Title: Bring Me Into the Light
AUTHOR: Mistress Ace & Em
E-MAIL: rosewood@inreach.com & winter@sapphire-dragon.net
FEEDBACK: Is the butter on our bread. We write because the story begs to be told. Feedback lets us know if we struck a chord with you.
DISTRIBUTION: Our site, for the moment. When we post fully edited chapters, those can be posted elsewhere. RATING: NC-17
CATEGORY: Story: Romance, Angst
PAIRINGS: B/R/Sam, m/f, f/f
DISCLAIMER: Don't own the characters at all. (More's the pity) They belong to the Great God Joss Whedon et al. We are just borrowing them for a little bit. That's all. No BtVS characters were harmed in the writing of this fic. Well, maybe just a little.
SUMMARY: Not back for long enough. Not nearly long enough and there were too many things left up in the air. But isn't that the purpose of fan-fiction?

Chapter 39

She closed her eyes and pulled her knees up to rest her head on them again. Sam was still curled against her back, and Buffy knew she was trapping their arms with her body. But she couldn't bring herself to care. They were leaving. And she had to be strong enough to let them go.

Behind Buffy, Sam fixed Riley with a look. One that questioned their orders. She received a shake of his head in reply. No choice. They had to go...

It wasn't often they got any warning at all. Normally it was a call giving them twenty minutes to pack and be out on the line to catch their transport. Drummond had done them a favor by giving them this much. Which he wouldn't have if Riley hadn't called.

Considering the fact he called the Colonel at home, there might be a dressing down in the offing. Could even result in a black mark in his file. But Riley couldn't bring himself to care. The only thing, the only thing he cared about was the girl in the pink nightgown who was trying so hard not to cry.

If there was any civilian in the world who would understand about the call to duty, it would be her. He could give her the scenario, tell her everything the Colonel told him but it wouldn't change the fact that they were leaving. After they'd promised not to.

Still curled in on herself, Buffy's soft, pain-laced voice emerged from the depths of her lap and she said, "I know you don't have a choice. And I get it, I do. But never ask me to like it..."

**I will not cry. They will come back. I will not cry...** Over and over she repeated those two thoughts this time. Held onto them like a lifeline. Surely the Powers That Be couldn't be so cruel as to give her a reason to live again and then take it away less than 48 hours later.

All three of them were warriors of the Light... Surely the Light wouldn't bring them together just to break their hearts. But as much as she hoped these things were true, she didn't really believe it. She seemed to be doomed to a life of misery... Fate picked her up out of the dust, only to drop her further into the darkness. God, why didn't they just kill her instead?

"I don't like it either," Riley said, his voice filling in the void that lay between them. He wouldn't play the guilt card, wouldn't tell her about the devastated landscape or the people whose lives were at stake or the ones who were already dead. Buffy was the Slayer. She knew the score.

"I don't want to go, Buffy. Neither does Sam." He was out of the chair, moving toward the bed. It dipped under his weight as he sat down next to her. "You know why we have to go."

He could treat her like a child, hand her a promise and some kisses and probably make love to her until neither of them could walk but that wouldn't change the facts. He and Sam were needed, there were lives at stake, innocent lives. Soon they'd be able to take her with them. But soon was not now.

Sam kissed Buffy's temple and then her cheek. Rubbed her face against Buffy's shoulder and fought the urge to wince when Buffy's hands tightened on her wrists. "We'll come back, Buffy. We always do." Not a lie, it wasn't a lie. If there was any possible way, they would come back.

Realizing that she was probably hurting Sam, Buffy let go of her lover's arms and tightened her fingers around her own legs instead. She barely felt it when her fingernails bit into her skin; it didn't matter, it was nothing. Deep breath, soft sigh... **Calm down and answer them, Buff,** she told herself sternly.

"I know why you have to go," she replied softly. "And I know you'll come back, if you can. But I also know, better than anyone with the possible exception of your teammates, just how dangerous this job is. Even without knowing the details, I know the probable odds of survival."

Her voice began to shake, but she continued anyway. "And none of it makes it even the slightest bit easier to know that I have to watch you leave me behind..." Her breath caught in her throat. Her fingers tightened and her eyes squeezed shut, but she managed to hold back tears once more.

Every point was valid. Riley never faulted Buffy on her logic, at least where the slaying game was concerned. She'd written the book on it. There was always a risk that they wouldn't make it back alive but it was a risk he and Sam were willing to take. Because if they didn't, other people would die. People who had no knowledge of what was out there or how to fight it.

They'd die screaming without knowing what hit them or why. He couldn't live with that on his conscience. Not when he could do something about it.

There really was nothing he could say that didn't sound trite in his head. No comfort he could give. She was the best there was, the best there would be... But she needed training, needed to understand the ins and outs of ordinance, of every weapon at their disposal. Buffy was a crack shot with a crossbow, however, her understanding of guns was non-existent. Why in God's name the Watcher's Council insisted on being stuck in the 14th century Riley had never been able to figure out... Had they never heard of wooden bullets?

So instead of talking, he rubbed his hand over hers. And when she looked up with tears in her eyes, he kissed them away. "I'm sorry," was all he could say and he said it over and over and over.

"Shhh," Buffy tried to soothe him, despite her tears. When that didn't work, she stopped the flood of apologies the only other way she could think of: she kissed him. Deeply and possessively, with more than just a little fear and desperation. If this turned out to be the last chance they ever had to be together, there would not be a thing she could do about it. That fear would not allow her to stay away from them for the sake of her sanity.

She was already in too deep.

Even as she kissed Riley, Buffy leaned back against Sam. She wanted to be close to them. To both of them, as close as she could be. Releasing her grip on her legs, she wrapped her arms around Riley's neck and pulled him closer. Still kissing him. Not panicked, not crying, but far from calm.

Sam eased them back into the bed, shifting until she lay beside them. Their mouths never parted, not even to draw breath. Her fingers glided along Riley's bare back, threaded through Buffy's hair and kept the connection between the three of them even though she was only minorly involved.

The pain she was feeling at the very thought of leaving Buffy behind had to be nothing compared to Riley's. Buffy was the first woman he'd ever loved, he'd just re-established a relationship with her and now they were leaving.

Desperation was gone; all that was left was the numb surety of parting. Riley's kiss softened, tongue barely brushing hers, pulling back slowly. He wiped away the last of her tears, still at a loss for words. In the morning, they would be gone and he had no idea when they'd be back. Any declaration of love or devotion or promise to return would be manipulation and that wasn't his style.

Never had been, never would be.

With a soft sigh, Buffy opened her eyes and let Riley pull back. She loosened her arms so that she was no longer holding him; they still rested on his shoulders, but he could move away if he wanted to and she would let him. But she couldn't let him go of her own accord, and she looked up into his eyes.

His beautiful, deep eyes. Eyes that held all the love and sadness and regret that he could not put voice to. And she was sure he saw the same in hers. And in Sam's; when Buffy turned her gaze from one lover to the other, she found a similar expression on Sam's face. And knew that they knew, without being told, that her feelings were for both of them. All the love, all the panic, fear, and frustration... over both of them equally.

"I know," he said simply, accepting that look for what it was. A gift. A glimpse into the heart of the Slayer, something he'd rarely ever seen before. Something he would have killed to have a year ago. "Thank you."

Leaning in between them, Sam kissed Buffy. And felt her heart break, as the lips underneath her own trembled. Had they really done her a favor? Had they really helped her at all? Here they'd given her some hope, a chance at a life... not a normal one but as normal was Buffy might ever have and now they were taking it away.

Until now, Sam had no doubts about this relationship. Fears, yes... Concerns, certainly... But no doubts, no regrets.

Now those doubts were piling up and threatening to consume her. She moved closer, as close as she could with Buffy's arms still around Riley's neck. And her lips trembled, then opened... breathing life into Buffy and taking life from her.

Buffy returned Sam's kiss gently, feeling her lover's trembling as well as her own. With a brief caress on Riley's cheek, one of her arms lifted away and wrapped around Sam. Holding her close, cradling Sam's larger form against her own small one. Buffy could feel Sam's hesitation in the way she kissed, and sought to reassure as best she could under the current circumstances.

None of them liked the current situation... but none of them could do anything about it. They had to make the best of what little time they had... and that was something Buffy had a lot of practice at. She would do the best she could to forget what tomorrow would bring and just think about tonight. She could lose her despair for a while, let it vanish into the passion all three of them had just below the fear and doubts.

She didn't want to push them, but she knew that letting them all remain sad was just as dangerous.

If they let sorrow rule them tonight, then the memories they would take into the field would be tainted by that emotion. Riley was good at locking his feelings down, had years of practice at it. While Sam and Buffy kissed, he brought himself under control. Whatever his ladies wanted tonight, he would give.

Even if it was nothing more than a few chaste kisses and curling up together. He could deal with that... Although the sight of Sam relaxing into Buffy's kiss, the pale fingers threading through her dark hair and the tiny sounds of encouragement from Buffy had the rest of his body screaming in outrage as his misplaced sense of nobility.

**Down boy,** Rueful command to the one part of him that always had a mind of its own. Riley stayed in place, lifting up a little so said portion of his anatomy didn't make its presence too apparent. Not going to guilt her into a goodbye tumble... just not going there.

Buffy cradled Sam until she felt her lover pull back slightly. Opening her eyes, hazel met green and locked. The despair and fear had been neatly tucked away within her, and Buffy was able to regard Sam calmly. After a few moments, she asked softly, "Tell me, please... what do you want, tonight?" Her eyes flickered from Sam's to Riley's, the question meant for both of them.

With her emotions tucked away inside, Buffy could handle pretty much anything. She knew they probably wouldn't like her repressing her emotions, but it was the only way she was going to get through the night. There would be time to go back to healing when they returned; for now, she needed to hold tightly to whatever time they had. To have one more precious memory to carry with her into the upcoming dark days.

It was Sam who made the choice for both of them. Her husband would never do that, would never demand anything of Buffy but... God, she needed this. Needed to take something beautiful along with them. Another shining memory that would give them even more to fight for...

"You," she said, right before lowering her head for another kiss. Still gentle, searching. Soft mouth, soft breast under her palm, soft cry to be swallowed whole.

Always the truth from Sam... Riley could count on that. He watched them kiss and lowered himself back into place. Rocked against Buffy, lean stomach and rounded hips - heat surrounding him.

Buffy moaned into Sam's mouth, her body arching up against them. The feel of them against her, Sam's mouth and hands on her and Riley pressing against her intimately, chased away all questions. She knew what they wanted, and she wanted it too.

But first, she wanted them all naked.

Slowly, Buffy's hands skimmed down Sam's sides; gentle caresses fluttering over warm skin covered by soft cotton. Small hands gathered bunches of cloth when she reached the hem, and gentle fingertips slid against velvety-soft skin. She traced over the curves of her lover's body as she lifted the nightshirt; paused only long enough to let Sam lift her head and arms before pulling the garment off and tossing it aside.

Body bronzed to perfection, breasts only a shade or two lighter than the rest of her. Sliding out from between Buffy's legs, Riley ran a hand down his wife's glorious back. Felt the shift of muscle, the inherent strength... even while Buffy undid the tie to his pajama bottoms and pushed them off his hips.

His breath caught in his throat when her hands brushed along his cock. Brushed along it, then encircled it as she peeled the fabric away from his body. "God... Buffy..." Bolder than she'd ever been and the look on her face was one of sheer determination.

Sam helped, moving back away from Buffy long enough to get the worn cotton down around his knees. While Buffy stroked him, she dipped forward and mouthed the head, drawing it in for a second or two before pulling back.

Buffy watched Sam lean in over Riley's lap, then moved her gaze upward to watch his reaction instead of Sam's action. It was just what she expected - dark eyes closed briefly and he shuddered, then moaned when her lips left him again. Encouraged by his positive response, Buffy renewed her determination and continued her bold exploration of his body. Her free hand found Sam's breast and stroked lightly against soft flesh.

She was so involved in her exploration for several minutes that Buffy completely forgot that they were naked and she wasn't yet... it just didn't register with her. And even if it had, she wouldn't have wanted to stop what she was doing long enough to get rid of her nightgown.

"Tease," he murmured as Sam sat back on her heels and grinned at him. Reaching up, he found the hem of Buffy's nightgown. Slid his hand underneath it, the fabric catching on his wrist as he pushed it upward. Stopped when he found her breast and ducked his head underneath the tent of fine satin.

Breathed in her scent, heard the tiny catch in her throat as his mouth closed over a nipple. A shudder that rippled through her and he smiled around his tender mouthful.

Not to be outdone, Sam pushed Buffy down onto the bed and Riley followed along. His head and shoulders stretching the nightgown out of shape but not bothering to push it aside. Any other time, she would have laughed. Would have stripped the cloth out of the way and teased him about it. But not now... Now it was sexy and a little endearing. Indicative of how much he wanted Buffy and his complete ignorance of any possible barrier between them.

Buffy lost her grip on both of her lovers when they moved her, but couldn't bring herself to be bothered by it... They had switched the focus to her and, despite her earlier determination to do everything she could for them, it was much too easy to just give in and let them have whatever they wanted. She couldn't and wouldn't deny them anything... she could have fun the other way at another time.

And part of her acknowledged that she needed this. They would both be leaving her in the morning... they would be together, and she would be alone. She had wanted to leave them all with a bright memory to remember. But maybe this was the way they wanted to remember her and their time together. And that was something Buffy could be happy with too.

Not terribly concerned that he might suffocate under there, Sam drew the tent of fabric away for her own purpose. She wanted to see, wanted to catch the blissful look on his face as he sucked. While Riley was openly in love with the entire female form, he was like any other male... enraptured by the soft curve of a breast and the memory of comfort it represented.

"Lift your arms, honey." San entreated and Buffy followed the request. The pale satin was drawn up and over her head, fluttering out of sight as Sam discarded it. She cupped Buffy's cheek, kissed her mouth and then claimed the other breast as her own.

Buffy moaned and arched up against her lovers. Two warm mouths on her breasts: one soft and full, one firm but still gentle. She felt as if tiny sparks were being showered through her body, flowing from her nipples.

She lifted her hands to the back of their heads, cupped gently and cradled them against her. By some habit or instinct, they happened to both flick her nipples with their tongues at the same time... and Buffy couldn't have held back her soft cry even if she'd wanted to. **God, how do they do that?** she couldn't help but wonder.

Riley's eyes opened slowly, turning his head a little to see where Sam was. Her hand was in the small of his back, skimming up and down and her mouth... Oh God. Slick tongue sliding over flesh, her eyes opening to meet his.

Lifting his head and meeting her halfway was the most natural thing in the world. No protest from their companion at the cessation of their attentions. Just a hand on each of their shoulders and a shift of her tiny body between them.

Buffy lay there quietly and watched them kiss. Mouths melded and slid together, tongues danced and every so often she could see a bit of it. For once, she managed to restrain her selfish tendencies and let them do what they wanted. She would not protest tonight... not if she could possibly help it. Tonight had to be a perfect memory, to get them through the next day and however many would follow.

And Buffy knew that the picture of her lovers kissing, just like this, would be burned into her mind for a very long time. Even if she closed her eyes, she would still be able to see them and feel them. But she didn't close her eyes and barely even dared to breathe.

Their mouths parted, breath fanning across their cheeks as they smiled at one another. Riley moved first, rising up to claim a kiss from Buffy's mouth while Sam went the opposite direction. Spread her legs with a practiced hand and kissed her... right there.

Slid easily into the taste and the scent. Felt the melting heat under her tongue and sought out what made her tense, what made Buffy gasp and rise up into the haven of this carnal kiss. Fingers joined tongue, dancing... teasing.

Last night, this might be their last night together and Sam wanted to experience it all. To take Buffy's scent and taste with her. To ingrain it so deep in her memory, in her skin that should the Reaper's scythe find her, she would carry this with her.

Taken by surprise when Sam moved, Buffy let out a soft cry. The sound carried down to Sam, despite being muffled by Riley's kiss... and Buffy could feel Sam delving in further. Pleasure washed over Buffy, and she simply let it. Responding, reacting, allowing her body to take over and her mind to quiet. Under the onslaught of sensation, Buffy ceased to think about tomorrow and what would or could happen.

It was still in her mind, but not so immediate. The only immediacy was Riley's mouth on hers, and Sam's mouth on her sex. The feeling took over, and she clung to it and them. Clung as tightly as she could without hurting them.

"Love you," Riley murmured against her mouth. Fatalism wasn't his style. He'd leave the concerns and worries for another time. Right now, he was a man with a mission.

His hand skimmed down from her breast, over the tender swell of her belly and found the nest of crisp curls beyond. As the first fingertip found warmth and heat, there was a fluttering of kiss place on the back of it. Sam moved down obligingly, choosing to dip her tongue into the deep well beneath and let Riley handle the rest.

"Love you too. Mmmm... Both of you..." A soft cry punctuated Buffy's reply as she felt Riley's fingers join Sam's mouth. "Oh, God..." she moaned. They felt so good... what they were doing felt incredible, and it was all she could do to keep her eyes open. She wanted to watch them, to have a visual memory of seeing them with her... but it was a struggle, because she also wanted to close her eyes and tip her head back as pleasure flooded her senses.

Needing something to focus her attention on, Buffy pulled Riley back down and kissed him again. Deep, passionate... showing him through the kiss just what they were doing to her, how they were making her feel. She couldn't quite reach either of them, so she did her best to share her enjoyment in other ways.

Easily, those words had come so easily to her lips. Riley felt the last tight place in his chest ease, felt the last of his pain drift away. Buffy loved him, she loved him and she loved Sam and all was right with the world. Whatever was waiting for them on the other side of their briefing tomorrow he could handle now. Handle it, kill the hostiles and come back home to this.

To a big bed and to heat and skin and... more love than he'd ever known possible. Come home to the sight of Sam's dark head between Buffy's pale thighs, to the sight of them kissing, of all of them curled up together. And come home to the security of a house that wasn't on wheels or made out of canvas. A place where there would always be a kind word waiting.

Buffy felt a bit of a change in Riley... as if some tension had suddenly eased and he was content and confident. She wished she knew what had caused it, wished she could share in those feelings... but regardless, she was glad that whatever it was had happened. The look in his eyes seemed lighter, and suddenly she was very much aware that he was her Riley again.

Perhaps not completely, and there would always be differences because of what had happened before he left... but she suddenly knew without a doubt that her Riley was still in there somewhere, and he was still reaching out to her. And knowing it was a comfort, because she also knew that she had always been his. Whether or not he had known it, he'd had her from the moment she felt her heartstrings wrench as he began to talk to Willow in the bookstore instead of her.

But that was the past and this was now... and now they had each other and Sam, and that was all any of them needed.

Soft under her mouth, rich taste melting into her memory. Sam heard Buffy's soft declaration and shivered. Felt Riley's corresponding shiver and his surge upward into another kiss. Everything he'd wanted to hear, everything they'd wanted to hear...

They'd kissed until they were breathless. Kissed until Riley had to turn his head to the side and gasp for air. He wanted... God, how he wanted to be inside her. But Sam was happily occupied and Riley wasn't going to deny her that pleasure.

Buffy held Riley close, even when he turned aside to breathe. Ignoring her own oxygen-starved lungs after only a moment, she began placing kisses along his jaw and down the side of his neck. She carefully avoided his scars for the moment, just as he had avoided hers earlier. This just didn't seem to be the time or the place for that brand of play... at least not to her.

But otherwise she kissed every inch of skin she could reach without disturbing Sam by moving. Traced the rim of his ear with her tongue, caught the lobe between her lips and teased it with her tongue... anything she could think of.

Hot nudge against her hip and Riley trembled. Gave up restraint as a lost cause. "Sam... honey... I need." He hoped she would understand his broken train of thought as Buffy's warm mouth closed around his earlobe and sucked.

Lifting her head, Sam skimmed a hand down his back and across the long curve of his hip. Tension, coiled tight and ready to snap. The look he shot her sent a flash of heat through her entire body. She knew what he was begging for and while she was far from finished, how could she deny him anything?

"Hang on, Ry." One parting kiss on the inside of Buffy's right thigh and she was rolling away. Sign of how unprepared they were for this tonight, he hadn't seen to any supplies. They were still in his bag at the foot of the bed.

Buffy caught the look in Sam's eyes as she lifted up and thought she knew what was going through her lover's mind. She waited as Sam grabbed the bag and got out the supplies they needed; when Sam turned back to them, Buffy caught her dark-haired lover's eyes. She put as much promise into her eyes as she could manage and mouthed, 'later, promise.' Sam could have as much of her as she wanted, Buffy would never contest that.

But neither of them could deny Riley, either, and it was quite obvious from his tone what he needed. But Buffy promised Sam that she could continue later, and would hold to that if at all possible.

There was a way they could reach a compromise here. Riley racked his brain for the answer, delved through his memories - movies, his brother's rather impressive collection of magazines, Forrest' mindless ramblings and came up with it. When Sam rejoined them on the bed, Riley rolled up onto his right hip.

He took the proffered packet from her and opened it himself. Tearing the thin foil with his teeth and drawing the tightly furled ring out into the light. Rolled it down over his cock, trying not to make a face at the feel of the latex.

Both women caught his grimace, Buffy's look one of sympathy while Sam shook her head. "Soon," she said, her fingers dancing up and down the length of his thigh. "We won't have to use these soon."

"Good... Hate them." Almost a petulant complaint as he reached for Buffy. Caressed her hip, her breast and kissed her shoulder. "Buffy, roll onto your side. Face Sam."

When she did, Riley nestled up behind her. Gently, he lifted her leg and hitched forward. Missed on the first pass, the head of his cock nudging against her clit and earning a gasp from Buffy. The next pass, he was in.

Buffy's gasp turned into a cry when all of a sudden Riley was deep inside her. She could feel his body pressed against the length of hers, against her back. Sam had been in a similar position that morning, in Willow's room... but this felt different, with the way he felt inside her from behind and at this angle. With a tremendous effort of will, she held still and waited; watched Sam to see what would happen next.

This was another different experience for Buffy and she wasn't entirely sure what would happen now...

Long, slow slide in and then back out. The sheet rustling beneath them with each careful thrust. The heel of Riley's hand found the curve of her stomach and he pressed down. Shuddered as he felt the head of his cock glide past.

Riley caught Sam's eye and there was no need for words. No need for instructions. She nodded and settled down on her side, facing Buffy. The kiss she gave her lover was gentle, mouth half-open and tender.

Buffy moaned softly as Riley moved. Her second moan was caught by Sam's mouth, and Buffy gently kissed back. Her tongue lightly traced over Sam's lips, tasting herself there, then gently reached between half-parted lips to deepen the kiss they shared.

Held mostly still by Riley's hand on her stomach, Buffy pulled Sam closer and ran her palms down Sam's sides to rest on her hips.

Digging his toes into the tangle of sheets, Riley surged forward again. He kissed the side of her throat, cupped her breast, the back of his hand rubbing against Sam's nipple. They cocooned Buffy, surrounding her completely.

Sam's mouth lingered for a moment or two longer before falling away. Moving lower and lower, she explored the column of her throat, the delicate line of her collarbone. Mouthed a kiss over Riley's hand, catching the nipple that peeped out between his fingers. Tasted a hint of salt in the hollow of Buffy's navel.

There were slender fingers in her hair, not pushing her down or holding her back. Just holding onto her, letting her know that whatever she chose to do, Buffy was not going to protest. Even when her mouth found the nest of dark blond curls and opened over them. Flickered over the tiny nub that elicited a sharp sound from Buffy.

An idea had occurred to Buffy as she watched Sam making her way downwards, and she struggled to hold onto it when Sam renewed the oral assault on her senses. She had absolutely no intention of protesting or denying anyone anything... but she didn't think it could hurt to make a suggestion.

"Sam," she began, just loudly enough to get her lover's attention. "Maybe... maybe you might want to turn the other way?" She drew a semi-circle in the air with a fingertip, unsure how to more effectively get her idea across. She wanted to make Sam more a part of what was happening... tonight was NOT a night to let anyone feel peripheral. She knew she wasn't as good with her mouth as either of her lovers, but she could try...

Looking up, Sam caught the hand gesture and was clearly surprised. Sophisticated position and it would take a little maneuvering but it was possible.

Luckily, Riley was completely on board here and not lost in what he was doing. He lifted his head from the pillow and nodded. "Might work better if you were on hands and knees, Buffy. Or maybe we could scoot down a little. Headboard's gonna be in the way."

"Either. Don't care... I just..." She felt helpless as she trailed off. It wasn't that she was avoiding telling them anything, but that she didn't have the words to explain just what she was thinking and feeling. She didn't think that any appropriate words existed to describe her feelings... they just were. But hopefully they would understand the difference and she wouldn't have to explain.

On second thought, given her size and his, hand and knees wouldn't be best. Riley wrapped his arm around her waist and he moved them down. Moved their conjoined bodies until they were settled in the exact center of the bed. And Sam moved with them, waiting until Riley pulled Buffy in close again.

The rest of it was relatively simple. Sam slid her calf up under the curve of Buffy's cheek and kept adjusting until she felt warm breath along her thigh. Soft flutter of a mouth there and Sam sighed happily.

Buffy was relieved that they were able to make the change as easy as possible. And just as relieved that they'd understood without needing to ask questions. The angle was a little odd, but she began to explore tentatively anyway. To find out what she could reach and what she couldn't, and to see if she could find the right places from a different viewpoint. Obviously Sam could, because when she began again she eagerly dove back in.

She only hoped that her uncertainty didn't bother Sam too much.

The room was almost too warm for this. The first trickle of sweat made its way down Riley's back as he watched Buffy's head dip forward. Saw a soft flash of tongue and felt a corresponding lick on his inner thigh. Sam was paying attention to both of them. Suckling gently on Buffy and then turning her head and nipping at him. Just enough sharpness to send a shudder through his whole body.

Mutual enjoyment, mutual pleasure. If they could take what they did here and translate it onto the battlefield... nothing could stand against them. Nothing.

Buffy tried to not be distracted by Sam's teasing or Riley's reactions. It was extremely difficult, because they were doing incredible things to her body between the two of them, and part of her wanted to just let them. But she was rather enjoying her explorations and only hoped that Sam was too. Softly, the tip of her tongue traced each contour, every fold of flesh.

Memorizing the taste, the texture, the feel of doing this... imprinting it on her memory, just in case...

Hands and bodies and mouths all working in unison. Sam shivered as she felt the warm slide of a tongue over just the right spot. Lifted her head from it's own haven and gave soft encouragement, "Yes... right there."

Still new at this. Buffy was still new at this. To be honest, they all were but at least she and Riley had the basics down for oral exploration. For them, the only adjustments that needed to be made were the spatial dynamics of working with three bodies rather than two.

The tentative touches were indicative of Buffy's own nervousness. They felt good... No. They felt wonderful but Sam wanted Buffy to have the same confidence that they did and encouragement, both verbal and non-verbal was something she could give.

Riley surged forward and back, moving slowly so Buffy could adjust to his size and the oddity of the position. He nuzzled Buffy's neck, supported Sam by wrapping one hand around her thigh and gave all of them the solidity of his huge frame to use a base. His strength, combined with theirs would make this all work.

Buffy felt Sam shiver, heard her encouragement, and a little of her nervousness slipped away. Maybe she wasn't doing so badly after all. Supported by Riley, cradled between her lover's bodies, Buffy stopped worrying so much about her ability to do this and just let herself try.

Her tongue returned to the place that Sam liked so much, and her fingers took over the gentle exploration of Sam's body. She was serving two purposes: one to give back to Sam the pleasure that she was feeling, and a second to memorize every little thing about her lover to carry her through the separation.

Slow slide in again, hold it for a beat or two and then pull out. Establishing a rhythm that they all could adjust to. If he moved too fast, disastrous things could happen.

But, true to her nature, Sam was happy to mess it up for him. One his next slide back, she pushed against his thigh enough that the head popped free. Riley was about to protest when he sank back into warmth. Different angle and... oh God... teeth.

Words tumbled past his lips, unedited in his utter surprise at her inventive tactic. For a moment, Buffy stiffened and then melted against him. He pushed forward into Sam's mouth, not as deep... couldn't go as deep. Had to keep telling himself that even as he gasped and shook.

Buffy was as startled by the sudden complete loss of sensation as she was by Riley's cursing. She stiffened up and her hands began to shake, but she made herself relax and breathed deeply for a moment to counter the desperate longing of her body. When she was calmer she returned her attention to Sam, determined to just take everything in stride and let them do whatever they wanted to.

Pulling back, Sam made a face and wiped her mouth on the inside of Riley's thigh. "Well, that's not a do again. Finn, couldn't you have gotten flavored ones?" The latex taste lingered, tainting her senses and while she loved the heavy feel of his cock in her mouth Sam wasn't going to try that move again anytime soon.

Riley tried to keep from laughing. He really did. But Sam's dry tone and the way she kept licking at his thigh to get rid of the taste were impossible to ignore. He held it in as long as he could, his whole body shaking with the effort.

Finally a bark of laughter escaped and he heard Buffy's stifled giggles as well. That combined with Sam's slight gagging noises certainly broke the tension between them. "Honey, let me get you something to wash that away with." He reached behind him, fumbling for the nightstand and his fingertips caught the edge of a glass. Caught it and felt it tumble away. "Oops."

Buffy couldn't help it, she began to laugh in earnest. "Oh, good one... housekeeping is gonna love you tomorrow..." She scooted upwards and half-rolled onto Sam's legs as she reached for the nightstand on her side, where her soda was still safely in its glass. It was a stretch, but she managed to nudge the glass to where she could reach it and then scooted back into place. Her hand found Sam's and pressed the glass into it.

"Here..." she offered between giggles.

"Thank you," Sam took it gratefully and sipped. Then made another face, swallowing the combination of latex and diet soda. "Next time we do this, no condom."

That comment drew even more laughter as Riley took the glass from Sam. "Gotta agree with you there. Didn't help those aren't the good ones. We left that box back at Buffy's."

He turned enough this time to set the glass down firmly on his nightstand. Luckily there hadn't been much left in the one he spilled. Especially since he had no intention of stopping to clean it up.

Buffy shook her head, still giggling. "Well, that's a silly place for it. Should've just left it in the car; we could've brought them in with us when we came back here." Her voice was light, teasing in a matter-of-fact tone. She was glad that the tension had eased; she would miss this light attitude as much as their physical presence. Would miss Sam's perpetual inability to let things stay too serious for too long.

She needed this light that they brought to her life, and she knew it would be a struggle to stay out of the darkness without them. But she resolutely refrained from thinking about that; instead, she enjoyed the easy banter and let it flow over and around her.

"Good point," Riley agreed even as he rolled back toward them. Rolled back and settled in, reaching down to take himself in hand only to have Sam beat him to the punch. She guided him into place and he shuddered as he slid back into the haven of Buffy's body.

"Mmmm... love the view from here." Quiet statement of fact as she watched his cock disappear and reappear with each rock of his hips. Sam dipped down to tease his balls with her tongue, her fingertips finding and pressing up against Buffy's clit. The upside down angle took a little adjusting too but this certainly wasn't her first time in a 69 position.

Buffy shivered lightly and moaned as pleasure began to sweep through her again. But she only allowed herself a moment to enjoy it selfishly; returning her attention to Sam, her tongue sought and found her lover's sweet spot.

Her fingers resumed their caressing as well, now dipping in to rub in circles just barely inside Sam's body. Pulling back to rub circles around the entrance, then dipping back in just a tiny bit farther to circle around again. Teasing, exploring, curious about just how much either of them could stand this kind of teasing.

Riley kept it slow, drawing out every sensation to its fullest. Over Buffy's shoulder, he watched her tease Sam with her fingers and with her mouth. Heard Sam's little sounds of frustration, knowing them for what they were. Not really a complaint... more a compliment to Buffy's growing skill.

"If you really want to drive her crazy," he whispered into the ear right below his mouth, brushing the delicate whorl as he spoke. "Take that... mmm-hmm... right there... into your mouth and hum."

Light touches, almost too light and she was about to growl at both of them when she felt a shift. Riley was angling up, moving a little faster and harder. Changing the pace on them. And Sam would follow along.

She pressed harder on the nub beneath her fingers and bent her neck. Bent her whole back so she could get to that spot. Sam took the tender fold between her lips and nipped at it, suckled on it and was rewarded by a muffled gasp from Buffy.

Buffy decided to follow Riley's whispered advice and gently caught the delicate nub between her lips. She began to hum softly, dipping her fingers fully into Sam at the same time. Dipping in, twisting around a bit, then withdrawing again. Buffy teased Sam's opening again, then slid her fingers back inside deeply.

Her lover was soft inside, so soft... so warm and wet, and Buffy briefly wondered how much was from what she was doing and how much was from Riley and the situation in general. But only briefly, because she decided that it didn't really matter. The way Sam was feeling was what mattered, regardless of the cause.

"Oh God," Mouth torn away from its prize, gasping for breath as the sensation flooded through her. Sam turned her head, reaching for something to still her cries and found Riley's thigh. Bit him, teeth catching on skin and he jerked forward.

Chain reaction. Bright pain on his inner thigh, sharp with memory of fangs slicing through. Riley shuddered and thrust and cried out against the curve of Buffy's throat. He went from languorous pleasure to agony to the edge of climax in the space of two heartbeats.

Shuddering, Riley tried to pull himself back. Tried to think about anything but coming. Didn't want it to be because of this, because of pain. That had happened too many times during his addiction. He never let them touch, never let them fondle, but more times than not, his body did betray him.

Buffy gasped as Riley's whole body seemed to jump forward; she felt him tense up, struggling with something. Felt him hold her tightly, keeping them both still.

Keeping her fingers moving, still teasing Sam, Buffy tipped her head back to lean against Riley's shoulder. "Riley-love... you okay?" she whispered softly, worried. She'd never seen him react to anything quite like this and she didn't know what to make of it. Perhaps she shouldn't ask, but she couldn't help it. She needed to know, to help...

"Yeah," he responded, voice shaky... tight. "Trying not to come." Heavy pulse in his cock, slow and thick. Along with it came the guilt, the realization that his addiction had been just as much sexual as it had been anything else. And that was a hard concept to swallow.

He wasn't going to give into it. Wasn't going to listen to pain's siren song again. Riley had too much to lose to travel that path. Sam... and now Buffy. Two wonderful women who loved him, loved and needed him... and he needed them.

A warm hand wrapped around the base of his cock and squeezed, giving him back the control he sought. Sam licked gently at the marks she'd left in his thigh and murmured an apology. "Ry... sorry. Didn't mean to hurt you."

Buffy turned her head and kissed his cheek gently. Whispered, "Shh, love... it's okay..." And it was. She might not fully understand, but it was okay. She'd help him in any way she could. Because she loved him, and because he would do the same for her. Had done so, even. And so had Sam.

Riley sighed in relief as he felt the urgency pass. He didn't want to come like that, didn't want to come because of the pain. Buffy's soothing voice and Sam's touch calmed him down. Put things back in perspective.

Later, he'd explain. Tell them what went through his head and through his body but not now... not now.

"It's okay, Sam. I'm okay." Riley let go of Buffy's shoulder and sought out his wife's cheek, her mouth. Touched her with a light fingertip, tapping on her teeth. "Just... no biting. Please. Can't take it. It's... too much."

Connecting the dots wasn't hard. Sunnydale, they were in Sunnydale. The place where his downward spiral took place. Any reminder of that would be too sharp, would overwhelm him. Biting him, especially in an intimate place would be like handing a junkie a nickel bag of pure heroin. Tacit permission to slide right back into hell.

Sam nodded and kissed his hand. "I'm sorry, Ry. Wasn't thinking."

Buffy bit her lip lightly. Remembered that she'd bitten him last night, hard enough to draw blood. And though she knew she'd probably never do it again, she wondered if she'd started the problem. Like Sam, Buffy could connect the dots. It wasn't fun and she didn't like the conclusion, but she could do it. "I'm sorry too," she added suddenly in a small voice.

"Not your fault. Not anybody's fault but mine." Riley eased back in slowly, waiting for a moment until Sam released her hold on him. Easy glide in and out, in and out. Building them back up again. The pain faded to nothing but a dull memory as he pulled Buffy in closer, molding himself to her back.

Cautiously, Sam moved away a little. Kept her fingers busy, gliding back and forth over Buffy but giving Riley room enough to move. She avoided touching him, especially the abraded spot on his thigh. Mistakes were bound to happen. They each had their triggers, their own stumbling blocks and threading through the maze was a painstaking process.

Ry's silent demon, his addiction was the worst thing in her mind. He never talked about it, unless he was drunk and desperate. It made him less than perfect, flawed... and while she loved the sheer humanity of his rough edges... Riley clearly hated it. Hated being weak. Hated himself for doing something that damned stupid.

Buffy felt Sam move and looked up at her. Their eyes met and she saw quiet concern tinged with regret in those green depths. Something was up... something bigger than Buffy had thought. Something that needed to be dealt with, though Riley didn't seem to want to talk about it. But Buffy knew how much talking had helped with beginning to work through her problems, and she would help try to get Riley talking.

But not right now. The pleasure spiraling through her was quickly taking over again, and Buffy knew her thoughts wouldn't stay coherent for too long. So after sharing silent communication with Sam, she caught her lover's clit between her lips again and sucked gently while the motion of her fingers changed from teasing to a more rhythmic movement. She started slower and slowly increased the pace until her fingers inside Sam matched Riley's movement inside her own body.

Still worried but unable to resist the pull of what Buffy was doing, Sam whimpered and gave in. She hooked one hand around the curve of Riley's hip, felt the muscles flex and release with each of his thrusts. Dipped her head down and licked at Buffy, ignoring the faint taste of the latex.

Tight around him, trim little butt nestled into the cradle of his hips. Heat everywhere and Sam's hand on his hip, tracing the sensitive spot along the bone. Nagging bite of addiction fading away. Riley mouthed a line down Buffy's throat to the ball of her shoulder. Cupped a breast, heavy and full of promise in the palm of his hand. Riley murmured against her skin, not really words... just nonsensical syllables to keep himself occupied. To keep from calling out, to keep from begging for this.

Buffy couldn't quite suppress a soft cry and felt Sam quiver at the brief vibration of her lips, which were still wrapped around Sam's clit. She sucked and flicked the little nub with her tongue while her fingers slid in and out. She tried hard to keep her mind on her self-appointed tasks, but it was difficult and she wasn't used to focusing on anything with waves of pleasure rocking her body.

And every touch, every kiss felt so good... it would be so easy to get lost in the sensations, to let her responses overwhelm her consciousness and let it all sweep her away. But she couldn't let that happen, not yet. When she went, she wanted to take her lovers with her.

Soft sheets, warm bodies and the slick slide of sweat between his shoulder-blades. Riley was close, could feel the pressure building... the blind urge to drive in and in and in until there was nowhere further that he could go. Walked away from this... he'd walked away from this and walked away from her. And God how could he have been so stupid?

Not aware that the words in his head were spilling out of his mouth. Tumbling into open air, hissed against the smooth barrier of her skin. Hushed and reverent, whispered like a benediction as he lost himself in the haven that was Buffy's body.

Sam listened, caught almost every word and understood them for what they were. Catharsis, letting out everything that had been building in him since he'd let this place. Since he gave into Gray's offer and boarded a chopper.

Her heart ached to think what would have happened to her if he hadn't. Not knowing Riley, not coming to love him would have left a huge void in her life. But that's not how it played out. She had met him. She had fallen in love with him and yes... married him.

Now she shared him with the other woman that held his heart. Held his heart and held hers as well. Sam didn't have a problem with that. She never would...

Buffy, too, listened to Riley speak and tears slowly filled her eyes. Tears that she would never let fall, but they were there. She knew from the sound of his voice Riley was lost in what he was feeling and probably unaware he was even speaking... but that only meant they were all the more sincere. Knowing his feelings did her heart a bit of good but at the same time her heart ached for Sam.

Buffy knew that hearing him could not be easy for Sam; Sam was his wife, she came first in his life and should be first in his heart. Yet Buffy knew that in reality that was only partially true. And again she was happy because of what it meant to her, but she ached for Sam and felt guilty about it. Guilty both for being the cause to begin with and for being pleased for herself by his feelings.

She could only hope Sam would be okay with it. Buffy knew Sam loved her, too, and had no problems with her part in their triad. But Buffy hoped this twist in things wouldn't cause problems for any of them. She had too much to lose if problems did arise... they all did, but Buffy knew if a problem ever came up that she would be the one alone again. Sam was Riley's wife first, she had the prior claim and first commitment.

Buffy was secondary and she would be the one to have to go if unsolvable problems arose. So she prayed they never did.

"Love you... God, I love you so much." The hand on her stomach pressed down again, the one on her breast tightened as Riley continued to move. His heart felt like it was going to beat its way out of his chest. "Love both of you..."

Quick stutter to his movements and Sam recognized it. He was about to come. No doubt about it. Sliding her free hand in between his legs, she cupped his balls gently. Pressed her fingertips into a spot directly underneath and held her breath.

Sharp and sweet, pleasure like a tidal wave. Clamping down on his lower lip to keep from crying out, Riley curled in on himself. Blinding light behind his closed lids and somewhere in the distance he heard a whimper, a moan that was cut off as breath became a luxury.

"Mmmmm..." Buffy hummed to herself as his hands tightened on and around her. Rather than answer, the words of which seemed to stick in her throat this time, she arched her body against his and hummed again without removing her mouth from Sam. Shifting the angle of her hand, Buffy pressed her fingers just a bit harder against the front wall of her lover's soft channel as she moved.

She didn't know how much longer she'd be able to hold out, so she tried as best she could to give as much as possible to Sam before her own climax hit.

Next to go, flash-fire along every nerve in her body. Sam lifted her head away, gasping with pleasure. So good... it all felt so good.

Still trying to recover from his own, Riley let go of Buffy's breast and reached for Sam. Found the curve of her hip and stroked, petted her. She was shaking, her head pressed against his thigh. Her climax a silent testament to Buffy's ever-increasing skill.

Couldn't move much, not with Sam's face right there but Riley rocked slowly. Rocked and flexed and pressed down with his hand. Anything he could do to bring about Buffy's own release. She was wound tight, poised on the brink and he knew just how painful that could be.

Her lovers taken care of, Buffy let her head fall back against Riley's shoulder and a soft whimper escaped her lips. She'd held off long enough, thank God, but had she left it too long? Was there such a thing? She was so tense, twisted so tight from pleasure and anticipation that it felt as if she'd been waiting forever but it would never let go. She'd held back, but now that she wanted to give into it she found that she didn't know how.

Riley was still moving, still pressing into her, and the pleasure was almost agonizing. She could barely breathe, and didn't know whether to let him continue or ask him to stop... it seemed to her that neither choice was a good one.

Pain, Buffy was whimpering and there was no mistaking the pain in the sound. Sam knew exactly what she was feeling. Empty and aching even though your lover had achieved their own pleasure.

Not going to happen here. Not when she could do something about it. Her trembling fingers were replaced by her mouth and Sam did what she did best. Too many years of loving women to be bad at this. She licked and sucked and rubbed while Riley continued to rock. Shifting his body so the head of his cock was hitting the sweet spot deep within.

When Buffy didn't tumble over immediately, Sam shifted away from her. Moved around on the bed until she was curled up between their legs. Better angle that way and it freed Riley to play with both of Buffy's breasts. To tease and taunt with his fingers while she loved with her mouth.

Buffy began to moan softly when the pain slowly gave way to pleasure. Pleasure so intense that it was overwhelming, but it didn't really hurt anymore. This time, she let herself be swept away by it; by the feel of Sam's mouth on her sex, Riley's hands on her breasts and his cock still moving inside her. "Oh, God," she moaned again. "So good..."

It didn't take too much longer for her to hit the edge again. Another moment past that and she screamed her lovers' names as she tumbled over the edge into one of the most intense orgasms she'd ever had. Shock waves of pleasure tore through her body, making her voice vibrate and her body tremble.

Holding onto her was almost problematic. Buffy was strong, really strong. It took every ounce of his own strength to keep her in place. Riley ducked his head into the curve of her shoulder and held on for dear life.

Sam's arms wrapped around Buffy's waist, adding her own strength to his grip. The tiny girl thrashed and bucked and cried out as she came. Hard to conceive that someone so small could be this powerful. If Sam hadn't fought side-by-side with Buffy, she never would have believed it.

"That's it, baby. Beautiful. God, you're so beautiful." Riley's voice, rising so he could be heard over Buffy's cries. Moving into her, riding it out. Quite the memory to take with them.

As the last waves of her climax faded, Buffy went limp. Completely, totally limp; she couldn't have moved if she'd wanted to. A slow, languid, sated smile spread across her face and she snuggled into her lovers' embraces, enjoying the feel of them holding her again. "Mmmm... thank you," she murmured when she had enough breath and voice back to speak.

And her thanks were all-encompassing; for the way they made her feel, for letting her be part of their lives, for treating her like she was so special... for everything they gave to her.

"And down for the count," a deeply amused voice rumbled in her ear. Riley kissed Buffy's shoulder, her throat, her cheek... anywhere that he could reach. "You're welcome." His movements slowed and finally stopped.

It had been a long time, a very long time since he'd experienced anything like this. Buffy was usually controlled, afraid of hurting him during sex but this time she let go. And the result was pretty damned exhilarating. Hit him right where he lived.


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