Title: Bring Me Into the Light
AUTHOR: Mistress Ace & Em
E-MAIL: rosewood@inreach.com & winter@sapphire-dragon.net
FEEDBACK: Is the butter on our bread. We write because the story begs to be told. Feedback lets us know if we struck a chord with you.
DISTRIBUTION: Our site, for the moment. When we post fully edited chapters, those can be posted elsewhere. RATING: NC-17
CATEGORY: Story: Romance, Angst
PAIRINGS: B/R/Sam, m/f, f/f
DISCLAIMER: Don't own the characters at all. (More's the pity) They belong to the Great God Joss Whedon et al. We are just borrowing them for a little bit. That's all. No BtVS characters were harmed in the writing of this fic. Well, maybe just a little.
SUMMARY: Not back for long enough. Not nearly long enough and there were too many things left up in the air. But isn't that the purpose of fan-fiction?

Chapter 33

"I-I'm just curious, really. You'll get the third degree from Willow, if you haven't already. But I am kinda wondering how all this happened. And... Buffy, you said Sam was Riley's wife... and kinda yours?" A puzzled expression crossed Tara's face. She didn't quite understand what Buffy had meant.

"Willow did ask a few questions. Got the shovel threat, too." Riley's smile was warm as he nuzzled the top of Buffy's head. His hand found Sam's shoulder, rubbing gently. "Sam is my wife. Been married for four months... almost five."

"Some things came up last night." Quiet voice and soft words. Sam leaned into Riley's touch; her eyes closed for a moment then opened again, her full focus on Tara. "Ry... never stopped loving Buffy. Didn't want him to. It's part of who he is."

Tara nodded slowly. That much she could understand, certainly. "You never really stop loving the first person you fall in love with," she agreed quietly. "But that doesn't mean that they stay in the foremost of your heart. You can love more than once, and sometimes it takes a few before you really find the right one."

Tara's voice was soft, seeming to speak from experience... though her past love-life wasn't one that she'd ever shared, except perhaps with Willow. "But I take it that didn't happen? It takes a while, I know..."

"Yeah... I thought we were done." The truth was not always an easy thing to put out there. When Sunnydale came up as the possible final destination for the Suvolte, Riley had considered sending another team in. Seeing Buffy was bound to stir up the old feelings, which it did. He tried to keep them in check, tried to keep his opinions to himself during that trip. And he'd done a pretty good job.

But after it was all said and done, after they'd gone to Edwards for the flight to Tibet... everything came crashing in. He'd woken up beside Sam in a cold sweat with Buffy's name on his lips. Woke from a dream where they'd been so tightly wound around each other that there was no telling where one ended and the other began. That dream was forgotten when dawn came... forgotten until now.

It occurred to him that dragging all the details out might not be what Tara was looking for here. "How much of this do you really want to know? You want the short version?"

Tara shrugged slightly and offered them a smile. "I don't want to know anything you don't want to tell me. But if you want to tell me, I'll listen."

Buffy spoke up, saying the words that she knew Tara wouldn't actually say, even if she thought them. "Except that she doesn't want to know about our sex life. That's TMI. Right?" She smiled at Tara as the other woman blushed and nodded. Nodding back, Buffy continued in a softer tone. "I think what she's really asking is, what brought you back? Why would a happily married couple come back here... for me?" Again, Tara nodded.

"We came back because you needed help." Sam picked up her drink and took a sip. Held the glass in her hand as she looked over her shoulder at Buffy. "You were drowning. Ry knew it and so did I. Main reason we showed up was to wipe out some of the nests around here. Let you catch a breather."

Riley started to speak but Sam squeezed his thigh to silence him. "Best to say this up front. Buffy's not the first woman in my life. Until Ry... women have always been my first choice. Watched her fight last night..." Warmth flickered in jade green depths as Sam smiled. "Watched them fight. They're beautiful together. They belong together."

"Sam," a breath of protest from Riley. Which was silenced by another squeeze and a long look from his wife.

"I love you, Riley Finn. There's no question of that. You belong with Buffy and she belongs with you and so do I."

"Funny... I would've said the same about you two, Sam. Just because your coordinated tricks are different doesn't make you fit together any worse. You two mesh in so many ways that I don't, and probably never will..." Buffy shook her head and shushed their protests with soft fingertips on their lips, Riley and Sam both.

"I'm serious. I'm not one for needless praise, Sam. Ask Riley, he'll tell you. Even if I do belong with you two, you belonged together first. And I can't think of anything you might say that will change my mind about that." Soft, just a little sad but accepting of the way things were.

Tara watched Buffy closely as she spoke and shook her head. Poor Buffy... she really did have issues with self-confidence, especially in romantic situations. Not that Tara felt herself to be much better, and she would never call her friend to task over it. Sitting back to watch, the young wiccan hoped that Riley and Sam would prove to be as good to Buffy as Willow had been to her; the redhead had never allowed her to put herself down.

Before Buffy move her hands away, both Sam and Riley kissed her fingertips. "We can learn from each other. There are things you can do that neither of us will ever be able to do. Team-work, Buffy... that's what gets the job done." Sam took another sip of her drink.

Riley's arm tightened around Buffy, holding her close for a moment. Explaining how he felt - how they felt - wasn't the easiest thing in the world. But Tara was listening quietly and not judging which made is a little simpler. "Tara. Last summer, before everything went crazy, I was ready to ask Buffy to marry me. Wanted to spend the rest of my life with her." Buffy looked up at him and he smiled. Leaned forward, kissed her gently before glancing back at Tara.

Tara blinked and tilted her head. Surprise was evident on her face. "I... wow. I don't think any of us had any idea, Riley. Can I ask why you didn't? You don't have to tell me..."

For a moment, Riley considered telling her why. Considered telling Tara about his talk with Giles but decided against it. There really was no one to blame but himself for that bit of folly. "I was stupid. That's pretty much it. I didn't ask her and the world fell apart. Got in over my head. Almost died... also because I was being stupid. Left... monumental mistake."

Sam squeezed his thigh again but said nothing. While she agreed that he made some incredible mistakes, the road he'd taken ended up crossing hers and that was something she refused to regret. "Met Sam. Fell in love with her. Not so stupid this time... actually married her. Love her, love Buffy. Want both of them." Riley sighed and rubbed his hand over the back of his neck. "And I'm starting to sound like a cave-man again. I really did graduate. Top of my class. Have the degree and everything."

Tara chuckled and nodded. Buffy was giggling, muffling the sound against Riley's chest. "I believe you," Tara said. "Even if you made some mistakes, it seems that everything turned out for the best. Well... mostly anyway." Tara was still concerned about the effect that Riley's departure had on Buffy and was worried about what would happen if they got sent on a mission.

It was bound to happen, because they were military and Buffy wasn't. Tara was prevented from saying anything further when the front door swung open and Dawn bounced into the living room. Her eyes lit up when she saw Buffy and Riley snuggled on the couch together, and in a fit of teenage pique she decided that sitting at their feet was a good place for Sam. Not that she really had anything against the woman... except that she was married to Riley and Buffy wasn't.

Willow followed Dawn in and closed the door. The two girls put their school bags down and then Dawn skipped into the living room. She hugged Buffy, Riley and Tara, in that order. She offered a slight smile to Sam. "Hey guys! You're still here! Hang on a sec, be right back."

Dawn dashed into the kitchen with the intent of swiping the last soda in existence out of the refrigerator. The sound of the refrigerator door opening was heard faintly in the living room... but it was followed by silence. Shocked silence, which was broken by a shrill, "Oh my God! Buffy!"

"Looks like Dawn found the food," Sam's mild comment had Buffy, Riley and Tara laughing while Willow looked slightly bewildered. That added with the shock of running into Tara was almost too much for her. "Willow, are you okay?"

Riley noted Willow's wan attempt at a smile and nodded in sympathy. It was never easy seeing your ex. Something he knew all too well. "Willow, can I get you something? There's plenty."

"Um, sure. Whatever you got is fine." A muffled thud was heard from the kitchen and Willow latched onto the distraction. "I think I'd better go peel Dawnie off the floor. Excuse me." The redhead beat a hasty retreat to the kitchen and Tara bowed her head, a guilty expression spread across her face.

"Maybe I'd better go," Tara spoke quietly. "You can call me later, maybe?" She got to her feet slowly and looked around for her small bag from the store. She spotted it near the door, where she'd left it.

"Do you need a ride home?" Riley tapped Sam on the shoulder and she leaned forward, letting him get up. It was daylight outside. Sunnydale was pretty safe during the day but there was no need for her to walk.

There were more muffled squeals from the kitchen, each one getting successively louder and not all of them sounded like Dawn. Cupboards opened and closed, accompanied by more excited sounds. Sam got to her feet as well. "Ry, why don't you stay and I'll give Tara a lift? Sounds like all hell's breaking loose in the kitchen. Buffy might need you for crowd control."

Buffy laughed and shook her head. "Nah. You'll get the squeal to end them all when she finds the ice cream, and then silence will prevail when the first spoonful hits her mouth. But we probably should keep her from spoiling her appetite too much," she paused thoughtfully, then revised her opinion, "which may amount to the same problem. Okay, yeah, maybe I will." They all laughed together at that.

When things quieted, Tara spoke up, "It's really nice of you to offer me a ride, but you don't have to. Campus isn't far, and I don't mind walking..." Honestly, she was used to it. Like Buffy was used to walking all over town. It was the way of life when you didn't have a car. Sunnydale was too small for a public transportation system.

"You sure?" Sam asked quietly. As with all of Buffy's friends, Sam found herself warming to Tara. She was a good person, a very good person and it was clear Riley thought the world of her. Which was enough of a recommendation in Sam's book.

When Tara nodded, both Riley and Sam sighed in relief. Although either would have been happy to provide an escort, their time with Buffy was limited and they wanted every precious second. "Maybe we can get together for dinner later this week?" Riley offered even as he headed to the door.

"That would be nice," Tara agreed. "Thank you. And... whatever happens between now and then... stay safe and may happiness keep you." Tara hugged Buffy and then offered Sam her hand, smiled when the other woman took it between her two and held on for a moment. Then she followed Riley to the door. After a moment of indecision, she gave Riley a hug. It was very weird, hugging a guy, but he was her friend and he'd been very nice about giving her space, earlier.

"Be careful, Tara, and if anything happens you can call me," Buffy added as she followed her friend to the door. Manners dictated she see her friend out, even if Riley was already doing it.

Riley stood at the door and watched Tara walk away. Once she reached the sidewalk, she looked longingly over her shoulder at the house and the look hit him right where he lived. Knew that look, knew what it meant and the pain behind it. Dinner with Tara was a definite to do item on his list. He couldn't do anything about her loss but he could certainly provide a sympathetic ear.

Besides, there were a lot of things he'd wanted to say, wanted to explain. And there hadn't been enough time. There never was enough time.

Closing the door when Tara was out of sight, he turned back to Sam and Buffy who were listening to the mayhem in the kitchen. Knowing him best, Sam slid an arm around his waist and kissed his cheek. "Shall we go take a look? See if Dawn's found the ice cream yet?" Sam suggested, hoping it would make him smile.

"Sure, let's see what the kid's gotten into." He hugged Sam before slipping his other arm around Buffy's waist. No more hiding. There was going to be no more hiding in this house.

Too many secrets had been kept in this home. And that was going to change. As of right now.

It turned out that Dawn hadn't found the ice cream yet. She hadn't made it out of the kitchen to check the basement. She was sorting through the goodies in the pantry. She held up the box of granola bars and opened her mouth to say something... and the words got stuck in her throat. In the doorway were Buffy, Riley and Sam. And Riley had an arm around both women, one snuggled against each side. Her eyes went wide and she just stared.

Smiling gently, Buffy decided to rescue her shocked sister. "It's okay, Dawnie. We'll explain in a little bit. Did you check downstairs yet?" She watched Dawn, still wide-eyed, shake her head and head for the stairs.

Dawn stopped in the basement doorway and turned around. "If I go downstairs, you guys aren't gonna move and pretend this didn't happen, are ya? 'Cause if you are, then I'm not going..."

"Trust me, squirt, it happened." Riley grinned at Dawn, right before he kissed Buffy and then Sam. Might as well be completely up front about it. Full disclosure... or as full as Buffy and good sense would allow.

Sam leaned into the kiss, touching her tongue to Riley's before letting him go. As Dawn stood poised at the top of the steps, her face bright red and mouth open, Sam smoothed a stray lock of hair out of Buffy's eyes. She moved away from Riley, silently asking permission of her lover for a kiss.

Buffy smiled and nodded, stepping closer to Sam and lifting her chin to kiss her lover. They ignored Dawn's startled gasp, ignored everything for the few brief moments that they shared a kiss. Buffy leaned against Sam and wrapped her arms around Sam's hips, holding gently.

Dawn watched her sister kiss Riley's wife, shocked but still curious. Since when did Buffy go for women? And why was Riley just standing there watching with that goofy grin on his face? And when the heck did all of this happen??

"Dawnie, downstairs? Go check the freezer." Riley prompted when Buffy's little sister remained rooted to the spot. She was turning the most interesting shade of red and he'd never seen anybody's eyes get so big. He heard a muffled sound to his left and caught Willow covering her mouth with her hand. She tried to pull her resolve face on him but the best she could manage was a tiny frown of disapproval. Which was ruined by the amused twinkle in her eye.

Dawn still didn't move. She even got that stubborn look that he knew far too well. Riley had two younger sisters and they each used that look all the time. It was usually followed by a foot stomp or a finger waved under his nose and a myriad of other forms of teen-aged disapproval. "Promise we'll tell you everything when you get back."

This was going to be the day for explanations. For a moment, Riley wondered if he should just call Xander and get him and Anya to come over for a full-fledged Scooby meeting. Lay the cards out on the table in front of all of them and wait for the fireworks to go off.

Dawn huffed at Riley before she headed down the stairs. She went quickly, hoping she could sneak back up and maybe catch them at something she wasn't supposed to see or hear. She had to learn things somehow, didn't she?

Heading for the basement freezer, Dawn paused in front of it and opened it. Her jaw dropped and her squeal was heard upstairs when she took in the containers of ice cream sitting on the shelf of the freezer. Rummaging through them, she searched until she found the chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.

She grabbed it and dashed back up the stairs. Barely even glancing at her sister, Dawn grabbed a spoon from the drawer, pulled the lid off the ice cream and dug in with enthusiasm.

Riley managed to keep from laughing as he watched Dawn devour the first scoop of ice cream. The kid ate the stuff so fast there was no way she was even tasting it. How long had it been?

Sliding out of Sam and Buffy's embrace, he found himself going straight into big brother mode. Or maybe it was dad mode. Hard to tell. Riley opened one of the cupboards, got out a bowl and set it down next to the container. Dawn didn't look up. She simply hunched lower over the ice cream, the spoon midway to her mouth and a defiant look on her face.

"Dawn," he spoke softly, moving a little closer. "Let me dish a little up for you? Dinner's in about two hours and you'll want to have room."

"But ice cream! Do you have any idea how long it's been? I'll eat dinner tomorrow, promise. Please, Riley?" Dawn looked up at Riley with a pleading expression, her eyes wide and milking the little sister thing for all it was worth.

Buffy was hard put not to laugh at her sister's antics. Her body shook with silent laughter and she pressed her mouth against Sam's shoulder to muffle any sounds that might escape. Dawn's expression was a variation on one that Buffy used to use, herself. It always got her almost anything she wanted, both with Riley and back when their dad had been around. Dawn's twist made it a little seemlier for her to use on her sister's boyfriend.

Willow glanced at Buffy, struggling not to giggle herself. With a hint of laughter in her voice, she said, "But Dawnie, you don't even know what we're having for dinner."

The pleading expression faded a little and Dawn swept the group, finally coming to a stop at Riley. Who leaned over, tapped his fingers on the rim of the bowl and shrugged. "Well... if you'd rather have ice cream instead of steak and potatoes and a salad... I guess you can." Her eyes got wider, her bottom lip started to tremble but Riley wasn't buying it.

He stepped back, hooking a finger on the edge of the bowl. "Did I mention that I was going to be firing up the barbecue? No...?" Riley turned away from Dawn and winked at Buffy and Sam. "Honey, you want to go get that bag of charcoal? We need to get started... Of course since Dawn's eating early, guess she can do her homework while we eat."

"Oh, fine," Dawn sulked. "But you said I could have some ice cream now, since dinner won't be 'til later. And I am so starving." She took the bowl from Riley before he could take it away and started to spoon ice cream into it. But with a normal sized spoon, it was gonna take a while and she was too stubborn to get up and look for the ice cream scoop.

He might not know everything that went on in the head of a Slayer, but Riley did have a good grasp on a regular teen-aged girl. While Dawn was an interdimensional Key; the details of which Riley was still pretty fuzzy about, she was also fifteen. Fifteen and adorably human.

Sam watched Dawn struggle with the ice cream and tried to remember where she'd seen the scoop. A moment later, she laid it beside the bowl without saying a word. Dawn looked up at her, looked at the scoop and scowled.

The rejection stung. Sam eased away, sidling past Riley where he stood by the basement door. He caught the look on her face and followed his wife downstairs.

Buffy frowned at Dawn and crossed her arms. "Hey. What's with the attitude? Sam was only trying to help... why with the rudeness? What's the problem?" Part of her wanted to follow Sam, but Riley had already done that. Buffy knew she had to talk to Dawn, because she was the only one who would be able to get through over this.

"I just don't like her, okay? Geez, Buffy, you didn't like her so much last time she was here, either. So what's the big deal?" Dawn didn't look up, so she didn't see Buffy's eyes darken in anger or her frown deepen.

"The 'big deal' is that you hurt her feelings when she was only trying to be friendly. Sam's a great person, Dawn... she doesn't deserve this from you. She's never done anything to either of us, you know. And you haven't even given her a chance." Buffy's voice was hard, chill. The toe of one foot beat a soft rhythm on the floor of the kitchen, and was a dead giveaway that she wasn't happy at all.


At the foot of the stairs, Sam paused. She didn't seek her husband's embrace, nor his comfort, although it was there for the asking. She knew she was the outsider here. Dawn would be hard to win over.

Riley gave her the space Sam needed. Didn't touch her, didn't pull her into his arms. This was how she dealt with things. When a mission went wrong, when somebody got hurt... after the dust settled, Sam would go on walkabout. Sometimes he went with her and sometimes... sometimes he simply followed at a safe distance. Watching her back.

It worked for them. Respecting each other's need for space... as well as being there when an ear was needed.


Hearing the tapping on the floor, Dawn looked up at her sister. She took in the angry look and the frown and frowned back. "So what if I haven't given her a chance. Why would I want to? God, Buffy, don't you hate her, even just a little? For having him? For keeping him from you, from being part of our family? He could've come back... you could've worked things out... how can you just let him go without a fight, again?"

Dawn's voice was bitter and deliberately loud. She didn't care who heard her, even if it made Riley mad. She was still kinda miffed at him for leaving, not to mention coming back married... he'd never be her big brother for real, now.

Buffy shook her head, her tone gentling slightly but her voice still carried. She knew they hadn't gone far and that they would hear her, and that was fine with her. "I wanted to hate her, at first, She's everything I'm not, and she makes him happy. But because she makes him happy, I found that I couldn't hate her. That was last time. This time... Dawn, Sam means a lot to me. I feel the same way about her that I do about Riley..."

Dawn raised an eyebrow. "And just how do you feel, Buffy?"


When Dawn's angry words assaulted them, Riley watched his wife's shoulders slump for a second. But only a second. Sam whirled around and the fire in her eyes was a sight to behold. It reminded Riley again why he loved her so much.

Sam was a lot of things but a quitter wasn't one of them. Her foot was on the bottom step, her jaw tight and set as she stared up at the half-open door. Worth fighting for. What they'd forged in the span of a day was worth fighting for.

Even if the enemy was a fifteen-year-old girl.

Riley caught her before she took another step. Pulled Sam into a rough embrace and held her there, both of them breathless as they heard Buffy's reply to Dawn's direct jibes. Riley's mouth was inches from Sam's, ready to silence both of them while they heard Dawn's counter and waited for Buffy's response.

They knew the answer. Knew that Buffy loved them. But telling a friend was different from telling your sister. Dawn's fit of pique was turning into an acid test of their relationship. Would Buffy say it? Say the words that would clarify everything...


Buffy studied her sister for a moment. Dawn deserved an honest answer, and her lovers deserved one that was spoken without hesitation. If this wasn't how she'd imagined telling her sister, it didn't matter anymore. "I love them, Dawnie," she answered softly. "I never stopped loving Riley, and I love Sam just as much. It's different, but the same."

"And what about them?" Dawn returned. "Do they love you? How can they, if they're married? 'Til death do us part' and all. They obviously didn't need you to be happy... and I bet they still don't." The younger Summers watched her sister flinch and for a moment she regretted turning the attack to her sister. But damn it, this was out of hand!


Buffy's declaration made both of them smile. It eased away any last fears they had. Riley closed the distance, covering Sam's mouth with his. For a moment...

That moment was gone when Dawn's shrill tone shattered their sense of peace. Sam jerked out of Riley's arms, once more headed for the top of the stairs. He held her back, dipping his head down to her ear. "Sam, I can be happy with you. You know that, right?"

"I know, Ry," The anger was still there. Muscles tight, poised to rush up the stairs and defend their lover against attack. Yet Sam stayed, didn't pull away from him. "I know we can be happy. We've proven that. But with Buffy... we're more. We're more than just the sum of us... of you and me and Buffy. What we have in unbelievable and it's strong and it's good and I want to spank her... I really do."


"You're right, they probably don't need me to be happy," Buffy's answer was even softer than the previous, and beneath the sure tone there was a hint of self-depreciation. "But just because they don't need me in their lives doesn't mean that they don't want me there. They've said they love me, Dawnie, and I believe them. Isn't that what matters?"

"Maybe it is, but that's never stopped anyone before," Dawn reminded her sister. This time, there was as much concern in her voice as there was anger. "They all leave eventually, isn't that what you told me last year? I mean, God, Buffy. Even Dad left. He left us when he left Mom... and dads are supposed to love their kids. Even if they do love you, what's going to keep them here?"


That did it. Riley was the one who moved now. He took the stairs two at a time, the palm of his hand struck the door hard. It slammed open, startling the occupants of the kitchen. Dawn looked up, her heart in her throat as she took in Riley's countenance.

Barely controlled fury, hands clenched and jaw tight. Riley heard Willow's muffled squeak of fear but didn't look at her. His whole attention was focused on Dawn. "You're right on one thing, Dawn." No nicknames, no softness, this was not her adoptive big brother staring her down.

"I left. That was wrong. And it was my fault." The rage that had been in Sam's eyes resided in his now. Riley felt his wife's staying hand on his arm and fought the urge to shake it off. "Not Buffy's. Not the gang's. Nobody's fault but mine."

Dawn started to open her mouth but Riley held his hand up. He wasn't finished. "My job... our job is gonna take us away. We go all over the world and we do what your sister's been doing since she was your age... You do remember what Buffy does, right?" Riley paused, taking a deep breath before he pinned Dawn with another look. When had she gotten so pushy, so self-centered... so mean? "We take out the bad guys and we save lives."

Next to him, Sam tensed. He was getting dangerously close to the line on what he could tell Dawn. Not that she would blow the whistle but there were promises they'd made, oaths they'd sworn. And there were some things that young girls, Slayerhood notwithstanding, that young girls didn't need to hear. Riley's eyes never wavered from Dawn's stunned face. "But we'll come back. We'll always come back. Long as there's breath in my body..."

"And in mine," Sam added, letting go of his arm and moving over to where Buffy stood. She touched Buffy's shoulder, her hair, her cheek. "We'll always come back... for you."

Buffy closed her eyes and leaned lightly against Sam for a moment. "I know you will. I believe you. Both of you." Opening her eyes, they found Riley's and she said softly, "Doesn't matter whose fault it is anymore, Riley. It's done with and forgiven." Her eyes met Dawn's, and 'forgiven' was emphasized. "What happened, happened. What's important is what happens in the future."

With a heavy sigh, Dawn gave up and looked away. "I'm sorry, Buffy. I just... I don't want you hurt. Again. It was so awful... it always was." In the face of all the hurt, all the anger, and all the tension in the room, Dawn wished she could vanish. When she felt tears fill her eyes, she bailed; forgetting her ice cream and ignoring the eyes on her, Dawn got up from the island and ran from the room.

Her footsteps pounded up the stairs and the slamming of a door sounded as she escaped into her room.

Riley felt his anger drain away as quickly as it came. Fifteen, Dawn was fifteen. He had to keep that in mind. Discretion was a learned skill and at fifteen, almost no one had it.

Not the best way to break it to a kid that she was not only getting a big brother but another sister as well. "Huh. Guess we could've handled that better." From upstairs, he could hear a thumping sound and that could only mean trouble.

It was his intention to head upstairs and try to fix things although he had no clue how. Just part of his nature, the need to help. But when Riley moved toward the door, Sam shook her head. It wasn't his place to deal with this. It was Buffy's.

She cupped her lover's cheek, ran her thumb along the corner of Buffy's mouth. "Why don't you go talk to Dawn? Ry and I'll get dinner started. Maybe Willow can go with you... or do you have homework to do?"

"Yeah, actually, I do." Willow smiled a bit and headed for the dining room and her laptop. Before she left the room, she turned back and, without a hint of accusation at all, said, "Don't be too hard on her. Remember that she's only fifteen and in the course of a couple of months, she lost her entire family. She hasn't been the same since." That said, Willow left the room.

"I'll take care of Dawn... I kinda think something like this has been brewing for a while, now. We don't really talk much anymore," Buffy admitted. "I think you were just a convenient reason to blow up, even if the concerns in her mind are real."

"We knew this wasn't going to be easy. Still signed up for it." Riley tucked his hands into his pockets. Willow was right, Dawn had been through a lot. Hell, the whole crew had been through a lot. But so had he and so had Sam and nothing worth having was ever easy.

Sam let Buffy go with a kiss on her cheek. "We love you. Always remember that. If you need us... we'll be here." She hoped that Dawn would eventually accept them. Or at least accept Riley. She could live with Dawn hating her... she really could.

"I know, Sam. And I'm sorry she's picking on you. I think... I think maybe she was hoping that Riley would come back someday and we could work things out. You changed all that, so she's taking it out on you. And I understand it, but I'll only let it go so far. Because I meant it when I said that you don't deserve it, Sam." Buffy caught Sam's hand and kissed her palm, then headed upstairs with a much softer step than her sister's had before.


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