winked back, resisting the urge to kiss her. It was so good to be able to laugh and tease again. "Not self-destruct but you'd probably blow up the car in front of us. Just an extra meant for dealing with road-blocks or riots." They'd hit a few of those in the past few months, had to get the SUV repainted at least once because of that time in Seattle when he had to run it through what they were tracking.

Demon blood was hell on paint-jobs.

Opening the console, Sam replaced the earlier selection. There was no need to get them worked up all over again. The vehicle was filled with the sound of water and rain and guitars played in counterpoint. One of her favorites, it helped with decompression after a mission. "We'll give you a full run-down later. He loves to show his baby off."

Buffy grinned at the idea of a weapon on the car, and it broadened at Sam's comment about Riley showing off his 'baby'. It was funny, really. Such a guy thing. "Okay, then, I guess we're off."

She put the car into reverse and backed out of the parking space, then into drive and carefully left the parking lot. Despite Riley's assertions the night before about Buffy and driving not being 'mixy' things, Buffy's driving was just fine. She didn't yet have the complete ease with it that came from years of experience, but she was fully in control of the car and not easily distracted.

He was quietly impressed by her skill. She was a cautious driver but that wasn't a bad sign at all. It was better to have her be cautious than show the usual bravado he associated with Buffy. Leaning between them, Riley laid a hand on Sam's thigh, which she covered with her own. He watched the road, mapping out all contingencies in case the other drivers did something crazy.

After a few minutes, Sam squeezed his hand. "Stop it. She's doing just fine." Startled, Riley gave her a quick glance before hanging his head. She was right, he was being a back-seat driver. A silent one but one nonetheless.

Letting go of her hand, he eased back into the seat and did something he rarely ever did. He relaxed. Let down his guard, propped his head back against the seat and thought about the night before. Thoughts that made him shift around and realize the pants he chose to wear... were way too tight.

Last night was the most incredible experience of his life, hands down. He never thought he'd do anything remotely like that. Riley was a one-woman guy. When he was in a relationship he prided himself on being faithful no matter what the temptation. And during his getting bitten phase here in Sunnydale, there had been plenty of temptation.

But this... this was okay. Instead of feeling guilt, he was content.

He loved Sam and he loved Buffy and they loved him and... amazingly - each other. So no harm, no foul. The seventh commandment - Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery - the one that had been branded into his skin in screaming red letters for as long as he could remember had been replaced by something else.

A something Tara told him once when they'd met by chance outside of the little alley that led to his addiction. He'd bought her coffee and they ended up talking about love and choices and life and she'd shared the basic tenant of the religion she'd chosen for herself. 'And it harm none, do what you will.'

That's what they'd done last night. No one was getting hurt by this and no one would get hurt by this. So they were doing what they will and Riley was okay with that. He could even enjoy it...

The short drive passed uneventfully. Traffic was light, this early in the morning, and Riley and Sam seemed content to let her focus on her driving. She knew the town blindfolded, but she was still getting used to driving around it. Still, only a little while after leaving the hotel, Buffy pulled the SUV into the driveway of her house and shut it off. She unfastened her seatbelt and turned to look at her companions.

Sam seemed relaxed, a sparkle in her eyes and her perpetually happy aura solidly surrounding her. Twisting further to look at Riley, Buffy was surprised to see him relaxed as he was. It wasn't unheard of for her, but she didn't remember the last time he looked so content, so at peace. She was glad that he was feeling that way, though. It made her believe that things were as they were meant to be.

After a moment more of watching him sit there with his eyes closed, Buffy smiled and said, "We're here."

"We are. And with a few minutes to spare. Good." Unhooking her seatbelt, Sam brushed her hand down along Buffy's arm. They couldn't kiss, not with the neighbors leaving for work all around them but she could indulge in that light touch. Kissing could come later.

"You want us to go in with you, Buffy? Or did you want to give Dawn a heads-up that we're here?" Still relaxed, Riley leaned forward again, his hand brushed down the same arm. Warm through her thin jacket, so warm. Almost as warm as the smile he gave her.

Buffy thought about it for a moment. If she went in first, she could let the others know who she was with and lessen the shock. But she was less likely to get the "where were you?" looks and questions if they went in with her. They'd know she had been safe if she'd been with Riley and Sam all night.

Besides... it would take some of the pressure off of her, and that was all to the good in her mind. "I think I'd like you to come in with me, if you don't mind. That way we can skip over the 'where were you' part and go right to 'I'm glad you're safe'. I think they'll relax a little easier that way; and, I'd really like to have you with me."

"Hoped you'd say that." Riley reached for the door and popped the latch. Halfway through it, he paused, turned back and fixed her with a look. One that was echoed by his words. "No matter how they take this, I love you. Just wanted you to know."

"We both do," Soft laughter, followed by a quick kiss to her cheek. Sam opened her door as well, sliding out into the bright sunlight. She stood, stretched and hugged Riley as he moved past her.

Buffy opened her own door and slid down from the seat. She tipped her head back, letting the sunbeams play over her face for a few moments. She loved the feel of the sunlight; it was something she didn't get to enjoy very often. After a moment, though, she caught sight of Dawn peeking out the front windows; Buffy waved and started to move towards the front door. She felt Riley and Sam following her as she went up the steps, and she paused to wait for them before going inside.

As she was reaching for her keys, the front door opened and Dawn flew out the door. "Buffy! We were so worried when you weren't here this morning. But I'm glad you got out; did you have a good time?" Dawn was almost bouncing on her toes. She was very happy for her sister, both that she'd gotten to spend some time out and that she'd been with Riley.

Riley, who'd been her favorite of Buffy's boyfriends. So much better for Buffy than Angel what with the whole curse thing and trying to kill them all when his soul left town. Plus he was human and could go around in sunlight and he was kinda cool in a commando sort of way.

Even if he did call her a kid.

Dawn looked so excited, like she'd come down on Christmas morning and found everything she'd ever wanted under the tree. Riley grinned at her and got an even more brilliant smile in return. "Hey kid. Borrowed your sister last night, hope you don't mind?"

This time Dawn did bounce up on her toes, ready to leap on him. Until Sam stepped out from behind Riley and stood shoulder-to-shoulder with him. The smile dimmed as Sam greeted her, "Morning Dawn. Glad we made it in time before you left for school. How are you?"

Dawn's chipper attitude quieted a little as she regarded Sam. She tilted her head slightly, a move she picked up from her sister, and regarded the tall woman for a moment before answering. Finally she just shrugged and said, "Fine, I guess. When did you guys get back?" Dawn took a couple steps back, putting her sister between herself and the couple in front of her. She'd forgotten that Riley was supposed to be married to this woman.

But Buffy seemed so happy; it confused Dawn. Buffy seemed to glow, in a way that she hadn't since Riley had left. But how could they be together again with Sam in the way? She was the whole reason why he wasn't coming back. Right?

Buffy rested her hand on Dawn's arm and smiled at her. "Let's go inside, Dawnie. We can answer questions then, so Willow can hear, too." No point in letting the neighbors hear, and even less point in having to tell it all twice in as many minutes.

"Sounds like a plan," Riley nodded toward the open door and smiled. The neighbors weren't particularly nosy, this being Sunnydale and all, but there was no harm in being cautious. "Ladies first."

Laughing to herself, Sam chucked him on the shoulder. He always insisted his mother raised him right and it showed through his old-fashioned manners. Not that she minded but sometimes she just wanted to drag him into the twenty-first century with everyone else. "We got back in town, what... two nights ago?" She waited until Buffy and Dawn walked into the house arm in arm, then followed them in.

Riley looked up and down the street as he made sure the perimeter was clear before stepping inside. Caution around here was never a bad thing.

"You mean you were here for an entire day before I saw you?" Buffy pouted at Sam, obviously teasing. After last night it was impossible to put the walls back up again. "Would you have ever let me know you were in town, if I hadn't stumbled into you in the cemetery?

Dawn watched her sister tease Sam, a puzzled expression on her face. Those two had seemed tense, when they were here last. Yet now... they seemed comfortable, very cheerful and definitely friendly. Just what was going on?

Willow came into the living room when she heard voices. She smiled brightly when she saw the group in the living room. "Buffy, you're back!" She gave her best friend a hug before turning her smile on Riley and Sam. Them being there was a bit of a surprise but hey, Buffy being out with them was a lot better than some of the alternatives. "Riley. Sam. How are you, and when did you get back?"

Buffy spoke up as she tried not to laugh, "Knew that would be the first question. Should've waited."

"We're fine, Willow. And we got in night before last. Nepal got scrubbed." Riley stepped into a hug, pulling Willow in close for a minute. It felt good to get a real welcome. Dawn was great but she could turn on the cold shoulder act pretty quick. To his surprise, Willow hugged Sam in turn, smiling the whole time.

And maybe he shouldn't be so surprised at that. After all, Willow had always been the friendly one. When he first expressed an interest in Buffy, Willow aided and abetted him... Grumbled the whole way and threatened him with a shovel but she did become his accomplice in courting Buffy. It was nice to know she was willing to accept Sam. At least a little bit anyway. Having her as an ally would certainly make this easier.

Returning the hug, Sam ducked her head and fought the urge to squeeze hard. It was nice to find acceptance among Buffy's friends. They were going to need all they could get. "We had some free time on our hands. Finn's always said Sunnydale's the place to come when you've got time to kill."

Willow smiled at Sam as they drifted into the living room. "Or an inclination to just kill. Demons, I mean. So, I take it you're the friends Buffy was out with last night? And it got late, so you decided to just keep her overnight, I'm guessing?" Despite her agreement to hate Sam for Buffy's sake, she'd found that she honestly just couldn't. She made Riley happy and Willow couldn't see how that was really a bad thing.

But Buffy and Sam seemed to be getting along fine now, so she didn't think it mattered anymore. Willow sat down and watched the group in front of her as they found their own seats. Something was different; the tension was gone, but there was something else, too. Buffy seemed happy - happier than she had in a long time. A happy Buffy came under the category of a very good thing so Willow intended to get to the bottom of it.

So it would keep happening.

Buffy sat on the couch, on one end so she was closest to Dawn's chair. She'd leave it up to Riley and Sam as to who sat where; it didn't matter to her, really. Though the thought crossed her mind that Dawn and Willow might be shocked if they saw her leaning on Sam's shoulder, should Sam end up next to her. The thought made her smile a little.

"That would be us. We ran into Buffy while taking out a nest in Pleasant Grove and dragged her along. Had a line on another one at the Stevens place." It was best he sit further away. That way there was less temptation to pull Buffy onto his lap. Riley took the far end and Sam sat next to him, threading her fingers through his. They had to behave for a while longer anyway. Dawn was due at school in just a few minutes so the real interrogation wouldn't start until she was gone.

Sam leaned against Riley, her jeans-clad leg knee pressed alongside Buffy's for a moment. Long enough to make contact but not long enough to draw a comment. "Wiped that one out too. We ended up over at the Bronze for a little while after that. Even got this one to dance." She elbowed her husband who chuckled and leaned further back to give her room.

Willow's eyes widened and a smile lit her face. "Riley, dancing? As in, actually on the floor and moving to the music? But he said he can't dance!" She had seen him dance once, when they'd all been really drunk. Or at least she'd thought she'd seen it... Xander claimed there were pictures but said Riley commandeered them.

Buffy laughed pleasantly. "He'll never get away with that one again, I can tell you. He can dance, all right." She looked sideways at him and smiled. That smile was returned by a very warm one from Riley.

Dawn opened her mouth to say something, then closed it again as someone knocked on the door. "That's Xander... I've gotta go. Will I see you guys tonight?" Dawn got to her feet and went to get her book-bag off the table by the stairs. She hoped they would all still be around after school; something was definitely up, and she wanted to know what it was.

"Sure thing. We're in town for the rest of the week. Unless something comes up." Riley felt the heat of an inappropriate blush as the innuendo caught up with him. It was probably a good thing that Sam had him pinned in place so he wasn't able to get up and see Dawn to the door. Explaining why something had just came up was something he didn't want to do.

He also wasn't ready to see Xander. Knowing his luck, the Xand-man would ask him to be an usher at the wedding which he wouldn't mind but it would seriously cut down on the possibility of mocking the dresses properly, like Buffy wanted him too. And it was best to make the explanations to the Scoobies one at a time. Less chance of getting ganged up on.

Tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, Sam beamed at Dawn. Despite the fact that Dawn didn't approve of her, Sam saw how Buffy's sister practically lit up whenever Riley spoke to her. It might be a crush but was more likely something else, maybe looking for a big brother in him like she had with Xander. "We'll see you tonight. Buffy asked if we could hang with her today. Go over some things."

"Cool. See you this afternoon, then." Dawn waved on her way out the door, smiling when Buffy waved back. The younger Summers girl knew she'd be home right after school, for once. She just had to know what had happened last night.

Cause something had.

Something major.

Willow smiled and shook her head. She was glad Dawn was gone, in a way, because she had some serious questions she wanted to ask the three in front of her. They were all looking way too cozy. She sat back and fixed Riley with a stern stare.

"You said you're here for the rest of the week, and I'm assuming you three will be spending a lot of time together. I won't have to get the shovel out at the end of the week, will I?" She arched one red eyebrow at the tall soldier-guy, waiting for his answer. While she couldn't do magic any more, that didn't mean she couldn't cause him severe bodily harm.

"Depends," Riley stated clearly, just as serious as Willow was. Here was the moment of truth. Even though Willow wasn't doing magic anymore, she had friends who did and the shovel would be a blessing considering what they could do. He'd seen first hand what a pissed-off shaman could do and it wasn't pretty. "On what you consider to be a shoveling offense."

Good dodge. Sam was impressed to some extent but they were supposed to be on the up-and-up with Buffy's friends. So she might have to be the one to make the first move. Which she did, in the most subtle way she could manage because this was really Buffy's story to tell. Sam reached out and took Buffy's hand, lacing their fingers together and squeezed lightly.

Buffy intertwined her fingers with Sam's and squeezed lightly back. She shifted her hips, sinking deeper into the couch and causing her outer thigh to brush against Sam's fingers, where their hands were linked between them. It felt so good to touch her again. To feel the love that would keep her sane.

Willow, in the meantime, was answering Riley. She looked very serious and quite ready to defend her best friend in whatever way she could. Her answer came smoothly, in a soft but resolute tone. Buffy had been hurt so much. Somebody needed to stand up for her. "Anything that leaves her in as bad a condition as the last time you left, for starters. Xander said there were extenuating circumstances last time, and I trust him. But if it happens again..."

Gentle-hearted as she was, Willow knew she wouldn't be able to stand seeing Buffy so broken up by Riley a second time. Twice by two men was more than enough for anyone; a third time wouldn't be tolerated, even if she had to beat people to death to prevent it. Her heart ached for her best friend as it was. Buffy deserved better than that.

"Wills..." Buffy's soft voice caught Willow's attention, and she caught sight of Buffy and Sam's clasped hands. It took her by surprise for a minute, but she'd wait for Riley's answer before moving on to other questions. And there were a lot more questions to come given the hand-holding going on, plus the whole cuddly-relaxed feeling she was getting here.

"No broken hearts this time, Willow. No broken anything. I promise." He bent forward, his shoulder brushing against Sam's. A touch she leaned into, her hand tightening on his. The easiest part of the story first. Then they could tackle the harder issues. "We came to offer Buffy a job."

Silent, Sam sat between them. More than anything, she wanted to reveal everything to the young woman who watched them so intently. But she couldn't, she wouldn't. It was Buffy's call. Her lover had insisted there would be full disclosure with her friends. That full disclosure had to come from Buffy herself. Feeling the fine tremor in Buffy's arm, Sam responded to it. She raised Buffy's hand to her lips and kissed the back of it.

Buffy knew she had to do something before she was shaken up completely. Before she was too nervous to get the words out. Buffy smiled at Sam as her lover kissed the back of her hand and decided that blatant was easiest. Willow could take it; it's not like she could possibly have anything against a same-sex relationship.

Sliding closer to Sam, Buffy shifted to rest her head on Sam's shoulder and let go of her hand so Sam could wrap and arm around her and hold her close. Sam obliged her with a smile, and Buffy began to relax immediately. "There won't be any broken hearts, Wills. We've found our own solution, unconventional though it may be. And I'm happy with it."

Okay, the whole job thing could wait until she got this part straight. Wide-eyed, Willow put two and two together. Unconventional, definitely, and in a way she hadn't considered. She knew Riley was too moralistic to cheat on his wife, even if he still loved Buffy. Which Willow was sure he did. But if they had a full three-way relationship... that changed everything. "You mean you... all three of you? Together?"

Riley nodded slowly, his entire attention fixed on Willow. While she watched him in turn, he disentangled his fingers from Sam's and slid his arm around her shoulders, his fingertips finding the soft halo of Buffy's hair. "Yes. All three of us."

Relaxing into the solid comfort that was her husband, Sam rested her head on his shoulder. She smiled at Willow, jade-green eyes calm and genuinely happy. Now they were getting somewhere. Good. "My idea. In case you were wondering. Ry loves Buffy, she loves him... and I... love both of them."

"And we both love Sam, Wills. The only real difference is that they're married and I'm not." Buffy shrugged lightly, within the confines of Sam's embrace. Despite the waterworks earlier, she really was fine with the way things were. "Which is something I can handle, truly. I don't really care about the legalities of it, and I gave up on having my own wedding a long time ago." Which Willow already knew.

"And you're happy like this, Buffy? Honestly, now, this is real and not something you're clinging to?" Willow bit her lower lip, not wanting to hurt her friend but also not wanting to see her make another relationship mistake. Cause hey – Angel, big mistake that came complete with fangs and a homicidal attitude. And Stinky Parker-man hadn't been much better. So that left only one Buffy guy... Riley.

Buffy smiled slightly as she cuddled even closer to Sam. "I'm happy, and I'm sure about it. I haven't been this happy in a while; I'm learning to deal, finally. Riley always did know how to make me smile, and Sam seems to do the same thing. More so, sometimes. Oh, and Wills, you really should've seen us at the Bronze!" She giggled softly, her eyes flashing briefly as she remembered.

Freedom had never felt so good.

Sam laughed, the low and sexy laugh that was guaranteed to get a rise out of her husband. Which it did, Riley shifted behind her, hard evidence against her hip as she purred, "We burned up that dance floor." And the back of the SUV... not to mention their hotel room.

"We'll be lucky if they let us back in," Riley's neck was red, his blush deepened as that particular memory flooded back in. Sam and Buffy entwined together, hips swaying to a rhythm that had everything and nothing to do with the music. Every man in the place watching them, wolves circling the floor as they sought an opening in the mating dance.

Coming out on top as the alpha male... the one who stepped into the circle and won both of them had been damned satisfying.

Very good for the ego.

"Oh, they'll let us back in. They'll blame me, 'cause it's not the first time. But they'll let us back in," Buffy voice assured them, a subtle purr lighting her tone as well. The Bronze had benefited many times over the years by having her as a regular. She knew they'd let her back in.

Willow's eyes widened further and she chuckled softly even as she blushed. "Okay, so you've gone public with this." She pinned Buffy with her eyes as well as her next question. "Okay, Buff, when did you turn bi on me? I mean, hello, living here with my girlfriend for months... and you didn't tell me?"

Buffy shook her head slightly and shrugged. "Until yesterday, there was nothing to tell. I've never felt this way about another woman before, Wills. But I do love Sam. A lot. And I have to say that I can understand a little more about you and Tara now. Didn't know what I was missing." Buffy's eyes glinted as she finished speaking, playful and mischievous at the same time.

Ry knew that tone. He'd heard it a lot when they were first dating. When Buffy was trying to puzzle him out. She loved to tease and flirt and get him flustered to where he tripped over his own words. Like the time he admitted to practicing his conversations with her. She teased him about that for weeks. This was a happy Buffy, a very happy Buffy. Who was a person he'd missed desperately.

"No teasing," Sam murmured into Buffy's hair. She watched Willow carefully and was deceptively calm about it. But there was something territorial about the gleam in her eye and the set of her body. She would share with Riley, happily, but no one else. Unlike her husband, she didn't know Willow as well and wasn't certain of her motives.

Riley felt Sam tense up, felt the barely leashed threat in muscles of her arms and back as she watched Willow. Understandable, she'd only met Willow once and had never seen her with Tara. Didn't know what those two had going and how strong their feelings were. So it was easy for her to make this kind of mistake.

It was up to him to set her straight though. Willow was Buffy's best friend and that was as far as it went. "Stand down, soldier," he stated quietly, his gaze intent on Willow's face. "No danger here. Not that kind of friendship."

Buffy sent a glance at Willow, who nodded and turned her eyes away for a moment. Buffy then turned toward Sam and gave her a gentle kiss. "It's okay, Sam," she crooned softly. "Willow is my best friend, nothing more. She has Tara, and they'll be happy once everything is worked out. She's looking out for me, is all. The way I would for her, if our places were reversed."

A hard edge crept into her voice as she continued, leaving no doubt that she meant every word. "I belong to you and to Riley and nothing will ever change that. I'm yours, you're mine. Clear?"

"Crystal," was the response, given in a similar tone. No hint of weakness or even subtlety. That wasn't Sam's way, never had been. She was up-front in everything that she did and with everything that she felt. "Yours, both of us."

After a moment, she relaxed and looked up over Buffy's shoulder at Willow, who was watching them open-mouthed and a little stunned by the exchange. "I'm sorry, Willow. Seems I'm always putting my foot in it with you. It's just... we don't know each other at all. I'd like to change that."

Behind her, Riley rumbled his approval. Deep, soft sound at the back of his throat. The noise was something Willow probably didn't even hear but both Buffy and Sam caught it. His arm around them tightened for a minute and then relaxed. "Came as a shock to me too. I knew about Sam... we know everything about each other. The rest of it's... Well, almost more than I could handle."

"I don't know. Think you handled it just fine." Long drawl from Sam which was followed by her laughter then Buffy's. Riley ducked his head down, fighting the blush he knew was coming. He felt the heat and the rush of it and silently cursed that habit of his. Luckily it never showed up when they were in the field.

"I'd have to agree with Sam. You 'handled' us both pretty well." With a grin and a wink, Buffy turned back to Willow. Who was smothering a laugh of her own.

"I'd like for us to have a chance to know each other better too, Sam," Willow replied when they'd all calmed somewhat. "I love Buffy, but not the way you do. You don't have to worry about me on that score. I was just curious; Buffy and I have been friends for so long that I know almost everything about her. Well, perhaps not everything, but most of it. Buffy was the first close friend I ever had who was a girl."

"And Wills was my first close friend when I moved here. But that's all there is to it," Buffy agreed. She settled against Sam, her head back on her lover's shoulder. Her other hand found Riley's and rested there gently. "So, now that that's settled... any more questions?"

"Um... oh, what did Riley mean when he said they came to offer you a job?" Willow was truly curious. She looked at Buffy with bright eyes, glancing at the clock to assure herself that she had plenty of time before class started. A job for Buffy was another item on the good things list.

"Well, I don't know all the details yet, but I'd be working as a consultant and emergency on-call contact for their unit. Sort of part-time, but with benefits." Buffy glanced at Riley, not sure of how much she'd be allowed to tell Willow and also curious about some of the missing details herself.

"We need to talk to the Colonel to iron out the deal." Riley held up his watch and noted the time. He knew his CO's schedule for this week; right now he was in a staff meeting and then a global briefing. Drum would be free in an hour or so. "But here's the basics: Buffy will be an on-call specialist. When we've got something really hairy, we'll bring her in. Full pay, full benefits... Medical, dental, life - retirement... all of it."

Sam settled in even closer to Riley and smoothed a hand down Buffy's arm. She could get used to this, being surrounded by her lovers. It was a great feeling, something she didn't want to lose... ever. When Riley stopped talking, she added her own spin, "Plus she'll also have us as back-up. Something goes down here in Sunnydale; we'll be a phone call away. We'll bring in a full squad and all the firepower needed for the job."

Willow looked relieved to hear the news about back-up. There had been quite a few times when they'd needed it in the past, and more when they really could have used help but there hadn't been anyone they could call on without major issues. If they'd had back-up, they wouldn't have had to recruit the entire senior class to stop the Ascension, for one thing. And with the right help, maybe Buffy wouldn't have ever been killed by Glory.

"That's good to know, definitely," she said. "Glad to know the military is going to help keep her alive long enough to collect on her retirement benefits." Willow colored the instant the words were out of her mouth. She'd really put her foot in it, now. "Oops. I mean, uh... yeah. Sorry, Buffy."

Buffy shook her head and gave her best friend a small smile. "Nah, it's okay. Honestly, that was my first thought too."

"We'll do everything we can." Softly spoken, almost under his breath. Riley closed his eyes for a moment, trying to block out the images from last night's talk. The ones that disturbed him the most, the ones guaranteed to give him nightmares.

Buffy, broken - Buffy, dead.

That wasn't going to happen again. Never again.

Not while he lived.

Behind her, Sam felt Riley tense up, heard the grind of his teeth and found her own jaw tightening. She knew what he was thinking about, or at least she thought she knew. Silence reigned between them as she waited for his breathing to calm and when it didn't, Sam turned her head, tilting it upward so she could see his face. Yeah, tense and shuttered, closed up the way he'd been when she first met him. It had taken months to crack through that shell.

"Not on our watch." Soft and low, for his ears alone although Sam was certain Buffy heard them. There was reassurance in the touch of her hand along his jaw, confirmation that she would do everything in her power to keep the promises they'd made last night and this morning.

Picking up on both Sam's words and the tension coming from both her lovers, Buffy decided to diffuse the situation the best way she could. She got up and then draped herself across both of their laps, catching Sam's hand with one of her own and resting her head against Riley's shoulder. Reassuring them both that she was there, happy and healthy. Sam was still leaning against Riley, and Buffy was actually quite comfortable sitting there.

If she twisted just slightly, she could look at Willow while they spoke, too. So it was all good.

Willow, for her part, definitely picked up on the tension and blamed herself for causing it. She could see that Buffy's move was trying to help, so she didn't object to witnessing a snuggle-fest. She didn't even tease, the way she would've if the situation had been less serious. She just accepted it and waited for someone to start up the conversation again, looking at her feet or at the table or past the trio to stare out the window.

Riley's free arm wound around Buffy's waist, holding her in place and slowly he relaxed. There were so many things he wanted to say to Willow. And do to her. He wanted to shake her for what she'd done, for being so selfish as to drag Buffy away from her reward. And he wanted to fall on his knees and bless her for doing it, for bringing her back so they could be like this.

So he and Sam could have this. Have Buffy in their lives.

Instead of speaking, he opted to kiss the top of Buffy's head, his eyes closing as he took in her scent and the soft brush of her hair. When he took off that cold December night, Riley never imagined he would ever return to this sunlit room. Never thought he'd have the privilege of holding her again. Of being this close. The reality of it was almost enough to reduce him to tears.

"Hey, Willow," Sam spoke quietly, her attention fixed on their companion who was looking more miserable by the second. Willow was looking at everything in the room but them and her face was getting paler by the minute. "I'm a little thirsty and I'm sure they are too. Think we could find something in the kitchen?"

The need to give Riley and Buffy a minute she left unsaid. Anyone with eyes would be able to see they needed some privacy here.

"Sure, no problem. You know what Riley likes, I assume?" With a grateful smile for Sam, Willow led the way into the kitchen. She saw Sam close the door behind her, giving the pair in the living room some quiet time for just them.

Buffy was just aware enough of Sam and Willow's dialogue to not tense up when Sam moved off the couch. She knew she'd have to thank her lover later - both for the time with Riley and for giving Willow a reason to leave the room, since she looked so uncomfortable. Not that she really thought that there was much of anything in the kitchen...

Turning her thoughts back to the man who cradled her in his arms so gently, she snuggled against him. The way he made her feel, so safe and warm and loved, it was almost like being in Heaven's embrace again... it did her soul a world of good, just to be near him. A place she'd never thought she would be again, and a state of mind - happiness - that she thought had abandoned her for good.

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