Title: Bring Me Into the Light
AUTHOR: Mistress Ace & Em
E-MAIL: rosewood@inreach.com & winter@sapphire-dragon.net
FEEDBACK: Is the butter on our bread. We write because the story begs to be told. Feedback lets us know if we struck a chord with you.
DISTRIBUTION: Our site, for the moment. When we post fully edited chapters, those can be posted elsewhere. RATING: NC-17
CATEGORY: Story: Romance, Angst
PAIRINGS: B/R/Sam, m/f, f/f
DISCLAIMER: Don't own the characters at all. (More's the pity) They belong to the Great God Joss Whedon et al. We are just borrowing them for a little bit. That's all. No BtVS characters were harmed in the writing of this fic. Well, maybe just a little.
SUMMARY: Not back for long enough. Not nearly long enough and there were too many things left up in the air. But isn't that the purpose of fan-fiction?

Chapter 37

"Hush," spoken against her mouth. Tasted her tears, swallowed her fears. Took them into himself and gave back nothing but comfort. Riley loved her. Would always love her... Even after she was dead and gone. Even after he was dead and gone.

She let him comfort her, accepting the love and protection he offered even though she didn't know why. She felt in him that he wanted to take away her fears, to calm her and reassure her. And calm her, he did... but as she calmed, she knew he didn't understand. He had no idea how deep her fears went, or her insecurities. He didn't understand her because he didn't know why she'd become this way. And that was her own fault.

All the comfort and soothing words in the world could not fix this problem... no matter how much either of them might want it to. And maybe if she talked to him, if they addressed the real issues, he would tell her what she needed to know. Maybe then he would be able to give her the answers she so desperately needed... and maybe she would be able to stop feeling threatened and overshadowed by his perfection and Sam's. Maybe then.

Her tears slowed, though she still trembled in his arms. It was still hard to breathe, but slowly getting easier as she released her pent-up emotions. There were people waiting for them, probably worrying... she needed to lock up her fears and doubts, shut away her self-hate and -disgust, and put on her normal face so she could go back. But after that... she just didn't know.

"I love you," Riley whispered into the night. Felt her flinch away from it. Felt his heart sink into the ground. Back to that again. The cold shoulder and the shrugs and the silences that lasted forever.


He wasn't going to let that happen.

Not this time.

"Buffy, when we get done here... Come back to the hotel with us. We need to talk." Probably the worst four words in the language of relationships but it was true. They needed to talk. More than anything else in the world.

"I know," she whispered. She'd realized that several times today, during her talk with Sam and at other points. Pulling away gently, she saw the hurt in his eyes and cursed herself silently for it. She wanted to apologize and knew she couldn't... it wasn't enough. He needed to understand her and her reactions. So instead of an apology, she whispered one last thing. "What I don't know is... how can you love me, when I don't?"

She saw his eyes widen and knew he was recalling, as she had earlier, the age-old adage that no one can love you if you don't love yourself first. She hoped that would give him enough basis for understanding so that they could get through the rest of the evening with the gang. And they would have to talk later.

So that was it. The root of the problem. He should have known. The signs were all there. The relationship with Spike, a creature she loathed should have been a dead give-away.

Riley nodded, grateful for the clue. "We'll have to change that," was all he said as he led Buffy back toward the house. Hand in the small of her back, lending her strength and protection and love. Once they were under the protection of the eaves, he kissed her once more. Wiped away her tears with the cuff of his sweater. "Trust me. You're worth it. Always have been. Always will be."

Dark hazel eyes wide, she looked up at him. She wanted to believe it, more than anything, so she just nodded and murmured her thanks. She let him open the door for her as they went inside. Dawn was absorbed in the dishes, so Buffy was able to head for the downstairs bathroom without attracting any attention. She splashed cold water on her face, washing away the marks of tears. Her nose was stuffy but not swollen yet, thank goodness.

And the red eyes could be attributed to lack of decent sleep, since there were shadows beneath them that had begun to show on and off recently. She looked at herself in the mirror and decided that she looked tired and not like she'd been crying. She wanted no doubt cast on Riley and Sam. It wasn't their fault that she was hopelessly outclassed by the people she loved.

Willow looked up with a smile as Buffy joined the group in the living room. Her expression turned into one of concern as she took in her friend's appearance. "Hey, Buffy. Are you okay? You look really tired all of a sudden..." She relaxed when Buffy smiled because it was a real smile, not the ones she'd hidden behind for so long.

"Yeah, I'm tired. But otherwise I'm good, Wills." Buffy looked around the room, taking in the scene before thinking about where to sit.

From his spot by the fireplace, Riley stirred. He'd been exchanging small talk with Xander and Anya, waiting for Buffy to join them. His face lit up when he saw her, crossing the room to take her hand and lead her to the couch.

Xander scooted over, giving them some room. It was a big couch, which was good cause Riley took up a lot of space. Somehow he'd forgotten just how big the big guy was. Angel kind of big... just without the brooding and the whole intimidation factor was toned down a notch or two. More like a regular person.

In the kitchen, Sam packaged up the last of the leftovers and tucked it into the fridge. Without being asked, she found the ice cream, dished up a bowl of it as Dawn's reward and left it on the counter. The last of the dishes were almost done, they could let them air-dry as far as she was concerned. "Hey, Dawn. Everybody's in the living room. Want to join us? Or do you need some help with your homework?"

With a glance at the clock, Dawn decided that she could sit and talk for a while before she had to finish her homework. It was earlier than she'd thought it would be, thanks to Sam's help. So with a bit of a smile, she set the last dish in the drainboard and dried her hands. "I think I can sit for a while, while you guys are here. I can finish my homework later and if you guys are gone, Willow can help me if I have trouble."

After seeing the three of them interact, Dawn assumed that Buffy would go back with them to wherever they were staying. And that was okay, as long as she saw them in the morning.

With a thank you for the ice cream, Dawn followed Sam into the living room. She smiled at the cute picture Buffy and Riley made, with Buffy sitting on his lap and an empty space beside them on the couch. The space was just big enough for Sam, since Anya moved to Xander's lap in order to provide the room. And neither guy was complaining about the girls in their arms.

Buffy caught the bit of a smile on Dawn's face as the last of the group came into the living room. Dawn had her ice cream and appeared to be happy enough. But Buffy waited until everyone had found a comfortable place, assuming that everyone had questions and such for them.

Sam settled into her appointed spot although she would have been perfectly comfortable at Riley's feet. That idea faded when Buffy swung her legs up across Sam's lap as well. Including her in their embrace.

"See you got your ice cream, Dawn." Riley teased. He was proud of her, the dining room was spotless and the dishes were done. One more step in the right direction.

"Okay," Xander cleared his throat, pushed Anya's hair out of his face and tried to fix Riley with a stern look. "Talking time now?"

Trying to be accommodating, Anya turned sideways on Xander's lap and leaned her back against his arm and the arm of the couch. It was a little more awkward for her, since her legs were twisted a bit, but it was better overall this way. And she could watch, too.

"Yeah, Xan. Talking time now." Leaning her head against Riley's shoulder, Buffy relaxed as best she could and reinforced the walls that kept her emotions in check. She couldn't afford another breakdown right now... it couldn't happen in front of the gang. But she was used to living inside a shell, and she could handle it for a little while.

"Ry, love you man, but I gotta ask. You're married... married. How can you..?" The flow of words stopped as Xander found both Riley and Sam watching him with identical expressions on their faces. Nick and Nora Fury watching him like he was a bug under a microscope and that was just a little too weird for words.

"How can I what, Xander? Love Buffy?" Riley kissed her temple and felt Buffy snuggle in closer. Felt a little of the stiffness leave her body. "Easy. I never stopped."

Sam tucked a stray of lock behind her own ear, her hand coming to rest casually on Buffy's knee. She stroked that spot absently, petting her lover as she watched Xander. The look the other man gave her could only be described as nervous. "Xander... If anybody has a right to have a problem with it, that would be me. And I don't. Ry loves Buffy and so do I."

"But you're married. You know... till death do us part... The whole being faithful issue. Doesn't that bug you?" On the eve of their own wedding, Xander never could have imagined having this kind of conversation.

He was marrying a woman who had been a vengeance demon for 1100 years. She liquefied guys' entrails and turned them into sheep and lots and lots of other things that gave him some of the worst nightmares... and she was watching these three like it was the most normal thing in the world. Anya killed men for less than what Riley was doing and he just didn't get it.

"It depends on your religion, Xan," Willow answered before anyone else could. "To a Wiccan, it's not wrong as long as no one is hurt by it. And obviously none of them is hurt by it. So what's so wrong about their relationship?" A simplified explanation, but when Xander was confused simple was often best. They could hash it out in more detail later, if he really wanted to know.

"Willow's right, it depends on where you come from and what you believe in. Only predominantly Christian countries forbid polygamy by law... in some Eastern and Middle-Eastern countries, as well as with a lot of the Native American people's, a man can have as many wives as he can support," Anya added to Willow's explanation. She'd seen it all over, all through history. This really wasn't all that uncommon.

"Yeah, but Riley's Christian. I mean, much more than the rest of us. He even goes to church. So why isn't it giving him a wiggins?" They were making sense, which was pretty scary. Xander was used to his worldview getting turned upside down on a daily basis but there were some home truths he always clung to.

Buffy was the Slayer.

Will was his best friend.

He loved Anya.

Men who cheated on their wives ended up dying messily.

And Riley Finn was a dyed-in-the-wool son of the Bible Belt. Raised in the concept of fire and brimstone which was probably why the guy had a real clear understanding of good and evil.

"Who said it didn't?" Riley commented, his tone dry with a hint of unease running underneath it. He'd run through those teachings, took on the guilt trip already. Was light-years ahead of Xander on that learning curve. "It did. At first. Bothered me a lot... but I can't deny how I feel about Buffy. Been there, done that. Got the scars to prove it."

Sam's fingers were in the neck of his sweater, peeling it down enough so one of the marks showed. She wasn't sure if Buffy had told the gang about his addiction, but suspected they hadn't. Xander's harsh in-drawn breath was proof of that theory.

"Jesus, Ry. Is that what I think it is?" He'd seen enough of them. His first day as Buffy's friend resulted in seeing far too many of those. Vampire bite, long since scarred over but no mistaking that mark. Maybe he got it after leaving Sunnydale. Please, please let that be true. "When? How?"

Buffy glanced at Riley and caught his nod. With a grim expression and a soft voice, Buffy replied, "Before he left Sunnydale... and on purpose. He has the scars, but it's in the past... done and dealt with. It's best not to dwell."

She knew the gang was staring at her in shock over the detached tone in her voice, the calm way that she talked about it. But she meant what she said; it was in the past, and over now. It didn't matter anymore. "We all have scars from our battles against the darkness. Some are just more visible than others. You know that, Xan... we all do." Even Dawn, who bore the scars of trauma, watching her sister die to save the world.

"In the battle between good and evil, there are warriors and there are victims. Nobody in this room is a victim." The sound of Sam's voice was almost as startling as her words. Wise beyond her years, even though she was probably older than any of them. "We find our comfort where we can. With our friends. With our families. With our lovers... It's what keeps us alive."

Nodding in agreement with her, Riley drew Buffy in even closer. "And sane. Xander... if it makes you feel any better, I plan on marrying Buffy too. We both do."

There he'd said it.

Buffy had told Dawn but the rest of the group had no idea. Now they did... And Xander looked like he was about to have a heart attack. All that was missing was him clutching at his chest.

A true smile lit Buffy's face at Riley's words, and she pressed closer to both him and Sam. The gang hadn't asked; he'd volunteered the information... and hearing it helped her heart to ease somewhat.

Xander's impression of a heart attack was overwhelmed by Willow's squeal of joy. "Oh, Buffy, really? You're really going to get married? Oh, I'm so happy for you... I know you always wanted to, and thought you never would..." Willow bounced up out of her chair and hugged her best friend tightly. Buffy sat up and let go of Riley to return Willow's enthusiastic hug.

"Thanks, Wills. I'm glad you're happy for us," Buffy's voice was still soft, but the contentment seeped back into it. Willow was right, of course... and it helped to know that her friends could be happy about it for her.

Too much to wrap his head around. Big, competent Riley Finn sitting there with Buffy on his lap. Holding her like he owned her and his wife was doing the same thing. Sam was the third most beautiful woman he'd ever seen, might actually be the second most beautiful and she was beaming. Rubbing her hand along Buffy's thigh and leaning in for a kiss.

Not from Riley. From Buffy.

And when she got it, Xander's heart attack was starting to be more of a reality. He felt that traitorous organ flip in his chest, then try to crawl up into his throat as he watched Buffy's mouth open and oh God... that was a tongue.

If he'd been jealous before, he was two seconds away from chewing nails now. So green-eyed he couldn't breathe, couldn't think. Couldn't do anything but stare as the two women kissed in ways that should be illegal. And damn... Riley got to see this on a regular basis.

Conscious of Dawn's bowed head and Willow's flushed cheeks as well as his soon to be embarrassing condition, Riley shifted under Buffy. Which broke them apart. Buffy and Sam weren't the only ones who made a sound of protest at that. Xander's eyes were definitely taking on a glazed look.

Xander's quiet whimper caught more attention than just Riley's. Buffy started to laugh softly, unable to help herself. And Anya took one look at him, then smacked him upside the head. She crossed her arms and made a 'hmmph!' sound, her glare finally penetrating his haze. Anya was well aware that Buffy was still laughing at Xander, and if she was honest with herself, Xander's reaction was perfectly understandable.

But that didn't mean he was going to get away without a guilt-trip and some heavy apologizing.

Riley was pretty sure his real sex life was going to be the fuel for Xander's fantasies for a long time to come. Which was kind of weird and kind of not. If he had a friend in a similar situation, Riley would be probably in the same boat. Especially since he knew Xander had a big crush on Buffy in high school. A crush that went nowhere.

The groveling was about to commence. It didn't help he'd gone all slack jawed and non-verbal at the sight of Buffy and Sam kissing. And it really didn't help that he'd done it while Anya was perched in his lap and more than aware of all his reactions. Good thing she had the wedding to distract her.

A convenient excuse that he wasn't above using to his advantage. "Umm... well. Maybe we should be going now. Dinner was great and it's good to have you back and congratulations."

"Xander... it's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you. Anya might, but I won't." Riley caught Anya's eye and he winked at her. Bold and blatant and out of character enough to get her to laugh.

And laugh she did. Anya dropped her angry pose and smiled at Riley, but the look in her eyes said that Xander was not off the hook yet. "You're right, honey, we have a lot to do. Might as well go get started on it. Right?" Pointed enough to have Xander obediently nodding his agreement.

With an inward smirk, Anya slid off his lap and got to her feet. "Anyway, congratulations. I hope that your wedding is easier to plan than ours." She gave a sunny smile and was at the door before the trio on the couch could untangle themselves. Fortunately, Dawn was on her feet in a flash and she played hostess, letting Xander and Anya out of the house.

"I have no doubt it will be," Riley commented more to himself than anyone else. He watched Anya drag Xander out of the room and out of the house. A moment later, Dawn was leaning against the living room door, grinning at them.

"Poor Xander," Sam's fingers threaded through Buffy's, pressing their palms together. Her mind was no longer on this place or with these people. Tomorrow was looming closer by the second and she wanted to be curled up somewhere that involved clean sheets and lots of bare skin.

Actually being observant for a change, Dawn decided it was time to say good night and get her sister's trio out of the house before things heated up too much. So she re-entered the room, saying, "Well, I'd better go upstairs and finish my homework. I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"

Untangling herself as she spoke, Buffy nodded and said, "Yep, I'll be home early tomorrow. So you'll see me at breakfast for sure." She hugged her little sister gently, fingers running through dark hair for a moment before she pulled away. "If you need us, the number is on the refrigerator."

Nice dodge around the fact they wouldn't be coming back with her. Considering how worried her family and friends were about them taking off, it was probably best not to worry them. Not until they knew for sure. Riley got to his feet, drawing Sam up with him.

He hugged Dawn and then Willow, holding the little redhead for a few moments. "Thank you," he murmured. It was the closest he could come to telling her that while he didn't agree with her bringing Buffy back from the dead, he was grateful she had. And that was something he'd admit to anyone.

Sam stood beside him and was surprised when Dawn paused halfway up the stairs and raced back down. Made a beeline for her and hugged quick without saying a word. Quite the concession. She buried her face in Dawn's hair and hugged her back.

Just before she pulled away from the hug, Dawn whispered, "Take care of her..." and then she was gone again. Up the stairs, and the only sound was that of a closing door.

Willow wasn't entirely sure what Riley was thanking her for, but she guessed it had something to do with Buffy. So she just returned the hug and nodded, squeezing him gently before pulling away. "You guys have a good night," she said as she took Sam's hand for a moment. With her preferences known, Willow wasn't going to take any chances on having her affectionate impulses misunderstood.

Not that she really thought any of them would misconstrue her actions, but it was better to be safe. She already knew that Buffy could be prone to mood-swings...

While Sam and Riley said good night to Willow, Buffy went upstairs and to her room. She threw a change of clothes, clean underwear, her hairbrush and toothbrush into her bag so she'd have them in the morning. As an afterthought, she also tucked Mr. Gordo into her bag; she already knew tonight was likely to be full of bumps and she might want or need the comfort her little pig provided. That done, she zipped up the bag and went back downstairs.

When she got back, they were at the front door and more than ready to leave. Willow had disappeared somewhere, probably the kitchen for a snack.

Riley took Buffy's bag and slung it over his shoulder before pulling her in for a very thorough kiss. Free hand on her waist, mouth open and searching. They might be leaving in the morning and tonight had all the earmarks of being nothing but talk. So best to get this in now.

While they kissed, Sam gathered up Buffy's jacket and her keys from a chair beside the door. She handed them to their lover when Riley released her; even helped Buffy into the jacket since she seemed a little dazed. Sam took the opportunity to kiss her as well, soft touch of lips, their breath mingling as Riley opened the door.

Buffy closed her eyes and soaked up Sam's kiss the same way she had Riley's. Now that it came down to it, she knew that she had no idea when she would see them again after tonight, or even if she would see them again after tonight. When her entire past was laid out on the table, anything could happen. Anything at all. She trusted them with her life, her heart... but trusting them with her past was another step.

And she had absolutely no idea how it would turn out.

So she clung to the little gestures that she had now. And prayed to a Power she wasn't completely sure she believed in to help her get through this night with her heart and soul intact.

Arm around Buffy's waist, not willing to let her go for even an instant, Sam guided her through the open door. Riley closed it behind them and listened for the lock to catch. He caught a flitter of something black in the shadows, something far too familiar.

Sure they wouldn't be challenged, he took his place on Buffy's other side. Slid his arm around her waist and together they walked to the car. No neighbors in sight and one lurking vampire who didn't know the meaning of 'Get the Hell out of Dodge'. Something else he should probably deal with but right then... Riley didn't have the patience.

So instead, he opened the car door and held his hand out to help Buffy into the front seat. Watched her settle in while Sam took up residence in the back. One glance over his shoulder and all was quiet.

Riley got into the driver's seat and ran the card key as he studied the terrain. Caught a puff of smoke at the far edge of the lawn, a flick of black and then nothing more. Parting shot hopefully, maybe his last look at Buffy before departing for places unknown. Riley understood the pull, understood it far too well.

All three were quiet during the drive back to the hotel, and Buffy wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. A lot had been said and a lot had happened during the day, and they each needed a little time to absorb it all... but the silence made her uneasy and she sat on her hands to keep from fidgeting as she stared out the window into the darkness.

In a way, the inky darkness of the night sky reminded Buffy of herself. Not quite black, but dark, with only pinpricks of light showing through. But those tiny spots of light were numerous, and they kept the darkness from taking over. The stars in the sky gave hope to people below, and Buffy held onto that same hope for herself.

The hope that things might turn out for the better.


Back at the hotel, both Riley and Sam respected Buffy's need for silence. They flowed out of the vehicle, Riley shouldering her bag and holding out his hand to Buffy. Which she took even though her eyes were fixed again on the night sky. It stretched out overhead, dimmed a little by the parking lot lights and the smog. But still a blaze of light nonetheless.

It was then that Riley spoke, his own attention fixed on the splash of stars. "Hard to see them here. It's easier back home. Out behind the house, there's a field. We take the blankets out there on summer nights and just stare up at them... I'll show you next time we go home."

"That sounds nice," came the soft reply. Buffy had always loved the stars, even as a child. "Last spring, Giles took me out to the desert for a ritual so I could contact the spirit of the First again... we were there all night, and the sky seemed to go on forever. There were more stars than I'd ever seen before in my life..."

Tearing her eyes away from the sky, Buffy followed her lovers inside and up to their room. Sam slipped by her to unlock the door, and Riley held it for them as they went in. She couldn't help but smile a bit at that... ever the gentleman, was her Riley.

Once they were inside, Riley set about making things as comfortable as possible. He turned down the bed and lit the candles while Sam hung up their jackets. The sadness and heaviness was back, its weight threatening to crush Buffy's slender form as she watched them move.

A moment or two later, Riley picked up the ice bucket and headed toward the door. "I'll be right back." He needed a breather for a minute. His offer to take her back to Iowa with him, to show her his home and meet his family had gone completely unnoticed. Not a good sign.

Sam unbuttoned her shirt, pulled a short nightgown out of one of the drawers and laid it on the bed. A pair of pajama bottoms came next, ready for Riley to slip into. "Buffy, is there anything I can get you?" When her lover didn't respond, Sam moved in close. Cupped her cheek and saw the fear in Buffy's eyes. "Honey, nothing's gonna happen here that you don't want. There's nothing you can say that's going to drive us away."

Once again, Buffy desperately wanted to believe what she was being told... but she shook her head slightly. "I wish... but you have no idea what it is that I'm going to tell you, or how hard it's going to be... for all of us. I told you before, there are reasons why Riley doesn't know any of this..." Remembering Riley's anger any time Angel was brought up, by anyone, sent a frisson of fear through the little blonde.

She'd gotten contempt from Xander over her inability to kill Angelus, despite everything he'd done to her... and Riley hated Angel even more than Xander had.

"Give us a chance, okay? That's all I ask." Gentle fingers on her face, smoothing back her hair and for a moment reminding Buffy of her mom. Until Sam leaned forward and kissed her. Lips lingering, holding on for a second or two before she stepped back. The noise of the door opening caught their attention.

Riley stood there with the ice bucket tucked under his arm as well as two cokes and a diet coke. He noted their positions as well as the clothes laid out of the bed, each a contradiction of the other. The serious expressions were enough to convince him that the clothes were the more likely outcome.

He set the ice bucket down on the dresser and snugged the drinks into it. Touched Buffy's face with a gentle hand. Kissed Sam on the cheek before snagged the pajama bottoms off the bed. "Why don't you two get ready for bed?" he suggested even as he retreated toward the bathroom.

Not that he wasn't willing to get undressed in front of them. He was... and had on more than one occasion. But Buffy's oddness was rubbing off on him. It was probably the worry about their leaving tomorrow. That had to be it.

"Sure..." Buffy murmured as Riley retreated. She hated this, the distance between them, and she knew she'd done it herself. This, she realized, was why Riley had left her the first time. What would happen tonight, only time would tell.

She got to her feet as Sam stepped back and mechanically went to her bag. Buffy fumbled with the zipper before she managed to open it, and was surprised to find that she'd actually remembered to pack a nightgown. She must have grabbed the first one on the stack without thinking, though, because she knew she wouldn't consciously have grabbed this one.

It was long, falling to below her knees, and made of pale pink satin. Nylon, of course, but satin was a weave and not a material like cotton or wool. But it was all she had, so she pulled it out of the bag and set it on the bed.

"Pretty," Sam commented, running her fingers over the fabric. The color would look good on Buffy. A little long but maybe she needed the flimsy protection the cloth would give her. A physical barrier, an extension of the emotional barrier she'd already set up between them.


In the bathroom, Riley stripped, folding his clothes as he went. A lot less fun than having other people undress him but that would have to wait. He took everything off before pulling the pajama bottoms up and tying them at his waist. Quick comb of fingers through his hair before he sat down to wait. It would take Sam and Buffy a lot longer to get undressed than he did.

So he had time to think. To analyze the sudden wall that had come up between them. Maybe it didn't have anything to do with their possible departure. Buffy hated herself and she couldn't understand why anybody could possibly love her. From Joyce's descriptions of her daughter, this had to be a learned thing. She'd been a normal kid until the slaying started... Or at least until she turned 17.

After that, Joyce said Buffy withdrew. Got really quiet and one of her teachers was killed. Someone who was close to Giles. Joyce didn't really understand what happened but Riley did. He was the one who connected the dots and came up with Angel. Her 17th birthday was when he lost his soul. When he slept with her.


"Thanks," Buffy murmured back as she slipped out of her pants. "It's a little longer than I usually like them, but mom always indulged me by getting me this kind of stuff. I didn't even realize I'd grabbed a nightgown..."

Her t-shirt and bra were removed quickly, and the nightgown slid over her head with a soft whisper. She closed her eyes as the fabric settled, letting the satin caress her gently. It was a sensual pleasure but not a sexual one, and the material didn't cling enough to tease her body.

Sam followed suit, stripping out of her own clothes and pulling on her nightgown. It only reached to the tops of her thighs and revealed more that it concealed which was why both she and Riley liked it. Deep neckline and short hemline and still it was the most decent nightwear she had on hand.

Her clothes got folded neatly and put away before Sam opened their drinks. Ice clinked in the glass as she poured a regular coke for herself and the diet for Buffy. Turning back to the bed, she found her lover sitting on it with her stuffed pig in her arms. For once, Buffy looked all of fifteen, long nightgown in baby pink and soft blond hair falling around her face. Nothing like the woman who'd shared the same bed with them last night.

"Here, honey," Sam prompted, handing the glass to Buffy. It was taken by a hand that shook a little, slender fingers curving around the dark glass. "Why don't I get Ry and we'll do this? Okay?"

Buffy nodded slowly. "Okay, Sam. Thanks..." She sipped her soda, and settled with her back against the headboard as she watched Sam cross the room and knock on the bathroom door.

This was not going to be fun. Not in the least. She only hoped that she had the strength to get through it all... to tell them everything they needed to know. She didn't think they'd be able to do this more than once... it was too hard, too painful.


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