Title: Bring Me Into the Light (5/?)
AUTHOR: Mistress Ace & Em
E-MAIL: rosewood@inreach.com & slayerbuffy@aol.com
FEEDBACK: Is the butter on our bread. We write because the story begs to be told. Feedback lets us know if we struck a chord with you.
DISTRIBUTION: FINNatics, Vamps-N-Slayers, the other list archives as well. Anyone else interested, we'll be happy to share.
RATING: NC-17 (eventually – or maybe quickly depending on the whim of the muses)
CATEGORY: Story: Romance, Angst
PAIRINGS: B/R/Sam, m/f, f/f
DISCLAIMER: Don't own the characters at all. (More's the pity) They belong to the Great God Joss Whedon et al. We are just borrowing them for a little bit. That's all. No BtVS characters were harmed in the writing of this fic. Well, maybe just a little.
SUMMARY: Not back for long enough. Not nearly long enough and there were too many things left up in the air. But isn't that the purpose of fan-fiction?
DEDICATION: From Ace: Well, to Em of course for bringing this Riley to the fore. For her lovely Buffy and for giving me the chance to get to know Sam. To Jenf'r for the original pairing idea and to our betas – you rock.
From Em: To my talented co-author for bringing her Riley, because we all know Em doesn't write Riley well. To Jenfr, for her comment "Now someone must write the AR where Riley and Sam take Buffy with them" after the episode "As You Were" - we deviated quite a bit but you put the plot bunny in my head. And to our betas - you're the best!

Bring Me Into the Light – Chapter 5

How did she do that? How did she look into their hearts and see the doubts that lay there? See the fears about the choices they'd made and make everything right with just a few words?

They both watched her, Riley with quiet adoration and Sam with something very close to the same shining in her eyes. Buffy shook her head. "I don't think I'm meant to be loved, truly. In a few more years I'll be one of the oldest Slayers ever. I'm not meant to have a long life with a home and kids. The only reason I'm here now is because my friends couldn't let go... it's my fate to die to save the world."

**Again,** she thought, but that was left unsaid. Her voice was calm with acceptance. Death didn't hold any true fear for her, though she didn't really want to die again. She had simply accepted the time limit on her life span. Fatalism was a skill learned, not something you were born with. Her fate was sealed. She was doomed to die in some dark place, her life ripped out of her by some unnamed foe, doomed to die alone.

"You can fit if you want to." Sam's voice almost startled them. It was sure and clear and so very Sam. Two matched sets of hazel eyes regarded her, Buffy's sad and a little distant while Riley's were in sharp focus. He sat up, his attention completely on his wife as he waited for whatever she had to say. Something he knew would change their lives forever.

"You don't have to do it alone, Buffy. That's where you're wrong. You've lasted this long because you have friends and you had lovers who watched out for you." Sam smiled at Riley, reaching over to touch his arm, sliding her hand down its length, feeling the strength there. There was enough strength there for all of them and room enough in his heart and in hers for this to work. "You could have lovers again who would watch your back. Take care of you... if you'll let us."

Buffy's eyes widened as Sam's words sunk in and her world flip-flopped. A faint light of hope began to shine in their sad depths as she looked at Sam. Buffy wanted more than anything to simply agree, to take what Sam was offering her. It was what she'd dreamed of earlier that evening, what she'd been telling herself she could never have.

To have two strong, able companions; people who would love her and help her and whom she could love and help in return... it was something she'd always wanted. Moreover, it was something she knew gave her every chance of beating the Slayer curse. She might live long enough for another Slayer to be called so she could retire.

Still, she worried about Sam's motives. She knew Riley loved her, but he also loved Sam. There was no reason for Sam to offer to share her place in his heart... so why was she doing it? It could be out of caring - though Buffy didn't dare to think that Sam might actually love her - but it could also be out of pity.

Inwardly, Buffy feared the latter... she had never understood why anyone loved her at all, especially when she was so messed up inside. That was part of why she'd turned to Spike: he was just as crippled emotionally as she was. And look where that had left her? Broken and empty and lacking enough respect for herself to put a stop to the bruises, to the violence, to the fucking. What lay between them wasn't love, it was lust and despair and hopelessness.

It took Riley coming back for her to regain that self-respect. Took seeing herself through his eyes, seeing that his faith in her remained unshaken even after he found her in bed with Spike. That faith gave her the strength to push away the demon in the doorway and to walk back out into the sunlight.

And here Sam was offering her a place in the sun. A place with them... out of the darkness and into the light. Did she have the strength to accept that place?

"Sam, I..." she began hesitantly, not sure of what to say. How could anyone offer up something so precious as Riley? "Are you sure that you're willing to do this? He's your husband, and I know you two love each other a lot..." Part of Buffy's mind was yelling at her for protesting... but her conscience told her she had to ask. It wouldn't be right to take what the other woman was offering without being sure she was truly willing.

"I never say anything unless I mean it. Ry and I haven't talked about this... not much anyway." She looked at Riley, who was stuck somewhere between awed and incredibly proud. Again, he smiled and nodded, giving his assent to whatever she came up with. "We do love each other. But he loves you too. Always has."

"Always will," Riley intoned, lifting Buffy's hand to his lips again. He wasn't good at the seduction thing, that was more Sam's game. And she was a lot better at it than he'd ever suspected. Everything she had said, everything she proposed met with his complete approval and damn the consequences. "If you want us. In any capacity. We're there for you. All you have to do is ask."

Buffy flushed delicately as she again recalled her fantasizing earlier that evening. Fantasies that were somehow coming true. "I do want you, both of you. I couldn't get the image out of my mind, after the fight tonight. But I..."

She bit her lip lightly before continuing in a softer voice. "I'm not good at loving, because of my past. I promise to tell you all about it another time, but it makes it hard for me... I don't know if I know how to say the words. And it would kill me to hurt either of you," Buffy finished, her words trailing away to a mere whisper. "I feel... like this is something more special than I deserve to have, regardless of how much I want to..."

Again, the notion surfaced that it was strange to have someone want to touch her gently without striking out at her first. That it felt strange to have someone genuinely offer her something she wanted, without attaching strings to make her do something she didn't want. What had happened between her and Spike wasn't rape. It had been her idea. Riding high on the adrenaline from the fight, from the punishing force of his kiss, aching for the feel of strong arms around her. No, it hadn't been rape... but it also hadn't been what she wanted.

"You don't have to say them. You came after me that night, after what I did. That's enough for me." One last look at Sam and he got a nod from her. Permission granted. Leaning forward and giving Buffy every chance to escape, Riley touched his lips to hers. A quick touch, more a brush than anything else. A fleeting hint of warmth before he sat back on his heels.

Buffy lifted her hand to touch her mouth and then his, drowning in his eyes. It had been so long, so long since someone kissed her with gentleness. She trembled on the edge of saying something, anything, when she felt slender fingers turning her away from Riley.

Fingers turning her away from his handsome face and bringing her into another sweet touch. Sam's kiss was just as gentle, her lips fuller and lusher than Riley's. The hand under her chin combed through her hair, trailed along one cheekbone while Sam breathed life back into her.

Buffy surrendered to Sam's tender kiss, allowing the gentle feelings to float through her as she tentatively began to kiss back. Inwardly, she noted the small differences between kissing Riley and kissing Sam, and decided that perhaps she did understand the kind of bond that Willow and Tara shared. She felt the two witches would work things out eventually, she prayed they did because who would want to lose something like this? That thought got lost rather quickly, though, as Buffy's attention refocused on the present.

The mouth over hers opened slowly, tiny touch of a tongue against her lips and then it was gone. Buffy opened her eyes slowly, looking up at Sam and then at Riley. Who was watching Sam with wonder and hope and the world in his steadfast gaze: a world she thought she'd been shut out of until now.

The tension between them could have been cut with a knife. After a moment, Riley blinked, cleared his throat and tried to speak. The first words came out more like a croak but evened out in a matter of seconds. "So... this is different. We need to talk before this goes any further. Don't get me wrong, I want to go there... really want to go there. But... it's too soon."

Rather than feeling awkward, Sam laughed. This was the exact reaction she was expecting from Riley. He was gung-ho on the battlefield but Mr. Caution everywhere else. Especially in matters of the heart. "Caution Man's right. Talk's good. There needs to be lots of talking first. But the offer's there and I'm not removing it."

Any doubts Buffy had about Sam's sincerity were washed away by that dry comment. There was far too much humor behind it for the motivation to be pity.

Buffy smiled, echoing Sam's sentiment to herself... Riley rarely rushed into any kind of emotional situation. It took him almost four months to kiss her, even after they decided they were interested in each other. After that kiss, he'd been willing to charge in, only to be balked by her doom and gloom over that week's apocalypse. One of her fondest memories of him was from that time, standing in Restfield with him arguing that she made his skin hum and that he was, by God, not going to walk away from this.

Then her friends found out about his commandoeyness and it was the end of the world. Caution Man coming to the fore. Leaving it up to her to convince him that they could work as a couple. And perhaps this time around, they could. They understood each other better now, and they also had Sam to help - or tease - them over any hurdles that might arise.

"I don't know how to tell you just how much I appreciate it... both of you. It's nice to know that I'm not entirely alone... you know? And I have been, until now. Things with the gang have been a little strained of late." Strained was an understatement. Sunnydale just wasn't the place for happy relationships for anybody. Except maybe for her now.

Her eyes lit with emotion and she smiled at the two in front of her; the big, bright smile that no one had seen since before Joyce's death and Riley's leaving. "And thank you... for listening. It helped."

"If you ever need to talk, our door's always open. If you ever need anything." Even though he knew it wasn't right to touch her, not with the offer so fresh and all the details that still needed to be worked out, Riley couldn't resist.

Giving in to the intimacy of the moment, he smoothed a lock of hair out of Buffy's eyes. "Is there anything else you want to tell us?" No judgement in his voice, nothing but concern. There were a lot more things he wanted to ask. But didn't know how to without sounding like a jealous jerk.

Before Buffy could answer that, Sam slid off the bed. They both looked up at her as she smiled brightly. "I'm going to get us something to drink beside water. Coke machine's down the hall." The rest of it went unsaid. She was going to give them what they really needed, some private time.

Buffy bit back the urge to ask for a Diet... it was her usual, but her friends had been worried lately that she'd lost too much weight. So she just smiled at Sam and nodded; she was grateful, and not ashamed to show it. When Sam had left them alone, Buffy turned to look back at Riley. "You want to know how I fell in with Spike, don't you? How even after I refused him when chained up and threatened, I ended up with him after I was brought back..."

"Yeah, I was wondering about that... but, give me a minute here. This thing with Sam and me..." He looked down at her hand, at the blanket covering her and then at the wall before focusing on Buffy again. Riley had to lay things on the line, give her a way out. "You don't have to. Nobody's forcing you to do anything. You get forced into so many awful things... Just wanted you to know that you had a choice."

Buffy smothered a laugh. God, he was still so sweet. "I wouldn't call you and Sam an awful thing, Riley. And I know that I have a choice... it's what I want, too. I never dared to hope for it... but I wished that I could. I am happy knowing the possibility is there... and we'll work things out in time."

She covered his hand with her free one and smiled softly. Felt her heart heal a little more just being close to him. "You've given me the first hope I've had in a very long time... and at a time when I didn't even know how badly I needed it. You're not pushing me, Riley, I promise you."

"Good. You know me. Give me a job, I'll get it done. Give me an order and it'll be obeyed. Give me a choice... little bit harder. Offer me something I want and I freeze." He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it. They both laughed, knowing the absolute truth behind his words.

"So, Spike... I was kinda surprised and kinda not. I know he wanted you, knew it before I left." The quizzical look on Buffy's face was interesting, obviously she had no idea about that. Sitting up beside her, Riley rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand. "That's why he did what he did, led you to where I was. Showed you my fall from grace. Guess he didn't tell you about my staking him, huh?"

Buffy blinked, no other reaction seemed appropriate or even adequate in the face of such a revelation. "You staked him? But... he's not dust?"

"Plastic stake, life-like wood-grain. Hurt like a bitch but didn't kill him." His smile was grim, the light in his eyes deadly. Riley Finn was an implacable enemy, someone you never wanted to be on the bad side of. Something else about him she hadn't forgotten. There was no doubt in her mind that if she'd given him permission he would have taken Spike out.

Clearly startled by that bit of information, Buffy shook her head. "No, he didn't tell me. Spike only ever talks about what he wants to talk about." Dismissing her surprise at both what happened and Riley's casual cruelty about it, she recalled that while Spike was hard to shut up, what he told her wasn't ever anything good. "Recently, it's been me... how I must be wrong, somehow. I came back wrong, he actually had me convinced of that. Because he can hit me, despite the chip. No one else, just me."

She shook her head, shivering at the memories. Bruises and kisses, broken bones and broken vows, blood on her thighs... sweet words mingled with curses in his mouth right before she punched him or he punched her. Pinned her against a wall or a table or on the floor and made her beg for it. "I guess I'd better start at the beginning."

"Hold up. Spike said you came back wrong and he can hit you? Did he hurt you, Buffy? Did he... did he force you?" Restfield Cemetery and the remains of Spike's cozy little crypt was about twenty minutes away on foot, five if he drove. He had grenades and one big-ass stake with Spike's name carved on it. If the vamp had forced the issue, if he'd raped Buffy... he was gonna pay.

Buffy saw the fierce look on Riley's face and wanted to look away... but she made herself keep her eyes on him. She had slept with Spike, there was no hiding it, no denying it. "He didn't rape me. Not really." It hadn't really been rape. He'd pushed her so far, so hard, that she had actually wanted it while it was happening. And she kept going back for more.

She shook her head slowly and did start at the beginning. "When I finally came to my senses after the trauma of Willow's spell and waking up in a coffin, underground, I was pretty messed up. I didn't know how to cope with anything, and no one understood me. At that point, no one knew what they'd 'rescued' me from. I didn't have the heart to tell them the truth because they were so happy to have been able to 'help'."

"But Spike... he guessed the truth. And because I needed support so badly and had no one giving it to me, I turned to him. And for a little while, he did try to help. But he's still Spike, and I didn't have the strength to cope with his usual taunting and smart-ass remarks." She took a deep breath and sighed. "I believed him, Riley. He started to make too much sense, and I believed him. And I didn't deserve anything better, because I was wrong..."

Not touching her was driving him crazy; Riley's hand was on her shoulder before either of them knew it. Warm and heavy, curving around the ball and holding on. "Buffy, Spike's a first-class manipulator. He'll use anything and everything to get what he wants. He'll tell you a lie and it'll sound like the truth, he'll tell you the truth and make it sound like a lie. You aren't wrong... There's nothing wrong about you."

God, he wanted to kiss her right now. Kiss away the pain and the fear and the taint of Spike on her skin. "I said it before, I'll say it again. You're the bravest, the strongest and the finest woman I've ever known. Sam's the only one who's come close to you, which isn't the reason I married her, but it don't suck." Eyes intent, jaw set and tight, Riley leaned forward, "Spike used you. He used the situation, used the fact that you were vulnerable and he got you to do what he wanted. Just like he got me to do the same..."

Buffy's eyes widened as she finally put all of the pieces together about Riley's attitude before he left. Didn't take much to add two and two in Sunnydale and come up with Spike. "So that's what happened," she whispered. "I didn't know... I'm sorry, Riley."

"Not your fault." It wasn't. It never had been. And he wasn't going to let it be her fault. Buffy had enough on her shoulders without having to deal with his weaknesses. Squeezing her hand, he held her attention for a long moment. "Go on..."

Ancient sorrow set aside for another time, Buffy shook her head slowly. "I know I didn't come back wrong. Tara checked for me, a week or so before you came back the first time. I'm not wrong, but the spell that brought me back changed me in tiny ways. Just enough that the chip in Spike's head didn't know to stop him, she thought. Probably wasn't programmed for stuff like that."

Buffy shrugged, the workings of Spike's chip were beyond her limited knowledge. And if the look on Riley's face was anything to go by, it was beyond his knowledge too. "I know Spike did a lot of damage... he was killing me, slowly but surely. I finally realized that when you and Sam left. I was being weak by wanting him to make me forget, to make me feel. Because for months after I came back, all I felt was pain and grief and anger... nothing happy or good."

Pushing the next words out past her teeth and into the world was so hard. Harder still because she was saying them to Riley, the man she still loved. "But when he fucked me," she didn't like the terminology, but it was accurate. She and Spike had never made love. "I forgot for a little while. My body took over and my mind shut down, and I didn't hurt for a few hours. But I always hated myself the next morning. For what I had become."

"Know what you mean. Had some days when looking in the mirror was the toughest thing I did. Broke a lot of them." His knuckles brushed her temple, her cheek and finally her chin. Warmth where before there had been cold, living scent of him rather than the faint smell of the grave. "Pain's his stock in trade. He feeds off it, just like he used to feed off blood. The chip... all it does is keep the fangs in check. He can't kill but he can maim..."

The most honest face she'd ever known, his voice and his words throwing her the lifeline she'd been missing since Giles left for England. "I know he helped you but he did it for his own reasons. So he could get inside. Machiavelli, Buffy - keep your friends close and your enemies closer. If he couldn't kill the Slayer, he'd get her to do it herself. Turn her to the dark, make her what he once was." Riley's gaze was steady and sure and there wasn't a single hint of judgment in it.

"He almost did. I hated it, hated myself, but I still kept going back... God only knows how many times I tried to stop, tried to tell him it was over, but he would never let me. And something inside me didn't fight him as much as it should have." Buffy turned her face gently into his caresses, her hand lifting to rest on top of his and hold his fingers to her cheek for a moment.

"Your reappearance probably saved my pathetic excuse for a life. The gang doesn't know... they don't pay enough attention to see. Tara knows, but there really wasn't much she could do to help me. She's only just started socializing with us again these past few weeks." She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. It was so easy to talk to him, he'd been her best friend right up until the time that her mom got sick. Up until the time she'd shut down.

"I don't think I even know all of the effects of Spike's manipulations. I don't know if there are things in places that don't show. But I'm glad I'll have you and Sam, because I don't know if I would ever get over it all on my own." The hand cupping her cheek tensed and she opened her eyes. Caught the slow shake of his head and silenced him by laying her fingertips on his lips. Felt the kiss laid on them all the way down to her toes but Buffy did not let him speak. Not yet.

There was one more thing she needed to say. One more thing he needed to hear.

"I know that there is strength inside me, and it's more than just because I'm the Slayer. But I can't do it without help... I haven't been this badly broken ever before, though I probably was close when I was 17. But I've never had to deal by myself... I need help, I know I do." It was, perhaps, the hardest admission she'd ever had to make aloud. But she'd made it, and that was what counted. It had been a long time since he'd asked for it, but she'd finally given it.

The difference between then and now was simple, at least in his eyes. "Buffy, when you were 17 you had Giles and your mom. You had people you could turn to, safety nets... now you don't. Or you didn't until tonight." While Riley watched, Buffy sat up, moving back until she was braced against the headboard. Good. He wanted her to be comfortable, especially considering what he had to say. "We'll help, starting now. You said you lost your job, right?"

Buffy nodded, looking down at her hands. Losing her job was a small thing in comparison with the rest of her world but it was what paid the bills. No food in the house, no way to pay for Dawn's school supplies or new clothes, or even the mortgage payment due next week. Nothing was simple. Everything used to be simple when her mom was alive.

"Yeah. They didn't take too kindly to my walking out. But I'd have that problem with any job I got, I suspect. Since my Calling has to be such a priority..." There were still some things lying around that she could sell. And Willow had offered to find a job. Besides, the homeless shelter wasn't that bad, was it?

"We can fix that. What if I told you that there's a job out there for you? If you want it." Riley folded his legs up and looked straight at her. Drum had wanted him to be oblique about her recruitment, bring it up in casual conversation, spin it the right way. But spinning things wasn't what he was about, especially where his favorite anarchist was concerned. "You willing to listen?"

Buffy tilted her head sideways, a curious look lighting her eyes. "Sure, I'll listen." She pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them, sitting quiet. Her eyes stayed on his as she waited for him to tell her about it. Had to be serious stuff if Riley had that look on his face. Straight up. Always the best way to go with her. Riley hated lies, lies meant you had to remember what you said at a later date. "I have authorization to offer you a job. With my unit. Not as an operative, not full-time because I know how you feel about the military. You're the best there is, and we could use you. Use your strengths and your knowledge."

Part of the deal on the table, but not all of it. Not yet. Riley wanted Dawn and Buffy taken care of and if she agreed, if she agreed that would become a reality. If it did turn out she had a feel for this, had a feel for command, which he knew she did, full-time operative would be the next step up. Probably have her own squad assigned in under a year or so... If she had a taste for it.

Silent, she considered his words for several moments. Being attached to the military, even part-time, was something she still wasn't entirely convinced would be a good thing... but she knew she had to look at the big picture. And if this job came with the standard military benefits, she would suddenly have a lot less worries about taking care of Dawn. "You want my help? Well, we do work well together; we proved that a long time ago."

Buffy considered a moment more, then asked, "What kind of job are we talking about, then? Something on-call? With the whole secret pager number thing again?" She needed more information, but so far, she was listening. Riley had been burnt once; he wouldn't drag her into another version of the Initiative. Wouldn't steer her wrong.

"On-call. Consultant on all things demon-related and when there's something especially hairy... When they call me and Sam in, we'd like you with us. Not many people I trust watching my back, Buffy. I can count them off on one hand and you're the top of that list." Behind him, Riley heard the door open. Sam was here with the drinks and just in time. One thing he could say for his wife, she had great timing. "You'd be able to go to school. Full medical, dental and life insurance benefits. No relocation. Sunnydale's a place where we really need a safe house."

If Buffy was being honest with herself, it sounded like a good deal. Actually a great deal. No relocation, no major military training - though she'd probably breeze through it, she still didn't want to have to. And she didn't want any unusual tests. "Yeah, I can imagine. Would I be able to call on you if something serious came up here? God knows I could've used some major backup with Glory. If something like that ever shows up again, it'd be nice to have help."

"You can call us in at any time. We'll bring a full team," Sam said from the doorway, her hands full with three ice-cold cans of Coke. Not surprised in the least that Riley had brought the recruitment issue up while she was gone. It was probably best done in a one-on-one scenario. "No matter where we are, backing up the Slayer would be our first priority. It's either that or they're gonna station a full-time squad here."

Riley got up from the bed, taking two of the cans from Sam before kissing her openly. It felt good to not hide his feelings about her in front of Buffy. That had been one of the most awkward things about coming back to Sunnydale. He'd wanted to show Sam off but didn't want to rub Buffy's face in it. Not his style.

Buffy smiled as she watched them. She was glad that Riley had finally begun to relax, especially with the smoochie thing. "Good, there's my backup problem solved. I think the gang is starting to want to get on with their own lives, apart from my calling. I hate to have to interrupt them when they've got other things going on." Like college and marriage and all the other normal things that were denied to her.

She looked up at the two of them with a smile, "And I can't tell you how much I missed having someone on my own level to work with. My friends are great, but none of them is really battle material... not like us." Acknowledging their skill was easy, after tonight, Buffy had no doubts on that score. Having Riley and Sam at her side would increase her chances a hundred-fold.

Buffy thanked both of them with a nod as he handed her a soda and they settled back on the bed with her. She curled her feet further in, giving them room. And room was something they needed, or at least he did. Tall, had he always been that tall?

As before, the Finns flanked her, surrounding Buffy and making her feel safe for the first time in a very, very long time. Sam took a sip of her soda, watching Riley over the rim, her eyes sparkling with amusement. It had been a while since she'd seen Riley this happy.

He grinned, elated with the prospect of bringing Buffy on board. "We'll talk to Drummond in the morning. Get the ball rolling."

Sam set her drink down on the nightstand and straightened out a wrinkle in her skirt. The thought of their commander brought up the other realities of life. Like Buffy's responsibilities outside of slaying. A quick glance at the clock revealed it was still relatively early. "Did you want to check in at home, Buffy? See if Dawn's okay. It's pretty early and... Well, I think you owe me a dance."

"Yes, I'd probably better call home," Buffy agreed. "And I'd love a good dance. About my signing up, I've got one condition. I'll do the standard physical if they want me to, but I absolutely refuse to put up with any kind of tests. I realize not everyone in the military is as screwed up as Walsh was, but I want them to understand I won't sit still for it. Had more than enough of that from the Council."

Buffy was afraid they might not like her condition, but she wouldn't be subjected to curious minds. The memories of Maggie and her lab and what she'd done to Riley were something she'd never forget. If someone like Walsh got a hold of her again, there was no telling what could happen.

She really didn't care what gave the Slayers their strength and other abilities. But she didn't want those secrets dished out to the sort of people who had given the professor carte blanche with Sunnydale and with the man she loved. It'd just cause more trouble.

"No need. Your stats are already on record, Buffy. Maggie's notes weren't destroyed along with the rest of the Initiative." Riley took a drink from his own soda, watching her over the rim the way Sam had watched him earlier. He knew where Buffy was coming from. The memory of his final collapse, of digging at his chest because his heart was going to beat its way out of it, was fresh in his mind. "Plus, I wouldn't stand for it. Drummond knows not to piss me off."

"He learned that the hard way," Sam offered, taking Buffy's drink from her as she handed her the phone. Wealth of pride in her voice and laughter in her eyes while she smiled at her husband. "First drop Drummond took with us, he countermanded an order Riley gave. Ended up getting his ass kicked by the hostiles and only Finn's quick thinking managed to save the squad. Colonel Drum stays out of Riley's way."

"I'll remember that. Though I'm not likely to countermand orders, I'm also not terribly good at taking them. I'll do my best, though." That was probably the understatement of the year. When she glanced at Riley, he was rolling his eyes good-naturedly. Which had her laughing as she dialed the phone. So easy to be with him, so warm and comfortable and familiar.

It was Tuesday night. Willow was home watching Dawnie and studying for her big exam, so there was every chance she would answer the phone. Crossing her fingers, Buffy hoped Dawn would get to the phone first. Willow knew her too well and would ask far too many questions, especially about her going to the Bronze.

Her luck was holding. "Hey Dawnie, it's me."

She paused while Dawn spoke, nodding and smiling to herself. Next to her, Riley shifted closer, running his hand down her arm in a silent show of support. Her smile broadened, comforted by that small gesture as she replied, "Patrol went just fine, and it's done now. But I bumped into some friends and we're going to hang for a while, okay? I promise to tell you all about it after school tomorrow. Okay?"

Another pause, then, followed by a giggle. Dawn was squealing, happy that she was going out and doing the having-a-life thing. "Uh huh. Uh huh. Okay, Dawnie. Tell Wills I'll be late, but I'll see you in the morning." Riley's hand slipped into hers and brought it to his lips. While he wished they could keep her out all night, anything along those lines would have to wait for later.

Brief final pause and Buffy smiled. A big happy smile that spoke of her honest affection for her sister. Her parting words echoed that sweet feeling. "Love you too, sis. Good night." She waited for the line to disconnect and handed the phone back to Sam, their hands lingering for a moment. "Thanks."

"No problem. She's your top priority." The phone was set into the cradle with an audible click. Sam turned back to her husband and the woman she hoped would be their lover soon. Beautiful girl, heart open and shining in her eyes, still glowing from the unburdening of her soul. Which was understandable considering all of what she'd laid out at their feet. Horrible things, wonderful things, sorrow so deep that she'd drowned in it, gotten lost in it and been swept away.

No wonder she'd ended up with Spike. From what Riley had told her about that hostile, he was the type. Prey on someone, find their weaknesses and poke and prod at them until the person cracked. Step into the hole he'd made and take whatever he wanted. With Buffy, he'd gotten everything – her body, her mind and, if they hadn't come to town hunting the Suvolte, Sam was sure given Buffy's cracked emotional state he would have gotten the last part of her soon.

Her heart.

That wasn't going to happen again. Not now. They'd keep the monster at bay, keep her heart safe from its teeth and talons. No more vampires in Buffy's bed. Never again.

And the best way to do that was to be honest with her. Listening to her and listening to Riley, Sam came to her own conclusions where the little Slayer was concerned. Truth was something often missing in Buffy's life. It had been missing for so long that she hadn't been able to recognize it when Riley had brought it to her. When he told her he loved her, there was a wall around her heart that nothing could batter down.

Riley's leaving had a lot to do with Buffy's inability to express her love for him but it had also been because of the secrets Buffy had kept. About her heart, about her sister, about her fears of abandonment and loss. That wasn't going to happen here. Not again. Sam wanted everything between them to be above board, out in the open for all to see. "Is there anything you want to ask us? Anything at all?"

Go back to the UC-Sunnydale Library.