Title: Bring Me Into the Light (7/?)
AUTHOR: Mistress Ace & Em
E-MAIL: rosewood@inreach.com & slayerbuffy@aol.com
FEEDBACK: Is the butter on our bread. We write because the story begs to be told. Feedback lets us know if we struck a chord with you.
DISTRIBUTION: Our site, Fandom Writers (http://www.fandomwriters.com), of course. FINNatics, Vamps-N-Slayers, the other list archives as well. Anyone else interested, we'll be happy to share.
RATING: NC-17 (eventually – or maybe quickly depending on the whim of the muses)
CATEGORY: Story: Romance, Angst
PAIRINGS: B/R/Sam, m/f, f/f
DISCLAIMER: Don't own the characters at all. (More's the pity) They belong to the Great God Joss Whedon et al. We are just borrowing them for a little bit. That's all. No BtVS characters were harmed in the writing of this fic. Well, maybe just a little.
SUMMARY: Not back for long enough. Not *nearly* long enough and there were too many things left up in the air. But isn't that the purpose of fan-fiction?
DEDICATION: From Ace: Well, to Em of course for bringing this Riley to the fore. For her lovely Buffy and for giving me the chance to get to know Sam. To Jenf'r for the original pairing idea and to our betas – you rock.
From Em: To my talented co-author for bringing her Riley, because we all know Em doesn't write Riley well. To Jenfr, for her comment "Now someone must write the AR where Riley and Sam take Buffy with them" after the episode "As You Were" - we deviated quite a bit but you put the plot bunny in my head. And to our betas - you're the best!

Chapter 7

"They're over here," Riley bent down, moving a little stiffly as he snagged the items in question. From behind him, he heard Sam chuckle, which made it even worse. It was the first time his patrol clothes were too snug for comfort. Didn't help that his wife found it so amusing.

He handed Buffy her boots before turning back to give Sam the look. Which was gleefully ignored, just like she ignored a lot of the things he did. Sam grabbed her drink, bent over to adjust her shoes and then sat on the bed, smiling up at him. Her eyes kept the smile going as she took a sip, silently laughing at him over the can's brim.

Buffy took her boots and sat down on the couch to put them on. Fortunately, they laced up quickly and she was done and on her feet again. She had energy to burn and didn't really feel like sitting still. "We ready to go?" She had caught on to what Sam was chuckling about, and decided that if the other woman was going to notice then she was going to pointedly not notice. Which would probably be noticed as such, but that worked for her.

"Yep. More than ready." He opened the door for them, grateful for the chance to leave the room before things got any hotter. Riley breathed a sigh of relief when Buffy walked through the open door and moaned when Sam did the same, her hand brushing down his chest, his stomach and over points south. She was going to pay for that...

The handcuffs were where?

Laughing to herself, Sam linked her arm through Buffy's. She leaned over and whispered. "How soon do you think we can get him out on the floor with us?" Going to a dance club, not her and Ry's usual fare given their line of work. Relaxation spots... no, just plain relaxation was a very rare thing. She was looking forward to this, the chance to cut loose and act her age. For once.

With a grin and a wink, Buffy whispered back, "Give me ten minutes after we get on the dance floor. Leave it to me... he'll watch for a few minutes, then join us, I'd be willing to bet. Feel up to playing along?" There was playfulness and a touch of innuendo in her tone, things Sam suspected was even more rare than Finn relaxation time.

That mischievous look sparked an unexpected reaction from Sam. She giggled, the sound soft and melodious and totally out of character for her. "You bet. It'll be fun. He's usually so stiff in those places." Stiff didn't come close. Riley normally lurked at the bar, gathering information from the locals even where they weren't on duty, while Sam either cooled her heels, or dragged Graham or another team member out onto the dance floor.

Buffy was going to be more fun to dance with. A lot more fun.

Hearing Sam giggle was startling. Riley wasn't sure if he'd ever heard that sound from her. He shook his head, staying back far enough to give them a little privacy. That and it was still really difficult to walk. Especially after that giggle. **Note to self - more generous cut in the next uniform.**

Buffy nodded and replied softly, "Yes, much fun will be had by all. And probably also by the people watching. Riley will be the envy of every guy there." There was no harm in a little teasing, and it might even be fun. She'd forgotten how much fun life could be, because... well, because of a lot of things that fell into the 'bad' category.

But for once, she would be able to let loose and just go with it, enjoy herself. Not worry about anyone getting hurt, or saying anything that she shouldn't. The last time Buffy had danced was when the Lord of the Dance Demon was in town - a song-and-dance event that resulted in the revelation of her dark secret.

She giggled softly and leaned her head on Sam's arm for a moment as they walked together, in step with each other. Sam shortened her strides and Buffy lengthened hers so that the compromise was a good pace for them both. Easy. Comfortable. And completely automatic; neither of them had consciously thought about doing it.

Seeing Buffy rest her head against Sam's arm brought up an entire panorama of images. Ones that he really shouldn't indulge in if he wanted to keep any semblance of sanity. Riley tried to keep it clean, tried not think about Buffy and Sam and soft cotton sheets and sweat and kisses and... yep, moving now impossible. He ached. Ached all over and it wasn't because of the hunt earlier.

Unaware of her husband's plight, Sam dipped her head down and she breathed in the scent of Buffy's hair. Keeping things above board was going to be difficult, bordering on highly unlikely. She knew that Finn was going to get a real workout tonight. In more ways than one.

Not just dancing, the vertical type. Afterward, once Buffy was home and safely away from their reach, she and Ry were going to get up close and personal. Naked. And with a bed... or any other flat, horizontal surface. Although up against a door might be a distinct possibility. The options were endless.

It'd been awhile since they'd used a door.

As they walked, Buffy was concocting a plan to get Riley dancing with them, and very quickly. One had come to mind earlier, and she improved upon it as she continued to think. She was definitely going to be pushing things, for all three of them, but she thought it would work. She knew Riley loved to watch her dance in the same way he loved to watch her fight, and assumed he had a similar reaction to Sam.

Her plan had the added benefit of allowing them all to work out their passionate energy without actually crossing the boundaries they had set. Maybe. She knew that if she threw herself into the music, it would definitely work for her. If it didn't work for them... well, they could go back to the hotel together.

And wasn't that a liberating thought?

Shaking himself free of the images, Riley concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other. It took a bit of doing but he managed to catch up with them before they made it to the parking lot. Both Buffy and Sam smiled at him as he opened the door, appreciating the old-fashioned gesture. That and it allowed Sam to rub up against him again.

Jesus. Full breast, rounded hip – body so familiar and yes* so wanted. It was a wonder he didn't punch his fingers through the glass. Chalk that one up to massive self-control. Although, the door did shiver as he took his inner demon on. Best two out of three falls wins, right?

Knowing she was pushing the limits, Sam didn't care. She rarely got the chance to tease Riley. Normally everything was so rushed, they made a plan and they stuck to it. Always fighting. Fighting for their lives. Fighting to save the world... But tonight - the world didn't need saving. The only thing that needed saving was the woman holding onto her arm.

Buffy smiled at Riley as he opened the doors of the SUV for them. She'd always been touched by all the little things, though she was no longer sure that he'd known it. Over the course of the night, both of the special people beside her had touched her more than she knew how to tell them.

When they first met, Buffy had thought Riley was very sweet, but kind of a doof. Mr. Corn-Fed Iowa Boy. Joe Normal. Xander labeled him as Teutonic because Riley was always so protective. She'd never heard anyone who talked like he did, not even Angel who had similarly old-fashioned manners. Riley used words like 'courting' and gave the term 'gentleman' new meaning. She'd laughed when Willow mentioned the conversation she had with him about wanting to 'court' her. Laughed a lot.

But when it came down to it, she couldn't laugh in his face. Strange.

After a while, she got to know him. She learned that the doof façade hid shyness, which stemmed from the fact that he'd just been raised differently. Raised to respect women, to honor them. To make them feel safe and cherished and loved... and that made her feel special beyond words.

Beyond her ability to tell him.

Because she could see his emotion every time he looked at her. Every touch spoke of devoted caring, every look made her feel like the most precious thing in the world. That he would die to protect her.

But, in the end, that very knowledge was why she spent so much time trying to protect him... trying to keep him safe rather than the other way around. It was her destiny to die to save the world; Buffy couldn't stand the thought that her death-match might kill him first.

The final fight with Glory would have been that much worse, if he'd still been around. If Riley hadn't taken the military up on their offer, he would have been the one who was thrown off that platform rather than Spike. And he wouldn't have survived it. Or worse, he would have been caught up in the battle below when she ran up the tower. Would she have been able to jump, knowing that he was below and would have to watch her die?

Honestly, Buffy hoped that situation never happened again. She didn't want to find out what the answer was.

Buffy climbed into the back seat again and settled herself in for the short drive to the Bronze. Remembering Riley's vehement insistence in the past, she automatically fastened her seatbelt. It was a principle that she agreed with, anyway. She insisted upon it with everyone in a car with her. Insisted enough times and with enough vehemence that Willow and Dawn now buckled in automatically too.

Sam hesitated before climbing into the front seat of the SUV, bending to adjust one of the straps on her shoes. When she straightened up, an arm wound round her waist - her only warning. A quick yank and she was flush up against her husband's body. Hip to hip, yielding everything when his mouth crashed into hers. His hands raked through her hair and he kissed her with a force that would have stunned Buffy if she'd been watching.

Breathing wasn't an option, moving wasn't an option. Not with Riley pushing her up against the car, rocking into her as the kiss deepened. Sam wasn't complaining. God, she'd have to be a fool to complain about this. That was the thing about Riley, all calm and collected on the outside while underneath there was this inferno* Passion so harsh and so deep that a lesser woman would run screaming for the hills.

But neither she nor their lover were lesser women. After kissing Buffy, Sam felt she'd found an equal. An ally. They could match him, flame-for-flame, each feeding off the others until the resulting bonfire burnt everything away. All sorrow, all pain, all regret... leaving nothing behind but this.

When the kiss ended, they were both shaking, knees weak. Riley looked down at her and whispered fiercely, "I want you. So much... Thank you for this, Sam. Thank you." No doubt here. No hesitation. The only reason he was waiting was because he wanted Buffy to be ready for what could happen between them. For what would happen between them.

Because he would never push her into anything and because it needed to be her choice too, he waited.

Until the time was right.

Buffy closed her eyes and tipped her head back to rest against the back of the seat. Now that she had a moment of quiet, to herself - Riley and Sam hadn't gotten into the car yet - she couldn't quite believed how much had happened in just one night. Her life had been turned around, completely changed... and in a good way, for once.

Forehead pressed against his as she fought for control, Sam breathed in, then out. Repeated the process until she felt her heart-rate drop. Going back to the room wasn't an option. They'd promised Buffy and she'd had enough promises broken in her life. Not going there, no matter how much she wanted to.

How her voice came out even remotely steady, Sam had no clue. But she sounded relatively calm when she was finally able to tilt her head back and look at him. "No, Riley. Thank you. You get Buffy out of this..." Sam saw the confusion in his gaze as she stopped his questions by placing fingertips on his mouth. Shuddered when he kissed them. "So do I."

"Oh God... What did I do to deserve such a perfect woman? Two perfect women?" Riley's eyes were dark and wide, swallowing up the light as he stared down at her. A cool breeze wafted over the back of his neck but he didn't notice it. Probably wouldn't have noticed anything short of the Hellmouth opening up at this point.

And even that was debatable.

"Right place, right time. Besides, you're damn cute." She smiled at him, sliding out of his arms and into the seat. Laughter in her eyes, laughter and heat and hunger barely under control. Absolute credit to her training that she was able to push him away. "Dancing, Finn. The vertical type... Let's go?"

Buffy opened her eyes as Sam slid into the front seat. From the look on her face, she was teasing Riley again. And enjoying every moment of it. Buffy smothered a giggle and a grin. She could only imagine how dangerous she and Sam would be if they ever seriously teamed up... and suspected they would find out at the Bronze.

Riley shook his head, laughing at himself and the situation as he rounded the front of the SUV and climbed into it. After all, he was the one who cried a halt. The one who suggested they cool it for awhile. What is the name of everything holy was he thinking? If Forrest had survived, he would've been slapped him upside the head and asked if his brains had gotten scrambled somewhere along the line.

But it had happened so fast.

Too fast.

Better to err on the side of caution and wait until they were ready than indulge in a night of... well, more than any sane man could handle, than chance losing everything when the harsh light of day brought about sober reality. Yes, he loved Buffy. But he loved Sam too and he didn't want anything to ruin that.

Buffy was already buckled in and Sam was just finishing, clicking hers into place when he sat down. Gingerly. Shifting in the driver's seat as parts of his anatomy continued to remind him what he'd put a stop to. Hard to get comfortable when you were... hard.

It was going to be a long night. A very long night.

Quick glance in the rear-view at Buffy, who was beaming, and a sidelong shot at Sam whose brilliant smile made his heart race, reminded him he was a lucky, lucky man. Sliding the keycard through the ignition, Riley grinned. He could get used to long nights like this.

Really used to them.

Next to him, Sam turned off the homing screen and replaced that display with a DVD. The vehicle filled with sound, music thrumming loudly through the speakers as Riley eased them out of the parking space. Very little traffic in Sunnydale, only a few cars cruising by. The trip to the Bronze was going to take no time at all.

As he'd told Buffy almost a week ago, boys loved toys. And he was no exception to that rule. The sound system in their car was his own addition; there were speakers everywhere. He'd spent several blissful hours hooking everything together one weekend. Him and Graham bonding over woofers and quads and getting tangled up in the wires. Quality guy time.

Buffy grinned her appreciation of the music as it started. Her eyes closed, her upper body moved with the beat as she let the music fill her mind. The limited movement filled her with anticipation and suddenly the short drive couldn't end soon enough for her. She wanted to dance, to celebrate feeling alive for the first time in months and months.

Swaying to the music, Sam kept stealing glances back at Buffy in the rear-view mirror. She'd never seen the other girl so happy before. Granted she hadn't known Buffy that long but the aura of permanent sadness she'd sensed upon their first meeting was gone.

She positively glowed. And that was a good thing... a very good thing.

Unaware that she was being watched, Buffy continued to move with the music. She let it sweep her away, to leave her carefree. She had hope, and held it close to her heart. She wasn't alone, didn't have to hurt all the time. And the freedom in that was an intense relief.


Too soon and maybe not soon enough, they were at the Bronze. Riley parked, sliding the big vehicle into a spot at the front of the lot. He waited until the song finished before turning it off. "We're here, ladies." Buffy came out of her semi-daze, smiling at him as he looked over the back of the seat at her. Beautiful, so beautiful.

"Great. Time for some fun." Sam's door was open before Riley was even out of his seat. She hopped out onto the pavement, head cocked toward the open door of the club. There were a few people scattered about, moving in and out of that door while music spilled into the open air. Bouncer standing by, checking ID's and stamping hands. Pretty typical stuff .

What made is special was what it had meant to Riley. He'd talked about the Bronze one night when she'd pushed him for more details about life on the Hellmouth. Talked about going there with Buffy, about dancing with her, playing pool with the guys and hunting vamps in the back alley. Standard leisure time activities in good old Sunnydale. "I've heard so much about this place. Been looking forward to seeing it."

Buffy smiled brightly at Riley and slid out of the car as quickly as she could. "It's a cool place," she told Sam. "I'm sure you'll love it. I always have. So, are we all ready to dance?" She was enthusiastic about their visit here and hoped they'd all enjoy it. The Bronze was one of the few places she really felt comfortable. Always had, really; ever since her sophomore year, Buffy had spent almost as much time at the Bronze than at home.

"You two dance. I'll check out the local wildlife." Riley grinned at both of them, slipping a couple of stakes into his pockets. That drew a raised eyebrow from Sam to which he shrugged. "You never know what's going to turn up at the Bronze. Nowhere near as bad as Willy's, but, hey... still Sunnydale."

That was a dodge if she'd ever heard one. Just an excuse to get out of joining them on the dance floor. Especially since they'd wiped out over three-quarters of the local vampire community in the last two days. "Finn, you're gonna dance and you know it." Sam shot back over her shoulder, taking Buffy's hand.

Made it a challenge. Riley never backed down from a challenge in his life. They had him now: hook, line and sinker. Sam leaned down, her lips brushing Buffy's ear as she murmured. "Let's go see what we can find."

Buffy curled her hand into Sam's and nodded, a conspiratorial grin on her face. They entered the club, leaving Riley to make his way in after them. The bouncer, a new guy that didn't recognize Buffy or she him, didn't stop them, didn't even ask for the cover charge. He gave them a once-over look and a long, slow smile that was interrupted by Riley handing over a few bills. The two women paused a short way inside the doors and looked around in the dim lighting.

There was a band onstage and the strong beat of music filled the air. Small groups filled up most of the scattered tables, a group hanging out at the bar and a large number of people on the dance floor. With a sidelong glance and a smile at Sam, Buffy waded into the crowd of people, leading her companion by their still-clasped hands. With a minimum of fuss, they reached the dance floor.

Buffy turned to look at the other woman with a soft smile before tilting her head and holding out her other hand in question. An invitation into the world she lived in, silent acknowledgement that she really accepted Sam into her world and her life. Not just to it, but in it.

With a smile and a nod of acceptance, Sam led Buffy out onto the floor. People made way for them; a couple of guys stood there dumb-struck as they watched two absolutely gorgeous women start to dance. Slow build-up, moving with each other until they found their rhythm and how their bodies complemented one another. Sam's lithe grace combined with Buffy's was a spectacle that had seldom been seen in this place- or anywhere else.

The beat was pounding, rising up through the floor, swirling through the air and seeping into their bones. Warm hands glided along her arms, their passage sending tingles down Buffy's spine, raising goose bumps on her skin. Sam moved like water - fluid and graceful. Moved like smoke - always tantalizingly out of reach. Moved like sex - dark and dangerous and deadly. Each movement a compliment to Buffy's own fluid grace.

They wound round each other, almost but not quite touching. People moved away from them, stopping to stare, to admire as the two women danced. Heads tossing as they let the music flow over them, hands rising in the air, slim hips measuring out a beat that had everything and nothing to do with the music. It had been years since the Bronze had seen a pair like this, not since Faith switched sides...

Slayer and Slayer's lover, locked in a dance that could go on forever.

Murmurs rose around them, appreciative eyes watched from every corner as they dipped and swayed. Sam's mouth only inches from Buffy's, every guy in the room aching with the need to see them kiss. To watch those lips part, watch tongues touch and dance and slide, much like their bodies were doing now.

The scent of sweat and sex filled the room, washing away everything but this moment. The song ended, then moved smoothly into another and another and another and still they danced. Waiting for the right moment, waiting for the right man, who was standing on the edge of the floor. Face in shadow, drink held to his mouth, sipping slowly as he watched them move. As he enjoyed the moment.

Buffy grinned inwardly when she felt and then saw Riley watching them. **Showtime,** she told herself. The pattern she and Sam had fallen into didn't change, but her movements did. If it had been hot to watch before, now they were an inferno. The angle of their hips became a crucible meant to burn all his doubts away. To send any fears skittering off into the darkness. To draw him into the fires of creation where he would be stripped down to the depths of his soul and reborn.

Buffy abandoned herself to the music, shifting and writhing with a sultry, feline grace. But her eyes stayed locked on Riley's no matter where she stepped or how she moved. She felt Sam watching her and knew the instant the other woman figured out what she was doing.

Sam's movements altered subtly, not mimicking Buffy's but adding that extra flare. They continued for a moment, then Buffy leaned into Sam and whirled them around, whispering, "Lock your eyes on his and don't let them go," as they switched places.

She did as ordered, locked her eyes on her husband's and caught how his jaw tensed. Especially when she turned Buffy until they were both facing him. Sam slid behind the tiny Slayer, her fingertips skimmed down along Buffy's ribs while Buffy reached her arms up and slipped them around Sam's neck. Those fingertips traced the curve of her breast on the journey back.

The whole time they ground against each other. And the fire only got hotter.

The song continued to play while Riley watched. He finished his drink, set it down on the table before moving to the very edge of the dance floor. Time to claim what was being offered. To claim what was his.

He heard some guy behind him betting his friend he didn't have enough guts to go ask those hot chicks to dance. The other guy took a bolt of liquid courage, punched his buddy in the shoulder and pushed off toward them. Only to run smack into a pair of broad shoulders and arms like iron.

Riley didn't even spare the guy a second look.

He stalked across the floor, his measured steps matching the carnal rhythm of the music. Felt every eye in the room on him, watching as he approached. Lion on the hunt, stalking members of his pride. Heart pumping, Riley stepped in front of Buffy, put his hands on her hips and mirrored Sam's movements. Trapped Buffy between them, kept her safe from everything but... them.

Buffy tipped her head back to rest on Sam's shoulder and said, just loudly enough for her to hear, "See?" A bright smile on her face, one that hadn't been seen since he left lit up her beautiful face as she swayed her hips. She moved between her partners while they danced together, their bodies doing what their minds would not allow. She lifted one arm from around Sam's neck to settle her hand on Riley's hip, holding them both close.

One hand on Buffy's hip, the other on Sam's, Riley continued to sway with them. Fewer and fewer bodies on the floor meant more room to move. While the Bronze crowd thinned out, he kissed Sam over Buffy's shoulder. Kissed her long and deep. Staked his claim. Let everyone know who this woman belonged to. That she was his and would always be his.

When that kiss ended, he ducked his head down and kissed Buffy as well. Last of his hesitation gone along with any thought or caution. Too hot for that, too needy... it'd been too damned long. Mouth open and insistent on hers, almost lifting her off the floor as he marked her as his own.

Took her back from the demons and the darkness that had killed her twice.

Had killed her but hadn't broken her.

Not quite.

Feeling the possessiveness in his kiss, Buffy simply gave in to it as she had to the music. She flowed with him in the delicate give and take, their tongues mingling in a dance all their own. She felt eyes on her, on them, watching. Some with envy, some with longing, but all of them aware of the way things stood.

Their trio was solid, inseparable, and that made her very happy.

The beat washed over them and through them. Driving out the pain, driving away the shadows. Riley turned Buffy until she faced Sam and they kissed while he held them. Behind him, all around him he could hear the whispers and he didn't care. Let them look. Let them point and comment and wonder.

He was with the two people in the world that he loved. With his wife and their lover...

Buffy leaned against Sam as they kissed, feeling the same fierce fire between them as with Riley, but softer in a way. Her world shrank to the three of them and the music flowing through her veins. She was blissfully unaware of anyone else in the club as she let her awareness narrow to what was important.


Brushing Buffy's hair to one side, Riley kissed the nape of her neck. He burned, the air too close and hot. The music so loud. The drumbeat matched the pace of his heart. Pounded in his ears and his chest as Buffy melted against him, little needy cries winding their way through the onslaught of sound.

Tongues moved slowly, pushing back into the warmth of Buffy's mouth and finding a spot that made the little Slayer's knees go week. Sam doubted their resolve to go slow was going to last much beyond tonight. Not when she felt Buffy grinding against her, knowing part of that movement was Buffy and part was Riley.

Breathing too hard to manage like this, the air crushed from her lungs by the sheer weight of need. She pulled back, their mouths parting and each gasping for breath. Sam's eyes opened slowly, finding her husband's unfocused and intent as he continued to kiss the back of Buffy's neck. Too close, too close to put a stop to any of this. Had to get some distance before all hell broke loose.

Which it did when Riley moved forward, his mouth covering Angel's scar.

Buffy let out a soft, shrill moan as her knees went weak and she swayed. If not for Riley's presence behind her, holding her tightly, she would have fallen at the rush of sensation. Her head fell to one side, baring her neck to his lips in a silent plea. She opened her eyes and met Sam's shocked stare; Buffy's eyes were filled with a deep hunger that rivaled Riley's own.

The little blonde reached out to Sam, catching her arm and pulling her close again. She brought Sam's hand up to her mouth and placed a kiss in the palm, teasing the soft skin with her tongue for a moment. Just long enough to invite, to plead. Buffy's mouth trembled, and Sam felt rather than heard the shrill keening when Riley bit down on her scar.

They were three steps away from having sex right there on the dance floor. In fact, Sam wasn't sure that they weren't having sex considering the noises Buffy was making and the sounds Riley was making at the same time. Apparently the scar on Buffy's neck was like the ones on his body. Hypersensitive. Guaranteed to send her from zero-to-sixty in three seconds flat.

That thought sent a sharp shock through her. Made her knees weak and what little breath Sam had been able to recover was gone in an instant.

Short skirt, all it would take would be a quick tug and a pull to get it up. Riley fought that urge with everything he had in him. He wanted her, wanted this, wanted it now. Didn't want to wait anymore, had waited too damn long... His hand on Buffy's waist tightened, pulling her up flush against him and he heard her gasp when she realized how hard he was.

Buffy let Riley hold her tight against his body, curling herself against him as best she could. At the same time, she tugged Sam forward again until all three of them were as close as they could be. They rocked together for a few moments, the urgency building. "We should get out of here." Buffy's voice was sultry, but soft with a whispery edge that had always sent shivers through Riley in the past.

Sam nodded in agreement. They'd been in the club less than twenty minutes but that didn't matter. What mattered was the need clawing its way up through her body. This was stronger than any adrenaline rush. Stronger than anything she'd ever felt in her life.

Lifting his head from the curve of Buffy's shoulder, Riley looked at Sam, his mouth half-open. His eyes were black, nothing left but a rim of grey-green surrounded the edge. She'd never seen him like this, so open, so needy and God... so sexual. They needed to leave now. Too public of a venue for what they wanted to happen.

For what was going to happen.

Riley finally took charge, one arm still around Buffy and the other around Sam's waist. He led them off the dance floor, past the crowd at its edge and back into the night. Out of the heat and into the fire.

No one barred their path. One look into the big man's eyes was deterrent enough... even for the bouncer. The music followed them into the alley where they stopped for a minute, trying to catch their breath. Tried to find a moment of sanity.

And failed utterly.

Buffy leaned against Riley's strong form, still feeling shaky both inside and out. The feel of Riley's mouth on her scar had completely blown her away; the feeling he provoked had been entirely unexpected and succeeded in wiping out her control and the reasons why they'd wanted to wait. She couldn't wait anymore, and she knew she wasn't the only one.

"Last chance, Buffy. Say no now and it'll stop." Somehow he got the words out even though they were said through clenched teeth. Was raised to be a gentleman, even in the worst of circumstances. Riley looked down at her, his whole body humming.

She shook her head, returning his gaze with intense, dark eyes. "I can't," she answered in a strained whisper. "And I don't want to."

Permission granted. Gentleman – be hanged.

"Get in the car."

It was not a request, it was an order. One he expected to be obeyed.

"You two take the back," Sam stated quietly. "I'll get us there. Don't argue with me, Finn. You're in no state to drive." Looking up at Sam, Riley nodded and handed her the card key. She was in charge now. Had been for most of the night... Not that he complaining.

Buffy knew Sam was right and nodded her agreement. None of them was really in any state to drive, but from the sound of her voice, Sam was probably the most clear-headed of them. Especially if she could convince Riley not to argue, normally he'd insist just because it was his way. The gentleman thing again.

She tugged at their arms and softly pleaded, "Can we just go, please? The sooner we go, the sooner we get there..." Didn't want to wait, didn't want to give Riley a chance to start thinking again. The time for talking was over. Now was the time for doing... and Buffy wanted to be 'doing,' badly.

"Never one to argue with a lady." Riley laughed, the sound a little less shaky than before. With an arm back around Sam's waist and one around Buffy's, he moved them toward the car. He stopped just short of the vehicle, "For the record, I'm not drunk."

"We know that, Ry," Sam's breath curled in the air in front of them, frosting the window of the SUV as she unlocked it. "Like I said, both of you get in the back." Riley shot her a questioning look, which she laughed off. "If either of you sit up here with me, we're gonna get in a wreck. Get in the back."

Her eyes darkened as Riley and Buffy watched her. Both of them hesitant to leave Sam out of this. Had to be all three of them for this relationship to work. She cleared everything up in a moment, "Get in the back and don't let this die down. We need it. We all need it."

"No chance of it dying down if you put us back here together," Buffy stood on her toes and kissed Sam deeply but briefly before climbing into the back seat. No point in pushing things overboard or they'd never get back to the hotel. She settled herself into the seat and watched them through the open doorway with a grin.

One minute Sam was smiling back at her, the next minute she was shoved up against the side of the truck with Riley's mouth attached to hers. One hand on her shoulder and while Buffy watched, the other cupped her breast. Riley kissed her, his hips moving, imitating the way they'd been on the dance floor. Sam's hands tight in his hair, hard down his back and finally came to rest at his waist.

They would have stayed that way for a very long time if a car hadn't driven past. Bright swath of headlights illuminating them long enough to instill some sense into their heads. Riley pushed off from the truck with one hand. The look he gave Sam so full of promise that had her knees not already been weak, they would have buckled from it.

Fortunately she still had the hard metal of their vehicle to use as support. "God... Finn, kiss me like that again and we won't make it out of the parking lot."

Riley smiled, not his usual broad grin but something slow and sexy and dangerous. "Wouldn't be the first time." More history they had to share with Buffy. Mexico City - dead of night and a long boring stakeout. Nothing happened in the demon world and after a few heated kisses, the vehicle had been a-rocking.

Luckily Graham had enough sense to stay away from the newlyweds.

Buffy leaned over and swiped the key card from Sam's lax grip. "If you two don't get in here," she threatened sweetly, but with her eyes flashing sparks and radiating heat, "then I'll hafta drag you in here and drive this thing myself." The look on Riley's face almost made her laugh; he didn't know she'd become a fairly accomplished driver in the last year.

But she wasn't about to tell him that.

"Sam... Get in the car. Trust me on this. Buffy and driving - unmixy things." Riley stole the key back and handed it to his wife who'd managed to regain some of her composure. Her hand on his shoulder, Sam pushed Riley toward Buffy as she walked away.

He chuckled as he crawled in beside Buffy, while she giggled to herself about his use of her terminology. Hadn't she been the one to tell him that she and cars were unmixy? But their laughter stopped the instant he looked into her eyes.

It died completely away.

Vaguely, he heard the driver's door open and Sam get in. Heard the vehicle start and anything else was drowned out by the stereo system kicking in. Same music as in the Bronze – hard, fast driving beat. Humor gone. Only left was pure... need.

Buffy didn't remember Riley being able to move that fast but somehow he did. She was pulled into his arms, pulled into another one of those devouring kisses. One that burned all the way down to her toes and deep into her heart.

One that reached inside her, found the seeds of darkness Spike had planted with his harshness and crushed them.

Turned them into dust.

Then scattered them to the four winds.

Go back to the UC-Sunnydale Library.