Title: Bring Me Into the Light
AUTHOR: Mistress Ace & Em
E-MAIL: rosewood@inreach.com & winter@sapphire-dragon.net
FEEDBACK: Is the butter on our bread. We write because the story begs to be told. Feedback lets us know if we struck a chord with you.
DISTRIBUTION: Our site, for the moment. When we post fully edited chapters, those can be posted elsewhere. RATING: NC-17
CATEGORY: Story: Romance, Angst
PAIRINGS: B/R/Sam, m/f, f/f
DISCLAIMER: Don't own the characters at all. (More's the pity) They belong to the Great God Joss Whedon et al. We are just borrowing them for a little bit. That's all. No BtVS characters were harmed in the writing of this fic. Well, maybe just a little.
SUMMARY: Not back for long enough. Not nearly long enough and there were too many things left up in the air. But isn't that the purpose of fan-fiction?

Chapter 42

Soft kiss, a warm press of Buffy's body against her own before Sam pulled away. "Why don't you go first, Buffy? Get your balance?"

Buffy nodded slowly, but she took just one more moment to cuddle up against Sam. "Thank you," she whispered softly. Then she pulled back just as gently and sat up. Turned around and leaned down to kiss Riley gently and whisper a soft thank you to him, too. Soft fingertips caressed his cheek before she moved to straddle him. Felt his hands on her hips, gently guiding her to the right place as she settled herself.

Riley nuzzled gently to part the soft of folds of her sex, licked gently, experimentally. Buffy's scent, her taste filled his senses as he felt her tremor, heard her gasp his name. Slim hips under his palms, taut muscles that coiled and tensed with every stroke. The thought, the knowledge that his touch did this to her was powerful stuff. Heady as hell.

Silken skin against his own, strong hands on his chest and the feel of Sam's legs bracketing his hips were the only warning he had. He was the one gasping when mortal heat engulfed him, enclosed him... encircled him. Never would get used to feeling this.


But he was willing to try.

A soft moan slipped past Buffy's lips as she watched Riley's cock disappear into Sam's welcoming body. She was glad that she had decided to face this way; it was more appealing to her to be able to watch. Facing the other way, she would only have been able to wonder what was happening behind her... this way, she could see it all. Could see the soft glow on Sam's face, the way her body arched as Riley thrust up into her.

Buffy decided that she liked this particular solution... it was an easy way for the three of them to share the experience, without there being any particular focus on any one of them.

Deep inside, filling her in a way that no one else ever had. That no one else could ever hope to. Sam balanced herself with one hand on Riley's broad chest and the other wound through Buffy's hair. Pulled her in for a kiss even as Riley thrust up into her again.

Buffy admitted earlier to being attracted to strength and Sam echoed her sentiment. She appreciated strength, felt it coiled in her husband's body and always responded to it. As she responded to the same strength in Buffy, strength of body, strength of heart, of purpose... With that strength, they could change the world.

But she also appreciated beauty and the tiny golden girl whose mouth opened under hers was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen. Exquisite face, eyes one could drown in and a sweetly curved body that Sam intended on spending the rest of her life getting to know.

Watching as she changed, as she aged... to be there when the breast cradled in her palm filled with the promise of life, when the flat belly rounded, when a baby filled her arms and when age papered her skin, made it grow thin under her fingertips. Sam ached to feel the fine wrinkles of age when she kissed the corners of Buffy's closed lids, to know that her lover would live a full life... rather than die young as her Calling demanded.

The thought of spending the rest of her life enjoying the two of them, to watched Riley's hair turn silver and hear his voice deepen with the years. To watch the laugh lines carve themselves deeper into his handsome face. To stand beside him as their children grew... not just hers and his, but his and Buffy's as well, was the finest way she could imagine living her life.

Buffy moaned into Sam's mouth as they kissed; one hand lifted to twine into long dark hair, stroked softly through it. Her other hand crept across Riley's chest until her fingers brushed against Sam's so she could touch both her lovers. She moaned again softly, feeling coiled muscles in Riley's chest flex each time he thrust his hips upward. She felt the reigned power in his arms as he held her and reveled in his strength.

Yet at the same time, he was so careful of her. They both were. Fiery and passionate and possessive, but no more than she herself was... and at the same time so careful of her. Of her feelings, of her body. Even when they didn't have to be. And it touched her deep in her soul. The precious gift that had been given to her: their love and a place in their lives.

Coordinating his movements with theirs wasn't difficult. He was a master at multi-tasking, though not normally in bed. Whole different venue for that particular skill. Riley fell into an easy, slow rhythm with Sam - an even rise and fall of his hips, letting her ride him while still trying to give her the maximum in sensation.

He sought out the spot Buffy had shown Sam, licked at it or at least as close as he could. It took a few tries but when he did find it, the reward was worth the effort. Buffy... well, she melted into that touch. Every muscle in her tiny frame going slack for a moment or two and the sound she made... Riley wasn't likely to ever forget.

Even Buffy shivered at the sound that escaped her at the moment her body melted on her. Not quite a keen or a croon... just a soft, high sound that sent tremors through her body, and she felt Sam tremble against her as well. To her own knowledge, Buffy'd never made a sound like that before... not with Angel or with Riley. But, then, she'd never felt anything quite like he was doing to her, either.

Always before when she'd touched herself on that spot, she kept it gentle like she'd told Sam. And though gentle, the feel of his tongue was completely different and her reaction was stronger. It was... God, it was just incredible. She didn't have words to describe the way it felt.

**Keep it easy, Finn. Don't push... just let it glide.** Eyes closed, fully immersed in what he was doing, Riley concentrated on that spot for a few moments. Buffy's shivering didn't let up and that sound filled the room. Carefully, he let go of her hip and slid his hand between her legs. One finger in, stroking slow - adding another sensation to the mix. If it was wrong, Buffy's body would let him know... even if she never said anything, he'd be able to read her reactions.

Buffy's breathy cry was the most amazing thing Sam had ever heard. Her lover went from beautiful to transcendent in a matter of seconds. Startled by the change, Sam held her breath, not daring to make a sound lest she disturb this. Buffy's skin glowed, her mouth fell open and the tiny pearls of her perfect teeth glowed in the soft candlelight, a faint blush colored her cheeks and crept downward to her breasts as well.

Unaware of her lover's awestruck staring, Buffy leaned forward and held onto Sam to keep from losing her balance. Balance was something she was usually able to keep under most circumstances... but what Riley was doing was overwhelming her reflexes as her body continued to melt from his tender care.

"God Riley..." she moaned as she tried to catch her breath. This was... just incredible. If he kept this up, she might not be able to hold herself upright. As it was, she was leaning on Sam the little bit that she dared.

"Mmmm-hmmm, best lesbian I know." Sam's quiet laugh in Buffy's ear sent a little shiver down the tiny Slayer's spine. "Fast learner too. Show him something once and he never forgets." Proud of him, Sam was proud of him even though he'd come to her fully trained. Versed in more ways to have sex than she'd ever imagined, which given the sparse history she'd been able to glean from the rest of the squad was a bit of a surprise. And apparently it wasn't something he'd picked up when he was with Buffy, if her reactions were anything to go on.

Riley slipped another finger into her, rubbing along the spot that always drove Sam crazy before pressing in further. His efforts were rewarded by another moan from Buffy as well as a flood of sweetness.

Fingertips found his nipple and tugged gently. That would be Sam. Bolder than Buffy and not afraid to take what she wanted... when she wanted it. Riley moaned around his mouthful as Sam tightened on him and Buffy's cry deepened. Vibration... good plan. He licked the tender spot once more, pulled it in between his teeth, set his tongue against it and hummed.

A deeper, louder cry sounded in the room as Buffy's back arched suddenly. Her body tense, gone from melting to right on the edge in mere seconds. Trembling, the vibration pouring into and through her in little shock waves. "Do that again..." Half instruction, half plea, and entirely needy. So close, all of a sudden. She had no idea how, since it had never happened before... but she didn't really care, either.

The past didn't matter... this moment did.

Easy enough order to follow. Riley hummed again, some off-key and nameless tune so muffled to be unrecognizable anyway. She trembled, spine straightening as she sat up higher, her hand leaving his chest for the solid support of Sam's shoulders.

Right there on the edge, no missing that fact. Sam tilted her head to one side so she could kiss Buffy's neck. She rode Riley, doing all the work so he could concentrate on Buffy. Help her let go...

It didn't take much longer; Riley's humming, the soft warmth of Sam's mouth on her neck... Stars exploded behind Buffy's closed eyelids and with another cry she came. Head tipped back, mouth open and breathing heavily. More shock waves, intense ones, swept her away and for long minutes they were all she was aware of. Then her mind slowly returned to awareness and she loosened her hold on Sam's shoulders, hoping she hadn't hurt her...

"Shh... honey, shh. It's okay, I've got you. We've got you." Soothing words, soothing hands petting Buffy as she came down. Sam's on her shoulders and her back and Riley's on her hip. He pulled back, letting her calm down and knowing after that she'd be too sensitive to touch for awhile.

Strong climax, probably the strongest of Buffy's that he'd ever witnessed. She was still shaking and his face was very pleasantly wet. Riley licked at his lips, wiped his chin with his free hand - extremely pleased with himself.

While Buffy settled down, he could switch his focus to Sam. Which he did with a sudden thrust of his hips, earning a soft moan from her, a tightening of her legs and then yes... vise-like grip around his cock. All good... it was all so damned good.

Even though she didn't really feel like moving, Buffy shifted forward enough to sit on her heels over Riley's chest. Her hands moved to Sam's hips and she nuzzled her lover's chest. Just watched them move, listened to the sounds they made. She felt Sam's hands still on her, in her hair and on her back, and she welcomed it. She might need to calm down before she could really participate again, but she was still involved. And that was nice.

Long, elegant line of Buffy's back displayed for his viewing pleasure. Something else he could get used to. Riley ran his hand down its length, from nape to the flare of her perfect bottom. Sam tightened on his again and he barely bit back his standard response... a torrent of sex words from the five languages he knew and the three that Sam had taught him. Not that Buffy would probably understand them but her reactions to his cursing in English was bad enough. No need to push the issue.

"Ry... oh God, Ry." Sam's voice, thick like honey and flowing over him. His name spoken as if in prayer. How many nights had he heard that sound? How many nights before he realized he needed to hear that sound for the rest of his life? To have someone who loved him without condition, without holding anything back. To have someone love him like he'd loved Buffy. And still loved Buffy.

Buffy shivered as she picked up on the undertones in Sam's voice. Lovely Sam; so open, so completely willing to share every part of herself. Buffy envied her that ability, truth be told. Wished she could be more like Sam, able to love and give of herself without restraint. No wonder Riley loved her. No wonder Buffy had fallen similarly. As much as Buffy loved them, as dear to her heart as they were, it took such effort to be open with them

It was so hard to take down all the walls around her heart and, even though they were helping, it had to be hard for them... perhaps even as hard as it was for her.

Opening her eyes, Sam sought Buffy out and let the love she felt for her shine. No words now, just a gentle smile and a touch of her hand on Buffy's cheek before Riley pushed up into her again. Big, he was big all over. It took awhile to get used to that fact and sometimes it still literally took her breath away.

Especially like this. When she sat up straight, riding him and he hit the deepest place within her. Heavy pulse that didn't belong to her, hard push against her clit with every stroke. Even without his hands on her body, she felt totally possessed by him.

Calmer and more in control, Buffy followed Sam when she sat up straight. Nuzzled the soft flesh below her breast, then trailed lips and tongue upwards along the generous curve. Hands still on Sam's hips, holding gently like Riley had done to her earlier. Supporting Sam, loving her more than she knew how to say...

Sam wrapped her arms around Buffy and her fingers found Riley's. He was rubbing Buffy's back and looking up at her at the same time. "I love you," she whispered. Not just to him but to both of them. To her husband and to their lover.

"I love you," Riley's quiet response came naturally and without hesitation. No question of that. There were so many things to love Sam for. Her bravery, her honesty, her compassion... the openness of her heart. The way she'd taken him in and healed him. And the way she'd done the same for Buffy. Riley loved his wife and always would.

Though there had already been times when the words rolled so easily off her tongue, Buffy could only wish that this were one of them. She tipped her head back from Sam's chest to look up into deep green eyes, opened her mouth to reply... only to find that the words were stuck in her throat. Her eyes began to shine with emotion, love mingled with sorrow over her inability to communicate her love to them.

She looked up at Sam, over her shoulder at Riley, and then closed her eyes in defeat. But the look spoke volumes to her lovers, all the things she couldn't say and how much it bothered her that she couldn't. Unable to speak, she pressed close to Sam and hugged her tightly instead.

No mistaking the meaning behind that look, the love and the frustration. It would be a long time before Buffy would be able to say those words but they both knew she felt them. And that was enough. Sam nuzzled her neck, her cheek while Riley continued to rub her back.

If they said it often enough. If they were open and honest about their affection for Buffy and for each other, then maybe the walls around Buffy's heart would eventually crumble. They'd broken through already, punched holes in those defenses that wouldn't be covered up anytime soon. All they had to do was be patient. And contrary to popular belief, both Sam and Riley could be patient. Especially when the reward was something this precious.

Buffy relaxed more easily under their reassurances; they were still there, still holding and touching her. It got easier to accept that they were okay with her inarticulateness as it continued to happen, and she relaxed more easily as time went by. But deep inside, part of her was afraid that it would eventually cause problems like the one that had caused Riley to leave her the first time.

Even subconsciously, the idea made Buffy tense every time she found that the words wouldn't come. But she kept trying... it was all she could do.

Sam turned her head and kissed Buffy one more time. Her hand brushed her cheek and down the line of her throat before their mouths parted. Eyes locked on one another, she moved. Rocking back down onto Riley and then up onto her knees, then back down again.

The whole world shifted with Sam and Riley was pulled back into the reality of what they had been doing, what they were still doing. Silken glide down the entire length of his cock and everything was back in sharp focus.

Eyes still caught by Sam's, Buffy sat back again in order to leave Sam free to move. Her hands found Sam's and lifted them in hers. Palm to palm, their fingers laced and held, and Buffy used her strength to give Sam more leverage and support. What Sam did with that support was entirely up to her, but it was there for the taking. Buffy wasn't sure how it would work like this, but she had done something similar for Riley on many occasions.

Last night came to mind, but she didn't dwell on that as her attention was focused on Sam.

Making use of Buffy's strength was easy, once Sam got used to the angle. It allowed her more freedom to move without pinning Riley to the bed. Every time she descended onto him, he rose to meet her. At one point, she rose all the way up onto her knees and Riley took his cue perfectly. While she leaned onto Buffy's hands, he used short, shallow strokes. Ones that allowed only the head of his cock to slip inside, touching the spot that yielded such great results for Buffy earlier.

Warmth spread through her body, heat spilling along her veins as the slow burn intensified. She could come like this. Very easily... And Riley knew it.

Taking advantage of Sam's momentary stillness and, without upsetting Sam's balance, Buffy ducked her head and caught one of Sam's nipples in her mouth. Sucked gently on it, stroked with her tongue... then released it to catch the other one.

"Oh... Oh..." So close to the edge and the delicate tug of Buffy's mouth on her breast was just enough sensation. Looking over Buffy's shoulder Sam caught Riley's eye and he smiled. Smiled, then nodded and rocked up so hard into her that she gasped for breath. Gasped for breath, called out their names and felt the solid rush of pleasure that was her own release.

Buffy leaned closer to Sam and felt her lover trembling. She tipped her head back and watched Sam's face begin to glow, eyes sparkling before they closed. With their hands still joined for one kind of support, Buffy waited until Sam's tension began to ease then matched their bodies together and let Sam lean on her.

As Sam had pointed out, this was his second time around. He could do this for hours but they had an early morning meeting and it was going to be hard enough leaving Sunnydale without being exhausted on top of it. So Riley concentrated on where he was and how good Sam felt around him. And the taste of Buffy as he licked his lips. Licked his lips, reached past Buffy to clasp his hands around Sam's waist and drove up into her.

Hard and fast and Sam was moving with him, riding the wave. Buffy's weight on his chest was nothing. In fact, the restraint was welcome otherwise he would have been totally out of control. Reaching for it, he was reaching for it.

In between the hard thrusts, Sam watched Riley over Buffy's shoulder. Watched his head go back and felt his back arch. Felt the heavy pulse of his cock deep within and she let go of Buffy's hand. She raised up just enough to reach in between their bodies and clamped down around his cock. Staved off his orgasm and left him panting and shaking beneath her.

"No," Sam's command was soft but sure. She'd taken her pleasure and it was Buffy's turn. When Ry calmed down, he'd remember that.

Guessing he'd gotten caught up in the moment and this threesome thing was still new to them all, Buffy knew that she couldn't blame Riley for reacting to Sam's climax with a desire for his own. But she was still grateful for Sam's intervention; she knew that she didn't have the confidence to stop him herself, even if it did hurt a little.

Rising to her knees slowly, Buffy cupped Sam's chin in her hands and kissed her softly. A silent thanks for remembering her, for taking charge when needed and for caring so much. For loving her.

Soft kiss between them and Sam was moving out of the way. She kept her hand firmly around Riley, not letting go until the shaking stopped. Until his jaw unclenched and he nodded in understanding.

"Owe you... an apology, Buffy." Breathless, Riley shuddered as Sam released her hold on him. He'd honestly forgotten about Sam's challenge and in doing so, he'd probably hurt Buffy. It wasn't that he didn't want her... just his practical side had kicked in for a minute or three.

"It's okay, Riley," she assured him softly. "I forgive you." And she did. The truth of it was in her eyes. His apology had dispelled some of the hurt, and the rest would more than likely be forgotten shortly anyway. And she never could hold anything against him for long anyway. If she could forgive him for leaving, what was this in comparison? Next to nothing.

Buffy gave him a smile, then moved down to the bottom of the bed and leaned over the edge to reach the bag that Sam had left there. As much as they all disliked the things, protection was a critical issue and they didn't have a choice at this point. But soon... soon...

"Thank you," he said it to both of them. To Sam for being so quick-witted and to Buffy for being forgiving. Relaxing while he was this wound up was difficult but Riley counted slowly back from twenty and when he was done, Buffy was beside him, holding up a condom packet.

He took it from her and tore it open. Not to be left out, Sam took the condom from him, rolled the tip down over the sensitive head of his cock and pinched it. Then rolled it the rest of the way down. Once it was firmly in place, Riley turned his head so he could look at Buffy. "Where do you want me?"

This was a question she could handle. She might not have said anything if he hadn't asked, but she could answer him. And at the moment, she wanted to be able to see him, but she also wanted to be curled up between them for as long as possible. "I want to lie on my side, with you in front of me and Sam behind me. Want to keep you both close, while I can." She managed not to stumble over the words, but only just, by keeping her focus on him.

She tried to guess what his reaction would be, but gave it up when she realized that he wouldn't likely deny her what she wanted any more than she and Sam would deny him. What he thought of her idea might be a different story, but she was probably safe in wanting something they'd enjoyed before.

"Sounds good to me," Riley's sunny smile lifted years off his face as he rolled over onto his side. Figuring out positions was going to be a very interesting part of their sex life, one that he was sure he was going to enjoy. Even if some of them resulted in bruises.

Sam was certainly happy with that arrangement. She'd get the pleasure of watching Buffy and Riley together as well as feel them move and be close enough to kiss. And hold Buffy in her arms.

Buffy lay down in front of him with a smile of her own. She lifted her chin and kissed him, felt Sam settle against her back at the same time. Feelings of being loved and protected crept into her again, as it always did when she was cocooned by their bodies, and she enjoyed the warmth of their bodies pressed against hers.

If this was all they ever did and nothing more, Buffy knew she would still die happy. These people, these feelings... this was what she lived for, now.

While they kissed, Riley slid one leg between hers. This was going to be a little awkward but they could do it. Buffy was pretty flexible and this was one of the positions where his sheer size helped. He gently bent Buffy's leg, lifting until her ankle was hooked around his knee. Without breaking the connection of their mouths, he pulled her in close and slipped inside.

Sam felt it the instant Riley pushed into Buffy. The tiny girl in her arms stiffened for a second and then relaxed, her hips moving forward to meet him and then back into the cradle of Sam's own. The three of them moved in unison, slow and languid... just like the kiss that Buffy and Riley were still sharing.

Buffy matched Riley's easy pace with a soft sound of happiness. This was just perfect, exactly what she'd wanted. Slow, steady, relaxed... no tension, no rush, just lots of love. Pain, fear and hurt all swept aside, forgotten for a time. For a little while, at least, all was right with the world.

Hands free to touch, to caress - wherever they wanted and whatever they wanted. Both Riley and Sam took full advantage of that fact, work-roughened hands gliding along their lover's pale skin as well as each other's. When the first kiss broke, Sam leaned over Buffy's shoulder and claimed one of her own from him. Licked at his lips and shivered when she tasted Buffy there.

Buffy turned her head to nip and kiss Sam's neck as her lovers kissed each other. Her tongue teased soft skin, tasting salt and Sam. Hands slid over Sam's hair and Riley's hip, touching gently, just needing to feel them a little more.

Slow stroke in, equally slow stroke out. Riley settled into a steady pace, changing it every so often for a hard thrust in or a circling of his hips. Just enough of a change-up to keep this from getting too... complacent. He alternated between kissing Buffy and kissing Sam and simply enjoying himself.

Relaxing. Letting go of his iron control if only for this moment. Here, in this bed, he could be himself. Could shed all of the layers he'd built up to protect himself against further hurt and go back to what he had been when he first met Buffy. Not quite a kid, but definitely not the man he'd become.

And he knew that hardness, that shell he'd built around himself hurt Buffy. She blamed herself for it being there, he'd seen it in her eyes. Whenever his words were clipped and short, whenever he cut her off with a look, whenever he opened his mouth and the phrases Sam taught him poured forth... those were all differences from what he'd been.

With all the change that Buffy had experienced in her life over the last year, it was no wonder she tried to cling to the past. No wonder she searched his face and his eyes for a trace of the boy she knew. And no wonder that when she didn't find him in there, it hurt her. The Riley Finn she knew was gone...

His eyes closed for a moment and he shook his head. Not really gone. That Riley Finn was still in his head. Still lived in his brain and laughed at him whenever he got too wound up in the concerns of his career and his calling. That Riley Finn was the one who took a chance on Sam and look how well that turned out. Maybe... maybe he could shed his protective layers and let that boy loose again. And maybe this time, he wouldn't get hurt...

Buffy both saw and felt the last bit of tension dissipate from Riley. For the first time in God only knew how long, Buffy looked into his eyes and the hardness had completely gone. As if it had never been. She couldn't help but smile at what she saw, and when they kissed again it was heartbreakingly tender.

This was the Riley she'd missed. This was the man who loved her, who'd done his best to help her laugh when she most needed it, who'd truly believed that she could have love and romance despite being what she was. And this was the young, gentle, laughing part of him that Buffy been afraid was gone forever because of what she'd done. That she could see him still there, even briefly, took an enormous weight off her heart.

Perhaps someday the walls would come down. For both of them. But until then, Buffy was happy to know that she hadn't completely destroyed the Riley she'd come to love, and she knew now the reason she kept seeing bits and pieces of him through the cracks in the walls. And it was enough.

"Hey," he said, his tone reverent and hushed as he looked into her eyes. Touched her mouth with his fingertips, his whole body stilling for a breathless moment. Buffy was shining, the pain and sorrow that had marked her entire demeanor having been shed like an old skin. His golden girl, the first love of his life was in his arms and the second love of his life held them both, her dark head nestled into the pillow behind Buffy's. "Good to see you again."

That was a really odd thing for Riley to say and Sam lifted up so she could look at him. Younger, her husband looked younger and happier than she could ever remember. The weight of command had been lifted from his shoulders, the death and destruction they'd witnessed during the last year swept away and what was left was this. An open and honest face, gentle mouth... even gentler eyes and as he smiled, Sam found herself falling in love with him all over again.

"I could say the same thing to you," Buffy replied in a hushed, breathy voice. "Missed you so much... I wasn't sure if I'd ever see you again, but I wished that I would." She caught his hand and pressed a gentle, loving kiss into his palm. Then she looked up at Sam, who had an adoring expression on her face, as if she were seeing him for the first time.

**And maybe she is,** Buffy thought. **Maybe she's never seen this side of him before... the Riley that was mine, the part he hid away... maybe this is the first time he's come out again...**

Unguarded, she'd never seen him look so unguarded. Not in the flesh anyway. His mother had shown her pictures. Bright, laughing boy who played basketball and excelled at every sport he tried and was at the top of his class. And here he was, with a smile that lit him up from the inside out. Sam touched his face and he looked at her. Then smiled for her as well. "Hey, Sam."

Beautiful voice, soft and low and loving. Maybe there was something in the Sunnydale water that skewed reality because the young man looking at her was definitely not her husband. Well, he was her husband... but this was a side of him she really didn't know. "Ry?... Riley Finn. Nice to finally meet you."

Buffy couldn't help but smile as she watched Sam interact with a Riley she'd never seen before. It was the flip side of their usual situation, since Sam must've spent a lot of time watching Buffy adjust to the new, harder version of Riley. It was rather interesting to see, though Sam took it in stride as she did with everything else. Probably it was his voice... the voice that sent shivers through her little body time and again.

This Riley glowed. His gentleness and love reached out and touched everyone around him, when he let it show. It had reached out to Buffy from the very first time they'd met, and he'd wrapped her up in that feeling when they were together. Ironic that he used to think that she glowed... Buffy always felt more like it was his light filling her up. Keeping her warm and alive.

In response to Sam, Riley laughed. Not a self-conscious chuckle but a full-bodied laugh. One that started low in his chest and filled the room with joyous noise. Happy, he was happy. Even with the unknown event horizon looming ahead of them, he was geniunely happy.

Maybe it was letting down his guard that made his heart so much lighter. Or the honest realization that this thing between the three of them was actually going to work that made him feel free. Or maybe it was just the simple fact that he was tired of hiding behind what he was instead of being who he was. He couldn't be sure. All he knew was that he liked it. Liked feeling this way and liked the way both Buffy and Sam were reacting to him.

In turn, Sam laughed as well. Laughed and leaned forward and kissed him. Then turned to kiss Buffy and found the same glowing wonder that had to be a reflection of what she, herself was feeling. Finding this side of Riley was like finding buried treasure. Infinitely precious and utterly priceless.

Buffy's smile was as bright and joyful as it had ever been. When Sam turned to her, she only let a moment pass for Sam to taken in her appearance before she pulled her lover down for a kiss. Deep and loving and sensual, the kind of kiss Buffy had learned so long ago. With her heart at peace, parts of Buffy's personality that had been repressed were reemerging... parts that had been hidden away after the various tragedies in her life.

With the walls starting to break down, thanks to her lovers, parts of Buffy were 19 again, happy and in love. Parts were 16, before she'd been hurt so badly. Despite everything she'd seen, everything she'd done, part of her was still entirely innocent. The little girl who'd been shut away when confronted with a world of monsters. All these things appeared briefly in her eyes, merging together into the person she'd become.

Under the influence of parts of her that were not afraid, Buffy found herself able to smile and whisper softly, "I love you... both of you, for always."

No stumbling over the words, no hesitation at all and Riley laughed again. For a moment he wished they weren't so intimately entangled because all he wanted to do was lift Buffy up and swing her around and around and around until they were dizzy. They'd done that on more than one occasion - a picnic at Ruggs Field, at the beach, on a trip through the wine country when they stopped beside a vineyard so Buffy could smell the roses planted along the perimeter.

They acted like kids that summer. Whenever the Hellmouth wasn't acting up, he'd load up the Jeep and show up on her doorstep, whisking her away for a day-trip or a weekend up North or even one crazy night when they left the state and ended up in Las Vegas. Wandered around hand in hand, looking at the lights, watching the crowds and the free entertainment set up by each of the casinos to draw in guests.

Buffy laughed at the pirate show outside of Treasure Island, commenting on how bad the stage fighting techniques were and he agreed with her. They were really bad but the pyrotechnics were incredible. He could still feel the heat on his cheek hours later when he drove them home. With Buffy's head nestled against his shoulders, the wind in their hair and the broad bowl of the sky above their heads illuminated by thousands of stars.

"I love you. Never stopped and never will," he murmured in response, holding her close. Riley reached out with his other hand and pulled Sam in as well. Kissed her cheek, her nose - her soft, soft mouth and thanked his lucky stars that he'd found such an understanding wife. "I love you, Sam. Always will."

Giving Sam and Riley a few minutes for themselves, Buffy lay still and just enjoyed being held close by Riley. By her Riley, rather than Sam's. Oh, she knew that Riley - the whole person Riley - belonged to both of them. But the younger Riley had been hers first, while the older Riley had been Sam's first. That was just the way it was, and thinking of it this way helped her to cope with the differences.

The reassurance wasn't necessary. Sam was very secure about how Riley felt about her but it was nice to hear. She kissed him one last time before settling back down behind Buffy. Ran her hand down Buffy's arm and then her side as she kissed the tender nape of her neck.

Leaving Riley and Buffy to watch each other. To touch each other and kiss and slowly rock into one another. No more words, they needed no more words. All they needed was right within arms reach.

Perfect... absolutely perfect that's what this was. Everything Buffy had ever wanted, ever needed, was right here. Inches away, curled up against her on either side. Gentle touches, soft kisses, easy rocking of her hips; pressing against Riley's, then Sam's as she moved. So warm, so happy, and entirely at peace with herself.

It didn't matter which one of them came first and afterward, Riley really wasn't sure. He simply kept moving, letting the pleasure build and build and build until it overwhelmed him. Somewhere in the last few moments, he heard Buffy's quiet cry and felt her tremble. And that was enough for him.

Sam took care of them, understanding their exhaustion and echoing it herself. She rose from their bed and brought them water and cool, damp washcloths. Watched them as they drank, helped them clean up and finally pulled the covers up over all of them. The only change she made to their arrangement was to curl up on Riley's other side when he rolled onto his back. Bracketed between the women he loved and more satiated than he could ever remember being, he closed his eyes. Ready to drift off to sleep.

Buffy curled up against Riley's side, her head on his shoulder, and waited for Sam to settle in with them. She closed her eyes and relaxed, exhaustion washing over her. But sleep didn't come immediately, and she lay there listening to the soft sounds of the three of them breathing.

"Mmmm... love you, honey," Riley's sleepy murmur sent a shiver down Sam's back. Still that young voice, the unguarded one and she really liked hearing it. She tilted her head up and kissed his chin, which earned her a sleepy chuckle. "Love you, Buffy."

Sam closed her eyes, not waiting for Buffy's reply. She took the other girl's hand, kissed the palm and laid it over Riley's heart. Covered it with her own, each of them feeling that steady beat under their fingertips. They would keep him safe, they would keep him whole and together they would love him no matter what.

"Love you too, Riley. Love you, Sammie." Buffy's voice sounded younger, even to her own ears, when she replied. But she did it, and that was all that really mattered. She shifted enough to kiss the back of Sam's hand, where it covered her own, and then Riley's chest before settling back down again. In her voice and her kisses was her promise to do everything she could to keep them all whole, safe, and happy. They all would... together.

Sleep was not long in coming for both of the Finns. The past few days had taken their toll, both physically and emotionally. Riley succumbed first, his whole body relaxing, his hands drifting off their shoulders to land palm up on the bed. Sam followed almost immediately after, her head nestled into the hollow of his shoulder and perfectly comfortable in that position.

It took a little longer for Buffy to fall asleep, despite her exhaustion. But it didn't bother her because she knew she could sleep when she got home in the morning. For now, she just enjoyed being where she was... snuggled against Riley's side, with her head pillowed on his shoulder, and Sam's hand still resting limply on hers. Eventually, the soft, rhythmic breathing sounds lulled her and she joined them in sleep.


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