Title: Bring Me Into the Light (26/?)
AUTHOR: Mistress Ace & Em
E-MAIL: rosewood@inreach.com & vicedragonv@msn.com
FEEDBACK: Is the butter on our bread. We write because the story begs to be told. Feedback lets us know if we struck a chord with you.
DISTRIBUTION: Our site, for the moment. When we post fully edited chapters, those can be posted elsewhere. RATING: NC-17
CATEGORY: Story: Romance, Angst
PAIRINGS: B/R/Sam, m/f, f/f
DISCLAIMER: Don't own the characters at all. (More's the pity) They belong to the Great God Joss Whedon et al. We are just borrowing them for a little bit. That's all. No BtVS characters were harmed in the writing of this fic. Well, maybe just a little.
SUMMARY: Not back for long enough. Not nearly long enough and there were too many things left up in the air. But isn't that the purpose of fan-fiction?

Chapter 26

Riley dialed and slipped his arm around Buffy as she settled into his side. Three rings and it was answered, "Colonel Drummond, please."

Resting her head on Riley's shoulder, she could sort of hear the voice on the other end of the phone as well as Riley's. She was only half paying attention, though. She knew Riley would say something if they needed her input. So she let herself daydream, idly drawing random designs on his chest with a fingertip.

The world was a wonderful place, at the moment. And though she was a little worried about whether or not the Colonel would agree to their desires, she knew that they would make things work in whatever way they needed to. No sense fretting about it ahead of time, she told herself.

"Sir," Riley snapped to when his CO's voice resounded in his ear. Had he been standing, he would have been at attention. "Finn reporting... Yes, sir. Objective had been met, four nests wiped out." He heard Sam snicker at his change of attitude and shot her a warning look.

They had a good relationship with Drum. The Colonel was in charge when they weren't on a drop and Riley was in charge when they were. Nothing wrong with showing the respect the man was due. Drummond was tough and he wasn't afraid of getting his hands dirty.

He listened to the Colonel's congratulations and responded when queried. "Yes, sir. We have established contact with the Slayer." Sam's hand covered her mouth to keep from whooping about his choice of words.

Buffy turned her head, pressing her mouth against Riley's shoulder in effort to keep from giggling, herself. Oh, yes, 'contact' had been established. Full on, physical contact, no less. And it really was quite amusing to listen to him in all formal-soldier mode while the three of them were laying around naked. Or, well, near enough to naked, in her case. She didn't really think she'd have called the Colonel in just her panties.

They both earned a look from Riley which was followed by a wry smile as he listened again. "We did. The full nine yards, sir." At that, Sam rolled over and almost fell off the bed. Her attempts to keep from laughing her head off were failing miserably. "Offered her the job, the benefits and the safe house idea."

Riley handed Sam a pillow and she buried her face in it, her shoulders shaking with silent laughter as the conversation continued. His voice was perfectly calm, a credit to his ability under pressure. "Sir, there are some stipulations... No tests. We know what she can do; there's no need to run her through the paces. I can vouch for her. Half the squad can vouch for her. She's the real deal."

Buffy had to smother another giggle at the 'nine yards' comment, but she calmed herself quickly so she could pay more attention. She nodded at the 'no tests' requirement. She could rattle off half a dozen guys she remembered from the Initiative who could indeed vouch for her, if necessary. Riley probably knew more. But it was the other conditions that she was more worried about.

"Good. Your word's good enough for me too, sir." Riley's free hand drifted down her back, he needed to touch her, needed to remind himself that she was real. And she was right beside him. "There's more. She's ours, our enlistment. Mine and Sam's. Has to be part of our team or it's a no go."

Sam's shaking stopped and she looked up, eyes sharp and intent on his face. It hadn't occurred to her Buffy might end up assigned on another team. Good thing Riley was putting that out on the table now. Get it settled before anything else.

Buffy blinked, lifting her head to watch Riley. Wide eyes reflected Sam's surprise; it hadn't even crossed her mind that they might want to assign her to a different group. While granted that it didn't make the most sense to put the three strongest fighters into one group, she absolutely refused to work with anyone else. Riley knew her, knew how she worked, and wouldn't expect her to follow proper military protocol all the time.

She worked best when not confined or limited beyond the outline of what was needed, and he knew that. Buffy doubted anyone else would be as understanding of her particular methods. Even the Watchers Council had protested her methods, on more than one occasion. Her refusal to follow their rules had kept her alive. She wasn't about to back down on that point now.

Riley was equally as tense, his jaw working as he waited for an answer. And when it came, he relaxed. Relaxed and smiled and even chuckled. "You're right, sir. We're the only ones that could handle her. She's... unconventional." He leaned forward and kissed Buffy as he listened to his commander laugh in return. Couldn't resist her mouth for one second more.

So, when Drummond asked the next question, Riley was unprepared and he hummed, rather than answered immediately. "Hmmm... No, no... she can follow orders. Trust me. But she thinks for herself and that's one of her strengths."

He was reaching for another kiss when his eyes widened and he pulled back. Sam sat up, concern showing on her face as she watched Riley's reaction. Something was up. Something big.

"Yes. Yes. I believe that would be a wise course of action. Sunnydale's quite the place. We could certainly train people up here. Things are moving in all the time." Drummond had brought it up, had broached the subject. Sometimes the guy was uncanny, almost a mind reader. Which made him a good commander. "We'd be happy to spear-head that. Could use a permanent base of operations."

Buffy bit her lip to keep herself quiet, but her eyes lit up with hope. Could she possibly be hearing right? Had Riley's commander suggested the very thing they'd been hoping for? Setting up a training facility in Sunnydale would occupy all three of them full-time for quite a while. Would they actually be expected to train people? How did the whole thing work? Her mind was filled with questions, but hopefully she would get some answers if she just waited a little longer.

"Anytime you ordered us in, we'd be ready to go." Riley beamed, ecstatically happy. Everything was falling into place, dovetailing right into the plans that they'd discussed in the past few hours. "Certainly. Full-time status. Can probably deliver that. She's got obligations... yes, the sister. No, father's MIA and mother's... dead, sir. Died last year."

Long moment of silence as Riley's eyes closed, his memories of Joyce Summers too strong for him to cope with. He felt her loss acutely and knew his melancholy over it was nothing compared to Buffy's. Her mother had been her rudder, her moral compass and when that was lost... everything was lost. "I'll convey those to her, sir. Something hairy comes up, we can count on her. Long as her sister's looked after."

Sam reached for Buffy's hand and she held it, her thumb caressing the palm. They continued to listen to Riley, listened to him negotiate their lives. "Good... Your word on that, sir?" He paused and listened again and then smiled. "Thank you, Colonel. You won't regret this."

One more pause, this one long and drawn-out. Neither woman dared breathe, worried it might all collapse in the blink of an eye. His face changed, eyes darkened for a moment before he nodded. "Yes, sir. We'll report in for a de-briefing at 06:00 tomorrow. And thank you again."

Buffy squeezed Sam's hand gently, glancing at her to assess her reaction. So far it sounded good... so far, it sounded perfect. But she held her breath, knowing that until they knew all the details, it might not be exactly what it sounded like. Still... Riley seemed pleased by the deal, overall, so it couldn't be too terrible. She hoped. She couldn't tell just what had happened in the long pause at the end... and that could prove to be key.

Riley clicked the phone off and set it down. He hated the idea of leaving Buffy so soon. And they might have to depending on how the meeting went tomorrow. When he turned backed to look at his companions, he saw identical expression of mixed joy and fear. They were waiting for him to speak.

His smile almost went from ear to ear as he hugged Buffy and then pulled Sam down for a hard, quick kiss. "We got it. Everything we wanted. Everything."

"Everything? All of it? Truly? Oh, Riley! Oh, Sam, he did it!" Buffy wrapped one arm around Riley and the other around Sam, hugging them both as tightly as she dared. "Oh my god, I can hardly believe it..."

He was laughing and Sam was giggling and so was Buffy. They had gotten everything. Literally everything. Permanent base here in Sunnydale. No tests for Buffy and Drummond wanted her full time as soon as her obligations to Dawn were fulfilled. Riley held them both close as he relayed the information. "Based right here. No tests. Something bad comes up and we have to go, it'll be us going. All three of us. Dawn'll be looked after while we're gone."

Anything else he would have added was stifled by an exuberant kiss from Sam. She cupped his face and held him in place until she was done... and Riley was seeing stars. Buffy got the same treatment even though she couldn't stay quite as still. When their mouths parted, Sam beamed at both of them, then sobered. "Debriefing at 06:00. Drum's probably got a mission for us, doesn't he?"

"A mission, already?" Buffy tilted her head, then sighed softly. "I can't go with, can I? You'll have to leave me here." Eyes downcast, biting her lower lip nervously. She didn't know if she could handle it. It was too soon... she'd just found them, and they would have to leave already. She knew they'd be back... she just had to stay sane that long, and hope the waiting and worrying didn't hurt as much as she was afraid it would.

Riley nodded, confirming both of their suspicions. "They've found a nasty close by. Drum's not sure if they need us but it might come down to that. Plus he wants to know how we ended up talking you into joining up." He knew what she was feeling, what she was thinking and Riley wanted to allay her concerns. "There's another unit being deployed to deal with it but he wants our expertise. Needs us to look at the dossier."

"That normally means a drop and you know it," Sam interjected, the arm she had around Buffy tightening. This was a bitter pill to swallow and sugarcoating it wasn't going to make it any better. They could refuse to go... they could. But she knew Riley wouldn't. If his team went, he'd go.

"Yeah, it might. Plan on bucking it though. If it's small and they don't need us, we're not going. Drum wants input. Mainly for the Initiative members. We've got the most experience." Riley kissed Buffy's forehead and then Sam's, holding them both close. "I won't let them send us unless they have to, Buffy. I promise."

"I believe you," Buffy answered softly. She snuggled against them, closing her eyes and trying to relax again. She'd tensed up at the thought of them having to leave so soon, but she might as well try to enjoy their time together while she could. "When do you have to leave? And... if you do end up having to go... will you call me, please?"

"We'll definitely call. Just try and keep us from the phone," he answered, his heart as heavy as hers. Riley pulled her as close as he could, her tiny frame molded into his side as though she were part of him. Which she was, if the Bible was to be believed. Woman, taken from Adam's rib. Meant to be a partner in all things. Not meant to walk in front or to walk behind but to walk beside. She was flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone.

More a part of him than his own breath.

"We won't know when we leave until tomorrow, honey." Sam's voice in her ear, soft and soothing as she kissed the soft skin of Buffy's temple. "As soon as we know, you'll know. We promise."

Buffy nodded and offered them a small smile. "Thanks. I'll be okay. Hopefully you won't have to be gone too long." She tried her best to put on a brave face, to be strong the way she used to be. They'd known this would happen sooner or later. It had just happened sooner than any of them had thought it would.

Sam had spoken the truth even while Riley wanted to deny it. With Drum bringing it up so soon after hearing about Buffy's enlistment, there was really little doubt about whether they'd be sent in. It wasn't what he wanted, really wasn't but he knew his duty. First and foremost, to save lives. Just like Buffy did, every single night since she was 15. If she could take on the weight of the world at that tender age, then they could handle a separation from her.

All they could do was listen to the man. Give him their input and if the orders came, obey them. Get the job done, get it done well and most important, get it done fast so they could come back home.

Home. Home to Buffy. Home to where their hearts lay... in this child-woman's arms.

"Well..." Buffy searched for something that could possibly be a bright side and finally found one. "If you do end up having to go, then by the time you get back we'll probably have things sorted out here. Then you wouldn't have to bother with a hotel anymore..." It was such a little thing... but she held it out in hopes of at least lightening the mood a little. They all needed something to hold on to, something to make them smile.

"Good side to everything," he smiled, relieved that she was putting a positive spin on this. Given the depression they'd found her in and his own tendency towards the same attitude, things could be much worse. Not that Sam would allow it. Riley had the feeling if he and Buffy went into a down cycle, Sam would drag them back up... By any means possible.

"Hmmm... Not so sure about that, Buffy. Hotels have their advantages," Sam's drawl was nicely dry as she eyed both of them, one corner of her mouth quirking up in the beginning of a smile. "No need to really worry when we get... noisy. Or put dents in the wall."

To her surprise, Riley laughed. Loud and long and was even joined by Buffy in his amusement at her comment. When he could find words, his explanation was equally dry. "This is Slayer Central, Sam. Believe me, I've helped spackle and repair quite a bit of damage here. Joyce found out I was a handyman pretty early on."

"Oh, Sam, if you'd only seen some of the damage this house has been through. Not all demons need invitations, you know. They've made a serious mess of this place a number of times. And you should've seen Giles' place after those demons were looking for that Word of Valios thingy. Remember, Riley?" She bit her lip, trying not to think too hard about Giles. But it was true; his place had been well and truly trashed.

Giles had been pretty trashed, too.

He saw the sadness, knew it for what it was. Up until now, every man in Buffy's life had left her. He was the only one who'd come back. And he would keep coming back... until there were no more reasons for him to leave.

Keeping his voice light, Riley laughed again. "It was pretty impressive and I didn't see it until a week later. Course Giles having been turned into a demon hadn't helped improve its condition. Repairing the wall wasn't bad. Fixing the railing? Whole different story."

Clearly fascinated by these new bits of information, Sam leaned forward. "He got turned into a demon? Guess being a Watcher can get pretty tough."

"Well, it didn't have much to do with him being a Watcher. An old... acquaintance... of his, from when he was a young not-yet-Watcher-guy... well, he likes to play with chaos. Showed up and turned Giles into a demon, just for the fun of it I guess. I almost killed Giles, because he looked and sounded like a demon. But he still had Giles' eyes, and that's how I knew. But yeah, Giles had it hard as a Watcher, too. He went through a lot because of me."

Buffy knew she'd never been a conventional slayer. She'd been outright difficult quite a few times, up to and including raging at him personally over the prophecy of her death at the Master's hands.

"Xander and I had a running bet on how many times a week he could get knocked out." Both Sam and Buffy stared at him, shocked by how off-handed he sounded. To his credit, Riley hung his head a little, acted contrite for a moment of two. "Giles won it though. I picked two, Xander picked three and Giles opted for four. Seems he knew better than we did."

Sam covered her mouth, trying to look outraged. As a doctor she should be. That much head trauma usually resulted in fairly serious complications. But something about Riley's tone and the way he looked at her, sideways and sly, let her know he was joking. She slugged him in the shoulder, not hard but enough that it stung. "Riley Thomas Finn, you lie like a dog."

Buffy rolled her eyes. "You and Xander... I dunno about the two of you. Sounds like something he might do, but you? I know you better than that, Riley Finn." She shook her head. "Xan will be glad to have another guy around again, though. I know he hates being 'one of the girls'. Majorly." She smirked. Poor Xander.

"Yeah, I remember he had problems with that. Made me wonder about him once or twice. Did he really ask if he could have sex with me?" The first time Buffy had told him about that, Riley had been pretty shocked. Even avoided Xander for a bit because he wasn't sure about his orientation. Then Riley met Anya and that cleared up a whole lot of his worry on the subject.

Anya kept Xander hopping. In more ways than one. Not a chance he could be gay, or if he had those leanings, Anya made sure he was way too busy to check them out.

Buffy laughed lightly. "He really did, but he was joking around. Xander's straight, though he had some friends in high school who weren't. I think, anyway. Not that any of us cares about straight, now do we?" She grinned and winked at Sam. 'Straight' wasn't a label that could be applied to either of the two women. And that was an okay feeling.

"Not really," Riley chuckled as he watched Sam wink back at Buffy and then settle down beside him, her head resting on his shoulder. "Hope you two don't mind if I stick to the basics?"

"Ry, we don't mind if you stay a lesbian. That's okay with us." Light tease, followed by a not so light kiss. Sam melted into him, molding her body to his and doing that thing with her tongue that never failed to... Oh yeah. Ready again, ready for anything.

Buffy couldn't help but giggle at Sam's comment. She curled up against Riley's side again, her hand lightly skimming over Sam's back, tracing the curve of her spine. Just watching quietly for a moment; she'd never seen a pair so perfectly matched as them. Size, coloring, the way they moved... the few minor differences only made their similarities more defined. Whereas she was a complete opposite in a lot of ways.

So easy to slide right back into this, into their physical connection. It had been there from the very first moment they'd kissed. In the dark. In the rain. Inside each other within the space of five breaths. Clothes torn and hands rough on soaking wet skin. Not one second of hesitation between concept and consummation.

When their mouths parted, Sam was on top, pushing herself up. Riley watched, breathless as his wife rose up onto her knees, reached behind and guided him in. As it had been that night. Both utterly silent and utterly focused, moving in perfect unison.

His hand found hers, braced her above him. Palm to palm, his strength added to hers. Gave her balance and power, gave her total control. Their trust, their faith in each other was reflected in every movement.

Buffy watched them, reflecting on the differences between Riley in the past and the way he was now. There were some, of course, but not as many as she'd thought at first. The position they were in was a familiar one - he'd used it with her, supporting her, many a time. And she'd used it with him, most recently last night; it gave him the extra power to really rock her world.

She loved it, everything about the way it felt, and could meet him thrust for thrust. She was curious what Sam would do with this support, though. It left her fully in control, and that was something Buffy had yet to see more than a little of.

With a final caress across Buffy's shoulders, Riley lifted his other hand. Sam took it, her fingers winding through his, completing the connection. A study of motion and tension, muscles bunched and released as she rode him.

Feet flat among the tangled covers, Riley raised his knees to give her even more support and himself some leverage. Heat surrounded him. Flash-fire of pleasure burned through his entire body. Surging upward, ever upward as he sought to bury himself in the inferno. To be reduced to ash and blown away.

A quick gasp was the only warning he got before Sam was tightening around him. Her hands slipped in his and he clutched tighter, watching open-mouthed and awestruck. Riley could think of nothing more beautiful than a woman at the moment of orgasm. All the masks gone and there was nothing left but her. His wife.

"So beautiful," Buffy murmured, watching Sam as she came. She really was beautiful... Sam and Riley were beautiful together. Part of her wondered at the lack of jealousy, even though she'd essentially been left out of this particular round. But she decided that she was still too awestruck that they allowed her to be part of them at all to be jealous when they did something without her. That might change later, but for now it was true.

And she had just sat back to watch. She probably could've found some way to involve herself, but this was still new for her. She'd worry if a problem ever came up; for now, she'd just enjoy things as they were.

Nowhere near finished, Riley stilled long enough for Sam to catch her breath and for the trembling to stop. Tension was the key to her coming so quickly. The tension in her arms and legs afforded by the position heightened her body's reaction to his thrusts. And being able to hit the right spot almost every time was an added bonus.

"Buffy," her name was the first thing he'd spoken since this started and it drew her attention immediately. Riley knew they'd left her out although that hadn't been his intention or Sam's. They got this way sometimes, so wrapped up in each other that the rest of the world went away.

Sam was moving again, slower this time. Taking him deep with every stroke. She turned her attention to Buffy as well and an apology lingered in her mouth. Lingered until she felt the shift in Riley's shoulders, saw him turn his head and seek out a kiss from their lover.

Buffy moved in again, her lips meeting Riley's as he sought her kiss. One hand found its way to his cheek, her palm cupping his face gently. Silently, she thanked him for remembering her. It made her feel as if she belonged, and that was important... to her, at least. And to him, too, she thought.

She curled herself up beside him, staying out of the way as much as she could. She didn't want to interfere with what they were doing; it was obviously what they wanted, and she was okay with that.

It was Sam who let go of one hand, released her hold on her husband so they both could touch Buffy. Her slender fingers combed through the cap of golden silk that was Buffy's hair while his trailed down her pale back. Drawing her in silently, making her part of this.

There were adjustments each of them would need to make in order for this to work. Getting lost in each other wasn't necessarily a bad thing but if they did it too often, Sam knew Buffy's fragile self-esteem would suffer. And she didn't want that to happen.

Riley sought another kiss, pulling Buffy down into it. Savoring her mouth, memorizing it... just in case. There was an underlying tension when he spoke with Drum and Drum was never tense. Only when the nasty was truly nasty did his voice sound like that. Hence, this uncharacteristic lapse into selfish passion.

Always part of the job, the chance that he might die. Every drop was a risk. Everything they did was a risk. All he could really hope for was whatever was allowed to him. This, this was allowed to him. The love of the two finest women on the face of the Earth and he was going to enjoy it to its fullest. And pray he'd live long enough to enjoy it again.

With a soft smile and a softer sigh, Buffy let herself be drawn into her lovers' embrace. She closed her eyes, savoring the gentle touches and Riley's kiss. She stayed close, feeling tension in them both... though Riley seemed tense for some reason different than Sam, who was just physically tense from her positioning.

The second one came slower, not so much of a surprise as the first. Warmth and light spread, turning her bones to water. Under her, Riley caught on to what was happening and he moved a little faster. Canted his hips just so and smiled into the kiss he was sharing with Buffy when their silence was broken by Sam's cry of satisfaction.

Good thing he was humble by nature, otherwise there would be no putting up with him after this. Memory came flooding back at the strangest times and over the oddest things. Within his mind's eye came a flash of Forrest, his old teammate, leaning against his door in Lowell House. Bragging about the two fine young ladies who he'd taken to bed the night before and how he'd worn them out. Behind him Graham shook his head, silently refuting the other man's claim.

Gray told him later that there were two women in Forrest's room, that much was true. But Forrest had passed out before touching either of them. One ended up with Graham himself while the other one wandered away, seeking out someone sober... or at least conscious.

Now he was in the situation that Forrest had fantasized about. And he had to admit... it was great for the old ego.

Buffy felt Riley's smile and couldn't help but smile herself. He really was good at making them feel good, and he knew it. Fortunately, he was gentle enough a soul to not let it go to his head. And even if he did, likely Sam would help keep him in line; knowing Sam, she might not need help with him at all. Sam was more than capable of taking Riley down a notch if really necessary, though Buffy wasn't sure if she herself would have as easy a time with it.

Still, the mood between the three of them was usually light, teasing, and playful - that helped, certainly. Kept things in perspective, and kept them fun. And it was fun, even when she wasn't participating much.

Riley's smile continued even when their kiss ended and Sam was graced by it as Buffy pulled back. He looked just this side of smug, pretty pleased with himself... which given her shaky condition, he had every right to be. She bit her lower lip and moaned as he did that flex thing, the one where he tightened his stomach and she felt it deep inside, felt his cock surge forward. God, he was incredible at this.

Their sex life before this was nothing to scoff at. They were both very physical people. Tended to express their emotions through their bodies. On the battlefield, cold rage kept barely in check was their modus operandi, more so with her than with him. Riley was more calculating, he made every blow count which was why she normally pulled lookout duty. It kept her from going overboard.

That control carried over into the bedroom as well. Or wherever they ended up with at least twenty minutes and something that approached privacy. He always met her needs first, made sure she was satisfied before seeking his own pleasure. Sam had never met anyone like Riley... or at least she hadn't until two weeks ago when she repelled down the face of the Sunnydale Dam and found her husband inches away from being kissed.

Being kissed by the woman currently curled up by his side, the curve of her breast pressed flush into the smooth plane of his chest. The sight of which would have aroused a green-eyed monster had she not come to know Buffy. Come to know her and love her just as much as she loved Riley. Buffy fit into the scheme of things now. She was part of their life, part of their love and Sam wouldn't have it any other way.

Comfortably curled against Riley, her head resting on his shoulder - she could, since he and Sam had let their hands part again - she reached up her hand and found Sam's, twining their fingers together the way Sam and Riley's other hands were clasped. She didn't mind being minorly involved while they played; she could always take care of herself if she got to the point where she needed to.

As long as they were aware that she was there, she didn't mind being only marginally involved. And they did know she was there. She knew they were aware of her again. She was content with that; she wasn't sure enough of herself to be demanding anyway. That would have to come with time, if it ever did. But she wasn't worried about that, either... her lovers were so giving that there wouldn't likely be many times where she'd have to be demanding. So it was okay.

His free hand cupped Sam's breast, his thumb caressing the nipple briefly. She leaned into that touch, using the leverage that Buffy was providing for her to keep her balance. And it was then that Riley did something curious. Something he'd never done with Buffy and she could only assume it was something he'd learned from Sam. The hand on her breast moved, ended up covering the curve of her stomach and he pressed in.

"Riley... oh God." Her gasp was sharp and sudden, eyes fluttering closed. She could feel him even more when he did that. Could feel every inch and every movement deep inside. His hand shifted a little more and the heel found just the right spot, creating the perfect pressure.

Buffy tilted her head, unfamiliar with this particular move. She shifted enough to free her other hand, reaching up to trace light fingertips against Sam's stomach, just below Riley's palm. She was intensely curious, though she had some vague idea of what he might be doing. She wondered what it would feel like, being totally unaware that she actually already knew. She just hadn't been aware enough at the time to know what Sam had been doing.

Curiosity was good and it was what he expected from Buffy. His smile broadened as the kitteny sounds Sam was making grew deeper and throatier. "Buffy, put your hand right here. That's it." Riley eased his own back as Buffy did as directed. Her eyes widened and she darted a look at him and then up at Sam.

Riley had the exact same reaction when Sam taught him the trick. Feeling his cock move inside her, feeling it slide against the palm of his hand had been an enlightening experience. He couldn't even remember the place they'd been when it happened, all he could remember was the feel and the look on Sam's face... and the fact that she came in about twenty seconds flat.

Which she was very close to doing now. Her lower lip was caught between her teeth again, her hand clenched tightly around his. When she went this time, she was going to be loud. Really loud... it was a good thing everybody else was at school although the neighbors were probably going to be pretty startled.

"Oh, that feels strange." Buffy felt a little odd about speaking in the silence, but shrugged it off. With another glance up at Sam, she grinned and added, "But it looks like it feels pretty great to her."

"Oh yeah. Not... uhhh... not just to Sam. Feels great to me too." Riley barely managed to get the words out. He hadn't expected the feel of Buffy's hand to affect him too. The pressure was amazing, it was sending his hard-earned control right out the window.

Silence broken now by everyone but her. Third time was the charm. Sam's head snapped back and the sound that escaped was something Buffy could get very, very used to. Low at first, almost a sob as it broke free. A sob that rose into a keening, full-throated, atavistic.

It was answered by Riley's own voice, answered and echoed. Their names were a whisper on his lips, the volume growing until it was a shout. Control completely gone, he was driving up into Sam. Hard and fast and harsh as he came seconds after Sam did.

The sound of their voices, one after another, added to the sight and sound of them touched off a reaction in Buffy. She shivered, her eyes half-closing as moisture pooled between her thighs. A powerful climax in powerful people, it reached something deep inside her that saw strength and hungered for it.

She couldn't help herself, she just reacted. She didn't say anything, though... partly because she was a little embarrassed by the reaction and partly because she didn't want to disturb them. They both needed to breathe, after that. She would leave them be.

Somehow Sam managed to recover first. She disentangled her hands from theirs, disentangled her body from Riley's despite his half-voiced moan of protest. Falling over was about her only option at this point and she did it, with enough grace to keep from falling off the bed. Barely.

Riley's eyes opened as she hit the bed and he smiled at Sam. Kissed her gently before turning his attention to Buffy. Who had a hungry, almost desperate look on her face. One that she tried to hide but he'd seen it and knew it for what it was.


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