Title: Bring Me Into the Light
AUTHOR: Mistress Ace & Em
E-MAIL: rosewood@inreach.com & winter@sapphire-dragon.net
FEEDBACK: Is the butter on our bread. We write because the story begs to be told. Feedback lets us know if we struck a chord with you.
DISTRIBUTION: Our site, for the moment. When we post fully edited chapters, those can be posted elsewhere. RATING: NC-17
CATEGORY: Story: Romance, Angst
PAIRINGS: B/R/Sam, m/f, f/f
DISCLAIMER: Don't own the characters at all. (More's the pity) They belong to the Great God Joss Whedon et al. We are just borrowing them for a little bit. That's all. No BtVS characters were harmed in the writing of this fic. Well, maybe just a little.
SUMMARY: Not back for long enough. Not nearly long enough and there were too many things left up in the air. But isn't that the purpose of fan-fiction?

Chapter 32

The last bag was loaded and Riley stood back, shaking his head. More provisions than he'd seen in quite awhile. Pretty impressive for one shopping trip. "Let's mount up. Miles to go." His order was greeted by a salute from Sam, which had Buffy giggling despite herself. "Tara, you need a ride?"

Riley wasn't certain about Tara's transportation arrangements. Before he left, only one of the Scooby group had a car and that had been Giles. Sweet little beamer with a great engine, turned on a dime. He got to drive it on several occasions and was probably the only one of Buffy's crew that didn't tease the Watcher about it being a penis metaphor.

Mainly because he knew it was...

"Um, yeah, that would be nice," Tara admitted. She walked pretty much anywhere she needed to go, and the grocery store was about as far off campus as she got, these days. But if they were all going back to Buffy's, then a ride would be nice. And it would be silly for her to walk while they drove, if they were all going to the same place.

"Take shotgun?" The offer was made even as Sam climbed into the back seat. She patted the leather next to her, silent invitation to Buffy. With Tara in the car, she'd have to be more circumspect but at least they could hold hands.

Riley opened the passenger door for Tara and held it. He shot an admonishing look at Sam who merely grinned and lounged on the back seat. Totally unrepentant.

Tara stood around, a little unsure, until she saw Buffy climb into the back seat and snuggle up with Sam. The two wore their seatbelts, but Buffy had her head on Sam's shoulder and her eyes closed. Since it seemed to be helping, Tara nodded and let Riley help her up into the front seat of the SUV. She murmured her thanks and watched him check to be sure she was in before closing her door. It was rather cute, and Tara decided that perhaps chivalry wasn't quite dead after all.

While Tara was settling in and Riley was still outside, Buffy murmured to Sam, "I'm sorry... didn't mean to flip out on you."

"Shh... It's all right, honey," soft reassurance in her ear followed by a kiss to her temple. Sam lifted Buffy's chin, looked into her eyes and promptly forgot they had company in the SUV. She kissed her lover, molding her lips to Buffy's. Tasting and teasing and giving comfort as she could.

Riley hauled himself up into the driver's seat, locked the doors and slide the card through the ignition. He caught Tara's bemused smile at the unconventional starting mechanism and shrugged. Riley took a quick look in the rear-view mirror and almost plowed into a car behind them. Sam and Buffy were kissing, long and deep and for a moment, he considered launching himself into the back seat to be with them.

Not good form. He shot a sidelong glance at Tara who, fortunately, was not looking behind them. "So, Tara... How's old UC Sunnydale?" If he kept her attention on him, kept her talking, maybe she wouldn't look.

"It's alright, I guess. Same old, mostly. I've been living on campus again, and I'm starting to get sick of cafeteria food. You know the drill... pasta on Mondays and Wednesdays, chicken on Thursdays, pizza on Fridays... gets boring really fast." Tara shook her head, smiling a bit. "Classes aren't so bad, though. I'm taking an elective on the history of witchcraft, just to see what they say. It's been pretty interesting."

Buffy closed her eyes and melted against Sam. She kissed back deeply, teasing a little and drawing comfort from it. Slowly the tension drained out of her and she calmed down. All thoughts were driven from her mind, and she just savored the peace Sam was giving her.

"I remember the food. Used to live on Twinkies instead." Riley checked the rear-view again, this time ignoring the occupants of the seat. The coast was clear as he backed out, spun the wheel around and drove smoothly out of the parking lot. "Studying the craft sounds good. Those who don't know their history are doomed to repeat it."

Vanilla-sweet skin, sugary under her mouth. Hint of something darker, more complex at the base of her throat. Riley... Sam tasted her husband there, salt and cinnamon and sharp. She pulled back, looking at the spot she'd been kissing for a second before Buffy pulled her head and her mouth back to that spot. Raised scar, rough against her lips and when Sam bit down on it, Buffy lifted into the sharp sting of teeth.

Buffy clamped her lips together, smothering the moan that wanted to emerge as her whole body spasmed. She was shaking, her eyes closed tightly and she breathed heavily... but not quite loud enough to attract attention from the front seat. Without being entirely aware of how they got there, Buffy found her hands tangled in Sam's hair. Her lips pressed against Sam's temple and a soft moan escaped her attempts to keep quiet.

Tara nodded in response to Riley's comment. "Yeah, it's good to know what happened in the past. I don't know if the current times would allow the same atrocities to occur, but it's still better to be safe. And as a serious practitioner, it is important to know more than just the mechanics of what I'm doing. Having the background of my religion helps, though. I think it leaves me more receptive to it, since a lot of my classmates seem to have been raised on the idea that any magic beyond god's miracles is evil by definition."

Riley shifted in his seat, reacting to the low moan he'd caught. It had wound itself through Tara's words, reducing them to drabble. A very familiar ache spread through his body, sweet and heavy and urgent. His eyes flicked from the road to Tara's face and he murmured, "Yeah, I can see where it could be a problem."

Hand inside the leather jacket, cupping a breast. Warm and full of promise, just like a woman's body should be. Sam licked away the sting and bit again. Got another moan and another push into her mouth and the palm of her hand. Somewhere comfort had turned to sex - or maybe sex was comfort. The need to huddle together when the darkness was all around. The need to touch and be reassured that there was some sweetness to be found... even at the mouth of hell.

Buffy pressed against Sam as much as she could and fought with the desire to screw the seatbelts and climb into Sam's lap. Like Sam, she'd lost the distinction between comfort and sex... they could be two different things, but they didn't have to be. This was both, and it was exactly what Buffy needed.

Sam was taking advantage of the most easily accessible sensitive spot on her body... and it was driving her absolutely nuts, no matter how hard she tried to restrain herself. Small, soft sounds escaped her and she struggled with the desire to be closer.

In the front, Tara did her best to ignore what was going on in the back. She was finding it hard to concentrate on her conversation with Riley. Finally she asked, "C-could we turn on the radio, maybe? Please?" A distraction, any distraction, would help keep her mind off of the smothered sounds she kept hearing.

"Sure. No problem." Riley leaned forward and punched the CD button. Music filled the vehicle, loud and raw and perfectly timed for what he observed in the rear view. The hackles on the back of his neck rose even as he hit the changer and something mellower came on line. "Sorry," Riley breathed as he caught Tara's eye. His companion was flushed, clearly embarrassed.

It wasn't like he could turn around and tell them to knock it off. Well, he could. But it would be counter-productive. Buffy needed comfort. Sam was providing it. He and Tara would just have to deal.

Until the seat belt light came on. When safety was over-ridden, then he had to speak up. One word and one word only, pitched just right to be heard through the music. "Sam."

Almost unaware of what she'd done to earn censure, Sam lifted her head. Then realized the catch on Buffy's set-belt was undone and her lover was in her lap. Pressed tight against her, little needy sounds singing in her ears. Somehow the belt had come undone. Didn't matter which one of them had released it, they weren't being safe.

Buffy lifted her head and opened her eyes when Sam moved. Realizing where she was, she wondered how she'd gotten there. But having also caught the warning in Riley's tone, she began to move reluctantly. Very, very reluctantly. But Riley was strict about safety and she didn't want to push him.

Tara wondered what had happened that Riley had objected to, but she wasn't about to ask. She kept her eyes on the scenery outside the windshield and was glad that they were almost back to Buffy's house. She shot a glance at Riley and finally answered him, "No, i-it's alright. If that's what helps, then better to help than not." Tara almost added one more thought, but decided against it.

Willow had probably already threatened him, if she knew about the current situation. Tara didn't need to add her plea for them not to leave Buffy again.

Navigating mainly by instinct, Riley breathed a sigh of relief when he spotted Revello Drive. He signaled, turned the wheel and shot down the quiet street. The warning light went off and he caught a glimpse of Buffy settling back into her own seat. Sam still had an arm around her but things had calmed down.

Sitting up straight in her seat, Sam stroked Buffy's hair. Smoothed it back from her brow, tucked a lock behind one ear. Her fingertips traced the edge of the scar on her throat absently, sending tiny shivers down Buffy's spine. God, she didn't want to go. Sam wished they could blow Drummond off, tell him to send someone else. But she and Ry had a rep, they were the best of the best. And the brass knew it.

Buffy sighed softly and closed her eyes again. She leaned into Sam's caresses, but stayed in her own seat. They were almost home anyway, if the glance she'd taken out the window was telling the truth. And her eyes didn't usually lie, so it probably was true. They'd have to wait until later, much later, when they could be alone. They'd have to play it straight around Dawn, after all.

Home, they were home. Broad porch gleaming in the sunlight, open and welcoming. The Summers house was a beautiful place and Riley let it seep into his soul. No matter where they went, no matter where they were sent... this was now their home.

He guided the SUV into the driveway, bringing it to a smooth stop beside the walkway. Heard Tara's sigh of relief before he turned to catch her smile as well. "Let me get the door for you." His mom had raised him right and while Riley knew it was old-fashioned, he really did enjoy treating a lady like a lady.

Sam kissed Buffy on the cheek while she waited for Riley to get out of the vehicle. When they were on a mission, the manners went out the window but when they were in the civilian world... she found his behavior charming. Feminist by nature, she'd snapped at him the first few times he'd beaten her to a door. Kept snapping until she realized that he didn't do it out of tradition or because he thought she was incapable of taking care of herself.

No. He did it out of respect.

Buffy slanted a look and a half-smile at Sam. Unbuckling her seatbelt, she was tempted to reassume her earlier place on Sam's lap, but she knew they had to behave. So she refrained. Instead, she slid across the seat and waited patiently for Riley to open the door for her.

It was something he'd always wanted to do, so she sat back and let him. She had to be the strong, capable one in so much of her life that it was nice to let someone else take over and take care of her. Even if it was just little things like opening her door.

Surprised, Tara sat in her seat and watched Riley get out of the car. She continued to watch him until he had her door open and was holding it for her. With a bit of a blush and a smile, she slid out of the car. "Thank you." Deciding to voice her earlier thought, she added, "I guess chivalry isn't quite dead after all." Then she stood aside so he could close her door and get to the other one.

Riley ducked his head and chuckled. "Knight in shining SUV, that's me." He opened the other door, holding out his hand which Buffy took, stepping out into the light. A moment later, Sam exited the vehicle, squeezing Riley's hand as she did so. There was an apology in her eyes, which never made it past her lips as he shook his head. "Buffy, can you go unlock the door? We'll get started here."

"Yeah, sure." Buffy headed up the front steps and unlocked the door. Putting her keys back into her pocket, she returned to the SUV to help unload the groceries. Waiting her turn to get at the back of the car, she grabbed two bags and followed the line of people inside. When they all reached the kitchen, she thought of something. "Should one of us start to put things away, so the frozen stuff doesn't melt while we're lugging bags?"

Tara set her bag down on the counter and nodded. "I could do that, if you want me to, Buffy."

"Why don't you two handle that?" Riley suggested as he set four full bags down on the center island. He and Sam could take care of the unloading easily. Plus the counter was already getting pretty full.

Behind him, Sam brought in more. The paper bags were wet from condensation on the ice cream inside and she plopped them down beside the fridge. Skinned back a stray lock of hair that had fallen in her eyes and the breathless tone of her voice reminded Buffy of their first meeting. "We'll do the unloading. It's the easy part."

"Okay, we'll handle the inside stuff. You two keep the stuff coming in." With that, Buffy rearranged the contents of four bags, getting all the containers of ice cream into two of them. She scooped them up and took them into the basement. The downstairs freezer didn't auto-defrost, so it was the better place to store ice cream.

Tara began with the meat, putting it all into the refrigerator. A lot of it would need to be frozen, but that could be done later. It would need to be separated into meal-sized portions before it was frozen, and Tara felt it was over her head to try. But it needed to be kept cold, so she put it all away.

When Buffy came back upstairs, she checked a couple more bags and started to unload dry goods into the pantry cabinet. Cereal, oatmeal, pop tarts, it all went into the pantry in the places Buffy was used to them being. Fortunately, Tara had lived there long enough that she put things into their accustomed places.

Riley followed Sam back out to the vehicle but before they grabbed more bags, he pressed her up against the door. Stepped in between her legs, cupped her chin and kissed her. Long and slow and thorough. He knew he was giving the neighbor next door quite the show but Riley really didn't care at this point.

It was going to be awhile before they would get any more alone time. Both Willow and Dawn were due back any minute. Knowing the rest of the crew, Riley was betting that Xander would be there as soon as his shift at the site ended, probably with Anya in tow. There was no way that Dawn wouldn't have told the sole male Scooby that Riley was in town. Which would mean male bonding time and listening to Buffy's best male bud complain about the up coming wedding... which was tomorrow.

The kiss ended when Sam turned her face away. Turned it away and then looked up into his eyes. "Not now. Tonight, Ry... And Buffy's got to be the center of attention. I have you all the time... She'll need us tonight."

Riley was in total agreement with that assessment. Not only that, but he was seriously considering a call to Graham to see if he could step in should Drum want to send them off to parts unknown. Gray wouldn't raise much of a stink about it, although Riley knew he'd have to answer some pretty hard questions about a certain blonde... Who was waiting for them inside.

"Fair enough. Let's get this done." He released Sam, grabbed four more bags and headed back to the house. He knew Sam was right behind him, dogging his heels with her load.


As she unpacked, Buffy found another bag with stuff for the refrigerator and took it over to Tara. Tara smiled and continued to put things away. As they worked, Tara ventured a question, "Buffy... are you happy? I mean, I... you look like you feel better, but sometimes you don't."

"I suppose it depends on whether you mean in general or over something specific. In general, yes, I'm doing better. A lot better. They're good for me, both of them. And it helps to not be alone, to not have to be the strong one or the responsible one all the time. But there are still some issues that need to be resolved." Buffy shook her head and sighed.

"And they are military... even though they're supposed to be here all week, that could change at any time. It's always in the back of my mind, but I try not to think about it. We all do, really. But it's easier on them. When they go, they go together. And I'll still be here." The sorrow and grief in her voice over that didn't go unnoticed. Tara closed the refrigerator door and crossed over to Buffy. This time it was the taller blonde's turn to take the other in a comforting embrace.

"Shh, Buffy. It'll all work out. And if you need to talk while they're gone, I'm here for you. Okay?" Buffy nodded and sighed, squeezing Tara briefly before stepping away again. **Poor Buffy,** Tara sighed to herself before going back to the fridge to continue unpacking groceries.

Buffy looked up when her lovers returned and gave them a soft smile. She moved to take two of the bags from Riley as he set them on the counter. One was a mixed bag and she took things out and sorted them on the counter. The veggies went on the counter beside Tara, the apples and bananas beside the sink, the bread into the breadbox and the buns directly into the upstairs freezer. Then she started on the next one, sorting things out before taking an armload of stuff over to whichever cabinet it went in.

Tara found another bag, this one with dairy products and lunchmeat. She took it over to the fridge and started to put the contents away. "Buffy," she called. "Butter on the door, cheese on the third shelf?"

"No, on the second, except the string cheese which goes in the dairy drawer," Buffy answered as she pulled down her mom's Tupperware containers. She emptied the bag of flour into the one labeled 'flour', the sugar and powdered sugar into the appropriate canisters, and the chocolate chips into a container that held exactly the amount that was in the bag.

She threw away the bags and grabbed a chair, dragged it over to the pantry and stood on it to reach the shelf where the baking ingredients were kept, since they didn't get used as often. The sugars went into the front, so they could be more easily reached.

Riley came back in with another load and spotted Buffy on the chair. She was leaning forward, the chair was about to tip back and Tara's entire attention was on the fridge. He dropped his armload on the counter, shot forward and steadied Buffy with his hands at her waist. To her credit, she didn't stiffen up or shriek, just melted into his touch as he kneed the chair back into place.

Sam's armload had hit the counter at the same time but she was nowhere near as fast as Riley. The genetic tinkering he'd experienced in the old Initiative definitely extended beyond his ability to heal. Her husband was a big man, a very big man and simple physics dictated that he shouldn't be able to move like that.

"Thanks," Buffy murmured to Riley. She hadn't been aware that the chair was about to tip - she'd automatically balanced herself to adjust for the angle of the chair without realizing it. Sometimes, she decided, there was a downside to special reflexes. But on the other hand, if she hadn't been balancing automatically, she might have fallen before Riley got to the kitchen. He was sure fast, though - his speed almost rivaled hers, at times

"Anytime," he murmured, taking a brief moment to hold her close. Drawn in her scent and wish it was after dark. After dark and everything else done. When they'd been together before he left Sunnydale the need was nowhere near this strong.

Sure, he loved her and really enjoyed all the time they spent together. But the urge to always be close, to feel her skin against his, to wrap his arms around both Buffy and Sam and hold on for dear life... that was something new. Something new and powerful and just this side of frightening. It was a good thing that Riley knew Willow was no longer in the magic game, otherwise he would have suspected intervention on her part.

But it didn't feel like magic. Riley knew what that felt like, had first hand experience. Being under the influence of a spell was like having an itch under your skin, one that you couldn't scratch, no matter how hard you tried. Protection spells were common in his line of work and they had some really serious shamans who worked incredible stuff so he was no stranger to the feeling.

This... this was something else entirely.

Behind him, he felt Sam's approach and her gentle hand on his arm, drawing him back. No censure in her touch, just a simple reminder that this was not the time. He let go of Buffy, stepping away from her as he headed out to grab the last two bags. Riley needed some distance in order to clear his head.

Buffy sighed softly and her eyes followed Riley as he walked away. Her heart protested as he left, aching to have him close. Riley and Sam both, actually, but Sam at least was still in the room. Still, she knew that she was going to have to keep things under control for the next several hours and did what she could to resign herself to patience.

From her perch on the chair, she turned to Sam. Their eyes met and a long moment passed before either of them even blinked. Sam's eyes were a mirror of her own: longing, desire and love beneath resignation and determined patience. Buffy nodded, acknowledging the emotions binding them all together, and she saw Sam nod back. "As long as I'm up here, would you hand me the Bisquick and the baking powder, please?" Buffy asked softly.

The items were on the island, just out of her reach. They were the last two things that went into the upper cabinet, but she hadn't been able to carry everything at once.

Sam picked each item up in turn and handed them to Buffy. She stayed close to the chair, ready to catch if need be. Tara was unloading another bag, trying to stuff a few more items into the fridge, intent on her task. So intent that she didn't see Sam's hand on Buffy's calf or the gentle rub of her cheek against Buffy's thigh.

Outside, Riley hefted the last two bags, locked the SUV and made his way back into the house. He wound through the dining room, then into the kitchen where he found the three women working diligently through the jumble of bags. The kitchen looked like a bomb had gone off in it.

There were empty bags on the floor, half-unpacked bags on every surface. Riley found room by the stove for his burden and set it down. Time to organize the rest of chaos.

He tilted his head toward his wife and she joined him silently. Together, they unloaded bags, sorting the items into cupboard, fridge and freezer sections. As they went, they folded up the paper bags and tucked them in beside the fridge.

Tara rearranged the items in the fridge one more time and managed to make room for the items Riley and Sam were unpacking. When that was finished, she started in on the freezer items. Juice went on the door, frozen foods on various shelves, anything in a box got stacked and the rest was moved here and there as she tried to make things fit.

Buffy joined Riley and Sam, sorting items by where they went. "Sam, could you put these in the cabinet over the sink, please? I think I've had enough chairs for one afternoon," she asked with a smile. She grabbed a few more boxes and moved to the long pantry cabinet and fit the items in amongst the others, trying not to bury anything too deeply to be found.

"No problem," Sam replied, picking up the boxes of baggies and the rolls of aluminum foil. She left the large freezer bags out on the cupboard, they were going to need those for when Riley divided the meat up. The rest went into the cupboard.

Riley watched Tara try to fit a few more items in the fridge. He spotted where she'd stored the meat and shook his head. "Tara," he said, reaching for the cutting board and a butcher's knife out of the block. "Hand me the meat."

Tara did as he asked, piling the packages of meat back onto the counter. They slid against each other, threatening to tumble onto the floor until he steadied them. Riley heard a shrill whistle and when he looked up, Sam tossed him the freezer bags. "Want me to handle the meat?" she drawled and suddenly the temperature in the room went up twenty degrees.

"Not this time, honey. I'll handle it myself." Riley shot back even as he sliced open the first package. He grinned at Sam and Buffy both before setting to work.

Buffy laughed at them both, and even Tara giggled. When their mirth had died down, Buffy picked up the two pharmacy packages and looked at Sam. "You mind telling me how these things work? Do I start them now, or later or what?" What went unsaid was, did she need to use the morning-after pill now, or was it already too late. But that was a little too personal with Tara around, so she just waited for general instructions.

Sam opened the first package and handed the bottle to Buffy. She filled a glass of water from the tap as well. "Take three now and three tomorrow. We'll start you on the others as soon as your next cycle begins." Matter-of-fact and to the point, Sam was in full doctor mode right now. Their games were set aside in favor of Buffy's health.

Riley caught Tara's curious look and felt the flush as it crept up from under his collar. He kept his head down, his full attention on the knife he was wielding as he trimmed fat off one of the Porterhouses. They were going to have steak tonight. Steak and mushrooms and probably a salad... unless Buffy had other plans.

When he looked up again, he spotted the other items in the second bag Sam was rummaging through. She'd been thorough, which came as no surprise. Even bought the brand he preferred and how she'd come up with that little tidbit, Riley had no idea.

Buffy opened the bottle and shook three out into her hand. She took them one at a time, drinking the water slowly and draining the glass when the pills were gone. Replacing the cap, she set the bottles beside the sink. They could be taken upstairs later. "Okay, sounds good. What about the vitamins?" Catching Tara's curious glance, Buffy explained, "Sam's a doctor, Tara. She thinks I'm too thin. So I'm taking vitamins for a while."

Tara nodded. It made perfect sense to her. And she agreed with Sam; it looked like Buffy had barely eaten a thing since she left.

"Two in the morning, two at night. At least until we get you balanced again." This time Sam opened the bottle and shook the pills out. There was a month's supply and she had a standing order set up at the pharmacy, ready whenever Buffy could drop by to pick them up. The prescription was paid in advance for the next year.

She watched Buffy take them as well. They were large and hard to swallow but she managed to get them down. As a reward, Sam kissed Buffy's cheek gently. Anything more demonstrative would just result in more frustration.


With everything finally put away, Buffy sighed in relief. "Done, finally," she breathed. "What a project. Coke, anyone?" She headed for the cases of soda stacked beside the fridge. A handful from each case went into the fridge, a tray of ice cubes came out of the freezer and Buffy waited beside the cabinet full of glasses for the others to answer.

"Please, if you don't mind," Tara spoke up. Putting away groceries was thirsty work when it involved as many groceries as they'd bought...

"Of course I don't mind," Buffy replied. "Sam, Riley?" "Milk for me," Riley stated. He washed the knife, dried it carefully and then slid it into the butcher's block. The debris from his project had been neatly put away as well. Now all that remained was the decision with regards to dinner. "Buffy, dinner tonight? I could cook some of the steaks?"

Sam leaned against the counter. She'd taken care of the laundry while the rest of them worked on the groceries. The sheets were now in the dryer and the clean items were neatly folded, sitting on the dining room table. It felt good to handle domestic chores. Not something she got to do a lot of. "Coke, please."

Buffy took out four glasses and set them on the counter. Ice went into three of them and soda was poured in on top. She handed Tara and Sam their sodas on her way to the fridge for the milk. Handing Riley his full glass, Buffy leaned against the counter and sipped her soda. "If we're done here, I dunno about you guys but I'm all for heading to the living room. Might as well get comfy while we catch up."

Having finished her self-appointed task, Buffy recalled Riley's question. "Sorry, Riley, what was that? Steaks for dinner? Sounds good to me... and I'm sure Dawn will be thrilled."

Riley grinned and opened the back door. Yes. The grill was still there. "Weather's good enough. I could set up the barbecue. Got any charcoal?"

"I saw some in the basement, honey." Sam's smile was almost as broad as Riley's. He wasn't the best cook in the world but her husband did have a specialty. Anything that involved an open flame always came out great. It ran in his family, the Finns were all incredible with a set of tongs in their hands. "We'll get the coals going in about an hour. Talk time now."

Back inside, he nodded in agreement. Picked up his glass and Sam's as they all headed toward the living room. It was time for another Sunnydale Q&A session.

Tara settled in her favorite chair while Buffy flopped on the couch. Flopped, literally, but somehow she managed to not spill a drop of her coke. Tara knew that she'd never know how Buffy managed to move the way she did. But that was okay. She waited for the others to settle in, wanting everyone to be comfortable before they started to talk.

Riley took a seat next to Buffy. He stretched her arm out over the back of the couch and smiled to himself when she settled into the hollow of his shoulder. A moment later, Sam took up residence at his feet, her back resting against his legs. Easy with one another and much more open than they'd been earlier in the day.

No doubt that they belonged together. No doubt at all. When he reached for his milk, Sam handed it to him before turning toward Tara and resting her arm and cheek on his thigh. "We'll answer what we can, Tara." Riley said quietly.


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