Title: Bring Me Into the Light (21/?)
AUTHOR: Mistress Ace & Em
E-MAIL: rosewood@inreach.com & vicedragonv@msn.com
FEEDBACK: Is the butter on our bread. We write because the story begs to be told. Feedback lets us know if we struck a chord with you.
DISTRIBUTION: Our site, for the moment. When we post fully edited chapters, those can be posted elsewhere. RATING: NC-17
CATEGORY: Story: Romance, Angst
PAIRINGS: B/R/Sam, m/f, f/f
DISCLAIMER: Don't own the characters at all. (More's the pity) They belong to the Great God Joss Whedon et al. We are just borrowing them for a little bit. That's all. No BtVS characters were harmed in the writing of this fic. Well, maybe just a little.
SUMMARY: Not back for long enough. Not nearly long enough and there were too many things left up in the air. But isn't that the purpose of fan-fiction?

Chapter 22

When he released her, Sam tilted her head to one side, studying his face. "Hey, you thirsty? Buffy, how about you? I think I can probably find something..."

Buffy shook her head slightly. "I'm okay, thanks. There's really not much, anyway... just the leftover bit of stuff that Xander bought for us last week..." She bit her lip and shrugged. "Shopping really just hasn't been an option, I'm afraid. Dawn wasn't kidding when she offered you ice cubes..."

Good. Buffy was the one who broached the subject and now Sam could take care of that little problem. "We can fix that. Make a list of what you want." They could either go shopping or Sam could call it in. Along with the script for Buffy's birth control.

Sam's interruption had given Riley enough time to pull himself together. It had been a rough 24 hours, for all of them. While crying wasn't his style, it was perfectly understandable considering just how my emotional highs and lows they'd hit. Good thing Gray hadn't been here to see that, Rile knew he'd never hear the end of it.

Not that Gray wasn't going to give him a ration about the rest of it. Graham Miller had a real soft spot where Sam was concerned and Riley knew he was gonna get an earful once Gray figured out exactly what was going on here. His old buddy didn't hate Buffy, actually admired her but this... this was probably going to tax his ability to deal.

Buffy blinked at Sam, not entirely comprehending. They could fix her grocery problem? Just like that? The idea of having food in the house again was a very pleasant one... the past several weeks had been very rough on her and Dawn. Very rough. At least she'd kept giving Dawn money for school lunches - the poor kid got at least one decent meal a day, even if cafeteria food wasn't the greatest.

"Um... okay. A list. I can do that, I think. Just whatever we need most?" Buffy could stick to staples, if necessary. Which it probably was.

"Everything you want. Anything you want. You tell us, we'll get it." Food was an easy commodity to come by. Much easier than time or any of the other things that she really needed. Sam rose up on her elbow and grinned down at Buffy. "How about Chubby Hubby ice cream? Whatever you want."

A warm chuckle announced Riley's full return to the conversation. He smiled at both of them, noting the hopeful gleam in Buffy's eyes. "I hope that wasn't a crack aimed at me. I am not chubby... at least I don't think so."

A bright smile lit Buffy's face. She turned it on Riley at his comment and skimmed her fingertips over his hip. "Nope, you're not. I think it was a crack at me, though. Sam thinks I'm too thin," Buffy guessed, fairly sure of herself. While they'd talked last night, she'd seen the way Sam's eyes skimmed over her torso and almost seemed to be counting her ribs. Which were visible enough, she supposed.

"I may just have to do that, though. Order ice cream. One of my favorites is Caramel Fudge Brownie." That one came right after chocolate peanut butter. Rich, sensual goodness. Went straight to her waistline, or it might if she wasn't the slayer. Gotta love that metabolism that could handle anything she threw at it.

"Thanks for reminding me. Vitamins..." Sam added it to her mental checklist, they were going to get Buffy back to a decent weight. She'd make the store run while Riley talked to Drummond. That way he could make whatever deal he had to make without interference or her tendency to step into the conversation. Maybe she'd take Buffy with her.

No. Judging by the way Riley was holding Buffy, Sam was pretty sure he had no intention of letting her out of his sight. She'd be lucky if he let her go to the bathroom without him.

Thinking about all the possibilities, Buffy began to realize that she'd never remember to write down everything that she wanted from the store. She wondered if Sam was going... maybe she could go along? She didn't think that she really had a place getting involved in Riley's call to his CO. And she trusted him to make the right decisions... if he needed her approval, he could ask her when they got back...

"Sam? Were you actually planning on going to the store yourself?" At Sam's nod, Buffy nodded back, with a tentative glance at Riley. "Do you think I could come with you? When mom and I used to go shopping, we would just walk up and down the isles until we had everything we needed..."

Riley's arms tightened around her and when Buffy looked back at him, his eyes were wide and dark. The words were right on the tip of his tongue. The ones that begged her not to go, not to leave him. But he was going to have to leave her at some point and Riley wasn't going to have a double standard.

He bit them back, lowered his gaze and swallowed them down. Until Sam smoothed his brow with her fingertips and offered. "You can come with us, Ry. We'll need the help loading all the stuff up." Which was a lie and they all knew it. Buffy was strong enough to carry any number of groceries and Sam was no weakling but it gave him the excuse to tag along. Which she knew he was dying to do.

Buffy tightened her arms around Riley and nodded. "Of course you can come along, Riley. You're always welcome, always. You can help pick out what we want to eat. If I have anything to say about it, you guys are going to be here with me while you're in town. I need to talk to Willow, but I think we can arrange a bedroom swap..." Might take a day or two, but they did have their hotel room; she could always go back there with them until things were sorted out here. It would work. It would. She wouldn't consider anything else.

"If Willow won't swap bedrooms, you can always stay with us." Riley offered as he unwound himself from their arms. A quick glance at the clock confirmed that Drummond's meetings would be over in about twenty minutes which gave him just enough time to shower. He could deal with Drum while Buffy and Sam cleaned up. Which they would have to do because right now, they all smelled like sex. Really good sex, but sex nonetheless.

"That's true but it would be better if you stuck close to Dawn, right?" Sam stayed put with her arms still wound around Buffy. She wasn't ready to let go of the physical connection yet. She watched as her husband stood and stretched and turned away from them for a moment. Struck again by his sheer physical perfection, she sighed and cuddled closer to their lover.

Buffy was content to stay with Sam and she snuggled into the embrace as they watched Riley with similar smiles on their faces. "That's true," she replied. "While I think Dawn would be understanding of why I want to be with you, it's better in the long run for all of us to be here. Besides, I know Wills... she won't want to stay here forever, and once she knows I'm stable again she'll want freedom to leave. When she and Tara sort things out, I suspect they'll want to live together again. And this place isn't really big enough for six."

Riley hoped that what Buffy was saying would happen. He liked Willow, loved her like a sister and Tara was one of the sweetest gals he knew. They seemed so happy when he left but Sunnydale wasn't a place that had many happy endings.

Turning back to face his companions, it struck him that things could change. Even in Sunnydale. They were a happy ending, well... more like a happy beginning and he'd do everything in his power to make sure they stayed that way. Starting with fixing Buffy's money situation. "I hope that happens... I'm going to hop a quick shower, get cleaned up. Anybody want to join me?" The last was added as a joke, he really didn't expect them to take him up on it. Though it could be fun.

"Mmmm... why don't you go ahead without us, honey. I think we could use a little down time." Sam did want a little time with Buffy to herself. Not so much to talk as to touch and reassure and make certain that Buffy knew everything was still okay with her. That Sam loved her and wanted her with them... on a permanent basis.

Buffy nodded, agreeing with Sam. She and Riley had spent a little alone time. She wanted a chance to do the same with Sam. But when she looked up at Riley her eyes twinkled. "Next time?" she offered sweetly. She didn't really think he'd turn down the offer; shared showers were fun, though hers might be a little small for three.

"I'll hold you to that," Riley smiled and nodded. Opening the door to the bedroom, he walked out, then closed it behind him to give them a little privacy, completely unconcerned that he was in Buffy's house and he was naked. Willow and Dawn were at school and who else had a key? No one that he knew of.

Once Riley was gone, Sam shifted away enough for Buffy to roll over and face her. They didn't speak for the longest time, just looked at each other and touched lightly. Fingertips only, bronze tracing lines on pale and pale on bronze. Sam leaned forward slowly, touching her lips to Buffy's in a soft kiss. "Thank you," she breathed.

Buffy smiled gently and returned the light kiss, but her head tilted slightly at Sam's words. "Why thank me? I haven't done anything..." And she truly felt that she hadn't. It was she who should be thanking them... for everything. For making her life worth living again.

"There were parts of him missing until now. I've seen him happy, sure, but not like this. Buffy, being with you makes him whole... And it makes me whole too." Another kiss, this one on her temple and gentler than the first. A mere brush before Sam spoke again, "I missed this. Didn't know how much I missed it until... until I kissed you. So, thank you for that."

With a gentle smile and a gentler kiss, placed on the side of Sam's neck, Buffy snuggled closer. "Well, then, you're welcome. But thank you too. For everything. For letting me inside, giving me a reason to live again. I honestly didn't know how much I needed to feel loved until I suddenly didn't have to live without it anymore. Thank you, so much, Sam."

The sound of a toilet flushing was followed by the hiss of the shower. While they kissed and touched and talked, life went on around them. Birds flitted about on the branches just outside their window; a radio next door spilled music into their room. Life went on…


Warm water, just this side of hot, cascading over his sore muscles and yeah... Ow. He'd gotten scratched sometime last night. Could've been a vamp but Riley was betting that it had been Buffy, when she went wild on him. He rubbed the sore spot, smiling. She'd marked him, taken him as her own again and marked him. Quite the feeling.

The bit was at school by now and Red was off to university, probably mooning over the curvy one, which left the house wide open. That is if Buffy hadn't pulled his invite, which she'd done in the past when she'd gotten brassed off at him. Her little histrionics after Soldier Boy's 'wham-bam-thank-you-ma'm' on his crypt should've worn off by now. If he sweet-talked her, he'd be able to slip right back into the Slayer's knickers.

Spike jimmied open the back door and dropped his blanket on the kitchen floor. It was smoldering a little, enough that he stamped on it to put out the last of the sparks. For a moment, he stood there, listening to the house, listening to it breathe. Upstairs, shower running, Goldie-locks all wet and covered in soap. Yeah, perfect time for that little reunion.


Sam nodded, settling into the circle of Buffy's arms. Touching her was second nature now, so she trailed her hand down along Buffy's shoulder, circled both breasts lightly before stopping right above her navel. Palm flat on bare skin, she felt Buffy breathing and listened to her heartbeat. Her tone was light and amused, teasing even as she drawled, "So, do you think Captain Can Do can keep up with us?" How she managed to say that with a straight face, Sam never knew.

Buffy tipped her head back and laughed softly, amusement making her eyes dance. "Oh, I think he'll keep up as well as we need him to, probably pretty quickly. And until then, we can always take care of each other." After a moment's pause, she amended, "Actually, we can do that anyway. So yep, I think things will go just fine."

Buffy's fingertips brushed over Sam's forehead, gently exploring and memorizing the planes of her face, the curve of her cheeks, the gentle softness of her lips. "I never knew a relationship could be like this, Sam," she whispered softly.

"This open? This close?" Sam's mouth was inches from hers, warm breath fanning across her cheek. "New territory for me too. And Ry. That's why we keep hitting road bumps." She wet her lips, tongue-tip brushing Buffy's in turn, precursor to another kiss. "Long as we keep talking, keep the lines of communication open, we'll be okay."

The kiss was gentle at first, a feather-light touch followed by a deeper one and an even deeper one. Sam's hand drifted down, skimming over milk-pale skin, tracing the circular scar she'd seen earlier. Obvious stake wound, hazard of the job. She had a similar scar on her back from where a demon used her own weapon against her. Riley saved her that time, just like he'd saved Buffy from the vamp that did this.


He stopped at the top of the stairs, hesitating outside of Joyce's room. Even though the witches had taken up residence there, Spike still considered it to be Buffy's mum's room. Nice lady, Joyce: a trifle daft but good people, all in all. Downright wicked with an axe.

There were no sounds that he could hear over the shower although he caught a scent of something. Ah, Red must've made up with her girl, that's what he was smelling. Nice and strong. The birds were flying again. Well, good on them. Now if he could only do the same with Buffy, everything would be right in the world.

Spike pushed open the door to the bathroom and smiled. Yeah, she was in the shower and they could have their talk now. With no interruptions. Just to be safe, he shut the door behind him and locked it. No need for some stalwart heart to come bounding in and rescue the bint from him.

Riley stood with his head under the showerhead, rinsing off shampoo and genuinely enjoying the sensation of warm running water. Showers were a luxury when they were on assignment so whenever he could snag one, he did. Reaching for the soap, he heard one of the floorboards creak and he smiled. Sam or Buffy must've decided to join him.

Riley reached for the shower curtain to pull it back and was glad he'd hesitated when his companion spoke. "Buffy, luv, we need to talk."

No mistaking that voice, even if he wanted to. Spike was on the other side of the shower curtain and Riley didn't have a stake handy.



She returned the kisses, all of them, enjoying the soft touches and being allowed to slowly, gently explore. Buffy's hands drifted down, over Sam's neck and shoulders, across her chest with a brief pause to trace circles around her nipples, then further down her sides to her hips.

When Sam's lips released hers, Buffy spoke very softly in answer, "I know. And I'll do everything I can, but you might have to remind me sometimes. I'm used to keeping secrets, Sam... I have a lot of them, things Riley still doesn't know about my past. I don't know how to tell him... he never really wanted to understand what he already knows, I don't think."

"You should try him. I think you'll find he understands a lot more than you would expect." It was nice being able to talk about Riley, without the awkward stiffness they'd experienced during their first meeting. Sam was also enjoying the opportunity to memorize Buffy's body, to know it like she knew Riley's. All the hot spots, the ones that seduced and the ones that soothed. Her mouth followed her hands, content to taste her skin and that faint traces of her husband where they lingered.


"We've had our scraps before and you've walked away from me more times than I can count but I love you." So far so good, she wasn't screaming like a fishwife or threatening his unlife. Spike took a seat on the toilet and ran a finger down the edge of the curtain, close to where her leg would be.

No reaction from the other side although movement had stopped so he knew she'd heard him. "I know Soldier Boy shook you up and he told you you're a daft bint for bein' with me and that's why you gave me my walkin' papers. But he's not here now, love. He's married and there's no place in his life for you."

The soap was in his hands and Riley rubbed them together, building up a lather. It was… ironic standing there in the shower with his enemy on the other side of it. An enemy who wanted the woman he'd just left in bed with his wife, the woman whose scent he was currently washing off. He decided to remain silent to see how far Spike would take this. It wasn't like the vamp could hurt him, according to Buffy his chip was still fully functional... except where she was concerned.

"Heard his wife's quite the looker, if you go for the big raw-boned type. Me, I like you... all petite and golden-like. Sweet-smelling. Captain Cardboard wasn't right for you, pet, and you know it. You need the darkness. It calls out to you." His hand was pressed against the curtain now and the water struck it, pattering hard against the plastic.

Riley shifted out of the way, not wanting to be touched. Not wanting to give himself away. "Don't be like that, sweet Slayer, you know you want it. You know you want me. Just like I want you."


A soft moan passed Buffy's lips as she felt Sam continue her gentle exploration. But she would continue her own exploration, and what was left of their conversation, while she still could. "Riley is wonderfully understanding... he always was... but never rational about Angel." And most of what Riley didn't know was about Angel and, more specifically, about Angelus.

She'd been sketchy in the extreme when she told him about the terrible months of Angelus' reign. She'd never fully told him about the events of her birthday, and not at all about the morning after. He still didn't know why she panicked when she woke up alone, or why she was so insecure about her body and herself as a sexual creature. He still didn't know the depths of her trauma, or her fear of losing the one she loved several times over.

"Mmm-hmmm," Sam hummed, her mouth pleasantly full for the moment. She released her prize, licked the nipple once more before looking up at Buffy. "Angel is a sore subject. He's never said much about him and when he does, his jaw does that jumping thing. You know the one?" When Buffy giggled and nodded, Sam giggled too. "I always know when he's upset. He thinks he can hide it but all I have to do is look at his jaw and I know."

Buffy giggled again. "Yep, I know. He's always done it, near as I can tell. But that's part of the reason why I never told him. The other part being that it's very hard. But if I'm really going to get better then we probably ought to heal the old hurts along with the recent ones. Even though there are some things I wish no one ever had to know." She sighed softly, but it was more a sigh of regret than of melancholy.

As she looked at Sam, her fingers brushed through long brown hair and fluttered soft caresses against bronzed skin.

"When you're ready, you can tell us. I promise that we'll listen." That said, Sam went back to suckling on Buffy's breast. She loved the texture and the feel and wanted as much of her as she could get. Everything about Buffy was beautiful, flawless and the more Sam saw of her - the longer she was with her, the deeper she fell.


The curtain was gonna go at any minute. Riley put the soap down, ready for whatever might happen. What he didn't expect was the sound of Spike's empty boot thumping to the floor. "You're playing coy with me... I like it. How about I come in there and scrub your back?"

That was it. Much as though he didn't care for the idea of being naked in front of Spike, there was no way he was going to let the vamp join him in the shower. Riley shut off the water and stood there for a minute, controlling his temper as his hands balled into fists and his jaw jumped. "Better yet, how about you get out of here and let me shower in peace?"

The squawk and scramble on the other side of the curtain was very satisfying as was the stunned look on Spike's face when Riley finally pulled it back. The startled vampire was on his feet, back-pedaling toward the door. His eyes flicked from Riley's face, down his chest and settled much lower. Riley smiled, not a happy smile, more like the one he'd won when he staked Spike over a year ago.

There was some comparisons going on there and Riley knew Spike was coming up short. If the vampire could have flushed, he would have. Instead his skin got that much paler. But to his credit, he managed to push himself up to his full height, ready to start the bluster and swagger that was his standard operating procedure.

"What the bloody hell are you doing here? Thought you'd taken off for parts unknown again," Spike hissed at him, his dark eyes fixed firmly on Riley's face. The key was on the sink and if he reached for it, soldier boy would be able to snatch him up. And by the looks of him, he could break him right in two. Jesus, he had no soddin' idea how big the Slayer's ex was.

He practically filled the room, out of place amidst the fripperies and girly bits that littered the place. And how was it he was so casual about all this? He was naked, bloomin' starkers, and the only thing keeping him from being torn to little shreds was a tiny chip. Had to give the bloke points for that, he certainly had the stones.

"What does it look like I'm doing, Spike?" Riley reached for a towel and wrapped it around his hips. He stepped out of the tub, slicking the water off his body with his hands before gathering up another towel. Dried himself off with it, every movement deceptively casual. "A better question is; what are you doing here? The lady said no. You do know what no means, don't you?"

Anyone who really knew him would have been running for the hills by now. That cold, detached voice spelled danger, spelled it out in capital letters about ten feet tall. Riley scanned the sink, nothing he could use as a weapon there. Seems that the Summers' household didn't believe in wooden hairbrushes.

"I'm here to see my girl. You know, the one that you abandoned? The one you cheated on, mate." Spike wasn't backing down. It wasn't his style, he always went for the jugular and he knew this one's weak spot.

"I know what goes on in those suck houses, Charlie... how many of them gave you the special, hmm? Great strapping boy like you, bet they all went south, didn't they? Slayer's got a sweet little mouth but it's little, if you get my drift. That horse di-" The last word was cut off by a hand around his throat, broad-tipped nails dug in and lifted him up until he stood on tip-toes. Then slammed him against the door.


Buffy arched up to Sam's mouth, moaning softly. Buffy was content to let the conversation stand as it was, and she instead reached out to touch her lover. Eyes following gentle fingers, Buffy found Sam's breasts with her hands and rubbed her fingers gently over the soft globes. "Oh, Sam... my beautiful Sam..." she whispered. Sam was perfect in a way that Buffy felt she herself would never be; strong and beautiful, proud and unbeaten.

So beautiful, so gentle, so talented... everything Buffy had always wanted to be, but always felt she'd fallen short of. Sam was a perfect lover, a perfect friend. Between her and Riley, Buffy had more than she'd ever dreamed of.

Here in this room they could be whoever they wanted to be, do whatever they wanted to do. Sam wanted to make love to Buffy and she hoped Buffy felt the same way. She seemed to but it was best to ask, to make sure. "Buffy... can I? Please?" Her fingers rubbed gently, not dipping down any further but riding right above where her dark blond curls started.

"Yes, Sam... you can have anything you want. I'm yours the same way you're mine, and I will never stop wanting you," Buffy's soft voice affirmed. She parted her legs for Sam, providing easier access. "All you ever have to do is ask me or tell me what you want..." She would give everything she knew how to give, and learn anything she didn't already know. It was what she wanted, what love made her want.

She felt it for both of them, both of her loves. She couldn't imagine not giving them something that they asked for, but was safe in the knowledge that they would never ask for something that would be wrong or something that she couldn't or wasn't willing to give.

Her main worry was that Buffy might be sore. Riley hadn't been gentle last night, in fact he'd been more violent than she'd ever seen before. Today, he'd been gentle and loving and sweet but that didn't mean Buffy wouldn't be tender to the touch. Gently, Sam pressed her heel against Buffy's pubic bone and slipped two fingers into the folds. "Did anyone tell you how perfect you are? You're perfect, Buffy... absolutely perfect."

There were some odd noises coming from the bathroom. A thump and a muffled curse which was probably Riley bumping his knee or elbow or something. If there really was a problem, he'd call out. Besides vampires couldn't get in without being invited and it was broad daylight.


"Not another word," Riley ground out between clenched teeth. Spike looked him square in the eye and knew the time of his destruction was at hand. One false move and he would be dust. "Get this through your thick skull. Buffy is off limits. You come near her, come near Dawn or her friends and I'll stake you on sight. Is that clear?"

Until that moment, Spike had been convinced that Angelus was the most dangerous thing on the face of the Earth. But now, he wasn't so sure. Finn didn't have his speed or his strength but there was just enough of madness in the man's eyes to convince Spike that this one was very dangerous.

Harris was no threat and he could wheedle his way past Willow. Dawn still had a bit of a crush on him, which made her workable too, and the demon bint was good for a laugh but she wasn't even remotely scary. The only tough ones had been Tara, and she was out of the picture, and the Watcher - also long gone. Leaving the little lamb all alone.

But this one, this one he'd dismissed as being too whitebread, too soft - was a wolf. Strong and leaner and meaner than he'd ever expected. If Spike still had a full set of fangs on him, he'd turn him. Take the Slayer's golden boy and spin him into the darkness. Christ, what a vampire he would make. Already had a taste for the rough and tumble, give him some teeth and he'd give the old grand-sire a real run for it. Would serve Peaches right too.

"Pack your bags and get out of town, Spike. This is your last warning." Riley shook him, like a dog with a rat. "I find you in Sunnydale after sundown and you're fertilizer. Got it?"

Spike's eyes narrowed and he debated the wisdom of taunting Finn. The boy had responded to it so well before, all he'd had to do was find the weak spot. But there was a difference here, one that he hadn't expected. Last year, the boy had been just that - a boy.

He wasn't in the presence of a boy anymore. No. He was pinned against the door by a man, a man who had the scars to prove it. This one was no longer the Slayer's pretty toy.

If he pushed, Finn would kill him. If he lied, Finn would hunt him down. If he vacated town for a few days, laid low and waited the storm out - then when Finn was gone again, he could creep back into Sunnydale. Open up the Slayer's window and pull down her knickers and be right back where he started. "All right. All right. I'll go. Get your hands off me and I'll go."

Riley wasn't one to brag. He wouldn't rub it in Spike's face that he was sleeping with Buffy again or that he'd be around to keep an eye on her and on Sunnydale. No need to tip his hand that way. Riley let go of Spike and the vampire shifted his shoulders forward, his duster falling back into place.

The key was in his hand a moment later and Riley unlocked the door. He ushered Spike out, one hand on his elbow. As they walked by Willow's room, he heard Buffy moan and he smiled, Sam was apparently busy. Good.

"Sounds like Red made up with her girlfriend. That why you were in the shower?" Spike shook Riley off, pulling his arm free as he tried to move out of range. He couldn't resist needling Riley, just couldn't. "Were you having a nice wank in there, mate? Thinking about all that softness and not a stiff one in sight. Must admit, thought about it myself."


"Me, perfect?" Buffy's voice was disbelieving, but pleasure-laced as Sam's fingers gently explored and caressed. If she thought about it, Buffy thought Angel may have said something along those lines once, a long time ago, but that was the nearest she could recall. "I would've said that about you, though, Sam. You're the perfect one." Soft voice, softer meaning. It was the truest word she could think to apply to her dark-haired lover.

"Far from it. Ry can fill you in on all my little faults. Though he says the biggest one is that I snore." Sam giggled, unaware that her voice carried. She found the spot she was seeking and circled it, fingertips pressing down. Buffy gasped and cried out, rising up into the touch. "That's it. Oh Buffy! That's it." Sam encouraged.

"Oh... oh, Sam! Yes, just like that..." Like Sam, Buffy was unaware that anyone could hear them and so she didn't try to keep her voice down. Sam was making her feel incredibly good, and she wanted to let her know it. "Oh, please, don't stop," she moaned, her hips arching up into her lover's touch. "Please, Sam..."

Easy enough to obey, Sam had no intention of stopping. She planned on upping the ante. Her hand kept moving as she slid down Buffy's body, not stopping until her dark head rested between Buffy's thighs. She kissed one trembling thigh and then the other before replacing her fingers with her mouth. Like Riley, Sam was very orally oriented, she was happiest when her mouth was occupied. Which made for a very happy Buffy, if the noises she was making were anything to go by.


Riley heard Sam call Buffy's name and was once again amazed by his wife's timing. He didn't need to respond to Spike's jibe because Spike heard it too. Heard Sam and heard Buffy and stared at the door, then stared at him. The look was one of shock and betrayal and it felt really good to see it. "Payback's a bitch, Spike," he murmured.

"Who the fuck's in there with her? Who?" Spike reached for the door and was stopped before his hand closed on the knob. Riley's grip was crushing, punishing in its force as he pulled the vampire away from the door and hustled him towards the stairs. "I'm not leavin' the effin' house until you tell me who's in there with the Slayer."

Spike struggled, pushing Riley away, slamming him into the opposite wall. Sure enough, his chip went off, blinding white-hot light in his head, frying some more of his dead brain cells. He could practically hear them sizzling, or maybe it was the sound of Buffy's voice, Buffy's voice calling out some man's name. He could have sworn the other voice he'd heard was a woman.

"Who in the blazes is Sam?" he ground out, heels pressed to his forehead. "Is he another one of you para-military gits?"

Riley had a firm grip on his arm again, holding Spike up as the vampire shook his head to clear it. He wasn't dragging Spike toward the stairs anymore. No. He was looking the vampire right in the eyes and his smile was a sight to behold. "Yes and no. Sam's in my squad and she's my wife."


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