TITLE: "Resolution"
AUTHORS: Em and Mistress Ace
E-MAIL: slayerbuffy@aol.com & rosewood@inreach.com
FEEDBACK: Oh, most definitely, please!
SPOILERS: Season 5 - Shadows
SUMMARY: What happens when Buffy discovered that Riley had been bitten by Sandi after leaving Willy’s that night?
DISCLAIMER: We don't own a thing! Joss owns all characters and such from the show. We just play with them for a while.
DISTRIBUTION: FINNatics – anyone else who wants it, please ask.
NOTES: -- Though Ace is quite the established writer, this is Em’s first collaborative fic and also her first non-first-person POV Buffy fic - please be kind!

Riley sat quietly in the bar at Willy's, just watching the usual crowd as they trickled in. He was deeply worried about Buffy. Sensing that she needed to be alone, he'd left her at the hospital last night after making sure she was all right. But she hadn't called him at all today.

Maybe it was time for him to just give it up after all. Just pack his bags and return to Huxley with his tail between his legs. Riley sighed and ordered another drink. Later, he'd go later...

Elsewhere, Buffy had walked around most of town looking for Riley. Finally, with a worried look on her face, she decided to try Willy's and see if he'd heard anything about where her missing ex-commando boyfriend could possibly be.

Buffy paused in the doorway of Willy's bar, scanning the crowd and waiting for her eyes to adjust to the dim light. She blinked, surprised, when she spotted Riley sitting at the bar and slipped into the seat beside him.

Buffy said softly, "Hey..."

Riley turned at the sound of her voice, his body stiffening. He pulled up his collar to make sure his neck was covered. "Hey."

The tiny girl beside him studied his shuttered expression for a moment before speaking. "I've been looking all over for you... are you okay?"

He took a sip his bourbon, trying to act casual. "Yeah, I'm fine....How's your mom?"

"Sleeping, for the moment. And Dawn is at home with Willow and Tara. She might not be sleeping, but she's trying to."

"And you...." Riley put down the drink and reached for her hand. "How are you?"

Buffy curled her hand into his and answered very softly. "Scared... worried... about a lot of things. Sometimes... it just seems like too much..."

He raised her little hand to his lips and placed a kiss on the back of it. "Sorry. Anything I can do...?"

She shook herself a bit and looked up at him again. "I'm sorry about what happened at the hospital. I shouldn't have just left you in the hallway... but with everything that's happened..." Buffy bit her lip. "Could we maybe go somewhere else, where we could really talk?"

Riley looked at her, noting her distress then finished his drink. "Sure....Where do you want to go?"

A sigh, another shake of the head, blonde waves falling over the leather-clad shoulder. "I don't know. Not home, definitely..."

He pulled on his coat and softly suggested with a tinge of hope in his voice. "My place?"

She smiled, a little happier at that suggestion. It had been awhile since they'd had some alone time. "Sure... that would work... if you don't mind."

He thought about the condition of his bachelor quarters and gave her a rueful grin. "It's a bit of a mess but if you don't mind..."

Buffy giggled. "I can deal with a bit of a mess."

"Let's go..." The big man rose to his feet and offered her his hand.

Taking that warm hand, she slid off the seat. "Sure... let's go."

He held open the door for her and the two of them stepped out into the fading twilight.


Buffy walked quietly beside him, unsure of whether she wanted to start trying to talk while they walked or if she should just wait 'til they get to his place. He placed an arm around her shoulders as they strolled along the street. It was still early and unlikely that an attack would come so he could afford to be this close, to not worry about getting in her way if something happened.

Riley sighed deeply, looking up at the emerging stars. The woman beside him leaned lightly against his long body, she placed her arm around his waist as they walked. Buffy was not looking at much, but in the back of her mind her senses were alert for trouble - just in case, as always.

He stumbled for a minute as they pass the alley where he dusted Sandy. Murmuring an apology for his clumsiness, Riley straightened immediately and she steadied him, looking worried. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing...It's okay..." Don't look down into the darkness, don't go there again. His arm around her shoulder tightened as he tried to hurry them past the spot of his near damnation.

Buffy knew his face better than anyone else's in her life, that clenching of his jaw spelled trouble. She stopped in her tracks, forcing him to stop as well. "Riley... what's wrong? What happened?"

Riley swallowed nervously, looking away. "I....I just tripped on something. That's all..."

A gentle hand cradled his cheek as Buffy turned his face back to hers. She whispered, "Riley... talk to me, please?"

He looked down the alley and closed his eyes for a minute. The memory of sharp fangs in his neck, the oblivion offered, the bliss found there before he'd come to his senses and staked the vampire in his arms. Riley knew if he hadn't stopped Sandy, she would have turned him. And part of him had wanted her to…. "Not here..."

"When we get back to your place?"

Riley nodded very slowly, his hazel eyes so full of sorrow. "Yeah."

A nod in return, matching hazel eyes misty with deep concern, "Okay."

Buffy bit her lip and stayed close to him for the rest of the walk to his place, worrying. He led the way up to his apartment, moving his bicycle to one side and unlocking the door. Once they were inside, Buffy had to hide a smile, he hadn't lied about the condition of his apartment.

The room was a mess, his clothes were scattered around the floor and there were a few weapons laid out on the bed. Stakes, knives, a gun, a grenade...a grenade? Riley picked the items up with another mumbled apology.

She looked around a bit, her eyes widening slightly at the weapons on the bed, but she shook her head at his explanation. "No need to apologize. You've seen my weapons storage before."

He pulled out a trunk from under the bed and stowed the gear quickly and efficiently. With an economy of movement, Riley laid his flak vest down over the top of it and shoved it back underneath the bed.

The tiny blonde watched quietly, waiting until he's done. Then she crossed the room to stand beside him. A thread of fear quavered in her voice, he was acting so very strange. "Will you tell me what's wrong now? Please?"

With a deep sigh, Riley sat down on the bed and drew her to him. He placed his face against her stomach, carefully avoiding her earlier injury. "It's nothing....."

Buffy wrapped her arms around his neck, tugging gently on the hair at the nape until he looked up at her. The desolate look in his eyes threatened to break her heart. "Riley... you're scaring me. What's wrong, please tell me?"

Riley was trying desperately not to cry. He had to be the strong one, he had to be strong for her with the possibility of her mother dying. This wasn't about his problems, it was about hers. "It's nothing, baby. All I care about now is helping you....Now what can I do? How's your side? Does it still hurt or did that famous Slayer healing thing kick in?"

She decided to let the topic change go for the moment - but she decided that she would bring it up again. Buffy shrugged a little and told him most of the truth. "It still hurts a little, but it's healing well."

"Need me to change the bandage?" An attempt at a grin, a lift of the eyebrow to distract her from his sorrow.

Buffy smiled, noting a teasing light in his eyes. She knew it was just an excuse to get her clothes off. Her tone was light, "I don't know. Would it make you feel better if I let you do it?"

Riley returned that smile. "I like being able to take care of you."

Buffy nodded. "I know. Sure, you can change it if you want to." She hoped that it didn't still look bad. Deep down, she knew it wasn't healing as fast as it should because she hadn't been sleeping enough. That long night with Spike had been harrowing to say the very least and then her mom. Definitely not situations that would result in a well rested Slayer.

Rising smoothly to his feet in one liquid motion, Riley went to his small bathroom and pulled out his medical kit. Warm hazel eyes twinkled a little as he looked at her. "Okay....And believe me, I love having an honest excuse to say this to you. Shirt off..."

Buffy giggled softly and started to lift her shirt off, trying not to wince even a little as she raised her arms over her head. Stifling a gasp of delight at her semi-nude state, he waited for her to take a seat on the bed. Riley knelt in front of her, trying not to stare at her bare breasts as he wiped alcohol along the tape to loosen it.

"This might hurt a little." He licked his suddenly dry lips, wanting nothing more than to softly suckle on one of those firm globes. For some reason, he was having trouble concentrating on the task at hand.

"I'm fine. Hurting a little now is easier than how it felt when it happened..." She paused for a moment, then added, "It'll be okay, Riley."

Noting her quiet words of encouragement, Riley tightened his lips. Everything was once again in sharp focus as he became fully intent on the reality of her injury. "Glad I got the bastard that did it to you, baby."

He peeled the tape away in one swift motion. It came away easily, without pulling on her tender skin in the least. But she was no longer aware that pain was a possibility. Buffy was only aware of the meaning of his last statement. She blinked and stared at him. "You did? When? How?"

Riley shrugged and removed the gauze from her wound. He peered at the healing injury, not as bad as it could have been but not nearly as healed as it should be by now. "Don't like to brag.."

"Tell me..? Please?" She asked softly.

More tape, clean gauze, stitches almost ready to come out. Don't look at her, don't look or you will crumble away to dust. The memory of Xander's concerned face came to mind as he dug around in the kit. "Got myself in a bit of a fight with your group over it."

"Why? What did you do, go by yourself?" Heart in throat, the thought of him being in danger had her reeling in shock. She'd asked him to not do it anymore but she knew she couldn't stop him. Hunting the demons of Sunnydale had been part of Riley's job description before she'd ever entered his life.

He studied the healing mark on her side. Once he removed the stitches in a few days, it wouldn't be anything but a memory. Riley swabbed it carefully with the alcohol and replaced the bandage with a fresh one. "We found them on patrol the night you were out drinking with Spike."

Buffy remembered that night with a shudder. Spike had almost kissed her in that alley and that thought had her totally wigged. "Okay..."

Riley replaced the supplies in his kit. "I reconned the area and told the group we'd go back in the morning. ...."

The guilty look of his face told he exactly what had happened next but she needed to hear it from his lips. She needed him to confirm that he'd done something so damned dangerous. "But you didn't..?"

He set put the kit on the floor and took her hands in his. "But I didn't...."

Buffy held his hands and looked down at him, memorizing his beloved face. So brave, so very very brave. She never thought she would find someone so fearless where she was concerned. "What did you do?"

Riley turned her little hands over, tracing a line down each palm with his thumbs. "I went back..."

Buffy bit her lip, worrying about what might have happened... He could have died, he could very well have died when she was pumping the bleached blonde one for information. "By yourself?"

"Yeah... by myself."

"Are you okay? You weren't hurt were you?" Quick check to confirm, all limbs intact, no obvious bite marks though it was hard to tell with the high collar of his shirt.

He smiled and chuckled softly. "Nah. I dusted the one who got you and used a grenade on the rest."

"So that's why the grenades were out here earlier?"

"The guy was bragging about taking you down, Buffy. I couldn't let him live another second."

Buffy looked down at their hands for a moment... then raised her eyes to meet his. "I understand, I think. Thank you. And thank you for keeping him from doing more damage... when I couldn't."

He kissed her forehead. "No problem. Have stake, will dust."

Giggling softly, Buffy leaned against him. She was quiet for a moment... then asked softly, "So if nothing happened that night... then what upset you so much earlier?"

Riley grew very still, refusing to answer the question. He tried misdirection, he wasn't ready to admit to his weakness, "You comfortable? Can I get you anything?" He stood and wandered into the kitchen. Checking the fridge, he raised his voice slightly so she could hear him in the other room. "I got water, coke, beer?"

She got to her feet and followed him into the kitchen, supremely unconcerned about her half-nude state. This was Riley after all, they'd been lovers for almost a year. If she couldn't be comfortable with him, who could she be? "Coke is good. But would you please tell me why you don't want to talk about this?"

"It's not a big deal, Buffy. The stuff with your mom is.... Do you want to talk about what's happening on the home front?" He leaned over to retrieve a can of coke and a long-necked bottle of beer from the back of the fridge.

Buffy paused for a moment before saying, "I'd like to... and I will. But I want to know what's bothering you so much first. Because once I start talking about my problems... I don't know when I'll stop..."

Riley poured the coke into a glass for her and added some ice. He opened his beer and leaned against the sink. "I...I...I don't want you to stop. I love you, Buffy. If you can't unload on me, who can you?" The big man looked down at the floor, not wanting to tell her what happened. He was just so damned ashamed of himself for letting it go so far, for letting Spike get to him so easily.

Buffy thanked him for the coke and took a sip. Then she moved to stand in front of him and gazed up into his eyes. "I know that I can talk to you... and I know that you want me to. But you've been here for me so much these past few days... I'm very glad that you have been, too... but can't I be here for you for a little while tonight? Then you can take over again and be my shoulder to cry on..."

Riley stared down at her little face, into those trusting eyes and felt the dam inside him break. Silent tears flowed down his face. He was mute, just standing there looking at her. Buffy hopped up to sit on the counter beside him and pulled him against her, letting his head rest on her shoulder as she enfolded him in a tight embrace.

He turned in her arms until his face rested in the hollow between her neck and shoulder. Riley wrapped his arms around her, trying to pull her as close as possible, trying to stop the inevitability of his emotional breakdown. Sobs shook his big body.

Buffy held him tightly against her, rocking very gently back and forth. She whispered over and over, trying to soothe him a little, "Shhh... oh, Riley... shhh...."

Riley turned his head a little, trying to get even closer and the collar of his shirt slipped down, revealing the raw mark on his throat. Buffy blinked and gasped softly when she saw the obvious bite on his neck, her eyes widening. She held him a bit tighter, wondered silently how it happened...

He clung to her, still crying his heart out. She didn't love him, she didn't really need him. It was nice that she was taking the time to give him a little comfort but he shouldn't be distracting her from her duties. Riley bit his lip hard in an effort to silence his crying. *This is not the way to deal with this, Rye.*

Buffy continued to hold him, trying to calm him, wishing she knew what was going on in his head... She asked very softly, "Riley? What are you thinking? Talk to me... please?"

A quiet kiss on her shoulder as he shrugged and tried to pull away. "Sorry, Buffy... Didn't mean to break down on you like that. Guess it's just a touch of post-traumatic stress disorder or something.... I thought I lost you when that vamp stabbed you..." Riley tried to step out of the circle of her arms, but Buffy didn't let him go, still keeping him near her.

Realizing that his collar had shifted, Riley tugged it back into place. He looked down into her eyes, trying not to start crying again as he placed his forehead against hers. "Buffy....."

Buffy shook her head, keeping her eyes on his. "I know it looked bad... but I'm okay, and I'm still right here with you." She hesitated for a moment, then asked in that same soft, low tone, "I know you said you didn't get hurt that night you went after them... but then when did you get bitten?"

*Oh God, she saw it...* He tried to shrug it off but found he couldn't. "Last night..."

"What happened last night?"

"Went after a vamp, got bit. Dusted her...dusted it."

"How did she get close enough to bite you?" Buffy wondered for a moment if maybe he let her... then shook her head, wondering why he would do such a thing. She cleared her mind of all guesses, just waiting to see what he said.

Riley swallowed heavily, his jaw clenching. He couldn't answer that question. "Does it matter..? One less vamp for you to deal with."

She bit her lip, debating whether or not she should say this. But she had to know. "I've seen you fight vamps, Riley, and I know you're better than that. Did-did you... let her that close..?"

He stared at the floor and nodded very, very slowly. Buffy just looked at him, her eyes filling with tears. "Why? Why would you want to? You weren't... please tell me you weren't..."

She was slowly realizing that she must have made a mistake somewhere... she shouldn't have ever assumed that he would know how she felt about him from the way she acted, the things she did...

Riley shook his head. "I don't know... I think... God, I don't know what I was thinking... Spike said some things that just hit far too close to the bone."

Buffy flinched slightly, she should have known that irritating vamp had something to do with this. "What did Spike say? What could he possibly have said that would make you want to be turned?" She tightened her arms around him. "Don't you know that it would kill me if you died? That being turned, you wouldn't be my Riley anymore? I couldn't stand it! I couldn't take losing you!"

Riley pulled her close, running his hands down her back, through her hair. "He said I wasn't dark enough, that I wasn't dangerous enough....He told me I wasn't enough for you... Too white bread..."

Buffy broke away from him, running her hand angrily over her face, brushing away the tears that were falling. "You can't do that to me! Promise me, promise me that you won't ever do that again! God, I couldn't take losing you...."

"But he's right, Buffy.... I'm not enough for you." The words were very soft, damningly soft and heart-rending.

Buffy started rambling off what was in her head, she was that upset... but while she was unaware of exactly what she said, some of those emotional walls she had built when Angel left her were tumbling down. "He's not right! He has no idea! I couldn't take it... if you died, if you left... every man I've ever loved has left me... I can't do it again, I can't!! I'd die. No more Buffy."

She took a deep breath, then continued, "I need you too much, Riley, I need you to keep me sane, keep me going... I can't win this fight alone..." Buffy clung to him, tears still falling down her face unnoticed.

He took a small step backward, placing his hands on her shoulders as the context of her outburst sunk in. "Wait..... You...You love me?"

Buffy nodded slowly, "I do... I just... it's so hard... because it hurts so much to think about..."

"You love me..." His heart was soaring, all the darkness being shed from his soul.

Her gaze was directed at the floor, she didn't see the joy written all over his face. "I'm sorry... it's so hard to say... I hoped you'd know... that I could show you, that if I could then I wouldn't have to say the words... it's so hard to say... it's such a big thing..." Her voice trailed off as Riley pulled her tightly against him, kissing her. Buffy melted in his arms, returning that kiss with equal passion.

Shaking with emotion, he molded his body to hers, the rough fabric of his shirt rubbing her tender breasts. His mouth moved from hers to her ear where he whispered. "I thought it was only me... I thought you only kept me around to humor me..."

Shocked by that confession, she burrowed into the warmth of his embrace as she whispered back, "No! God, no! I need you so much... you mean so much to me..."

Riley lifted her from the counter, feeling her legs wrap around his waist. She weighed almost nothing, it was no hardship to carry her through the small apartment until they reached his bed. Once there, he sat her carefully down on the edge. "God, I need you....I wanted to die last night...I really did... First Spike, then Dawn and then Xander. All I could see was how much of a burden I was to you. How much more you felt when you were with Angel..."

Buffy was quiet for a moment, "I might have felt more... but a lot of the emotions tied up with Angel weren't happy ones. He was guilty and brooding so much of the time... he pulled me in with him sometimes. Yes, he made me happy... but he also made me very sad. And I think the drastic ups and downs were noticed more by the others. You... you just make me happy, Riley. You make me feel special, safe..."

She smiled shyly at him. "You take care of me the way you would a normal girl... and I need that sometimes. To feel normal, to feel safe and loved. You give me that."

Riley kissed her again, very softly. "I'll take care of you for as long as you need me to."

"I'll always need you, Riley. I..I love..you. I really do." Buffy was upset at herself that it's still so hard for her to tell him...

"I can live with that." Riley cupped her chin and lifted it until their eyes met. "I love you so much..."

"I know you do. I'm sorry that it took me so long... that it's so hard for me..."

"I know. Every guy who ever got close to you, hurt you." He paused, then added, "I won't ever hurt you."

"I know. I trust you. I hope it will get easier... I will try, if you'll help me..?"

"I'll be whatever you need."

"Just be here for me. Do what you've been doing all along. And be patient with me until I get better at saying it. I don't ever want to hurt you, Riley. I'm so sorry that I've hurt you so much already..."

"Thank you for finally saying it tonight. I ....I needed it."

"I'm sorry that it took me so long to realize... I never meant to hurt you... I just didn't think... there's so much going on..." Buffy smiled a little, "But you're welcome."

"I know there's a lot going on.....Anything you want to talk to me about right now? Like your mom or why you're being so protective of Dawn?"

Buffy nodded slowly, her eyes tearing up again. "Oh, god... there's so much... poor little Dawny..."

Riley laid on the bed next to Buffy and pulled her down into his arms. "What's up with Dawn?" .

Buffy considered where to start... then just started with the obvious and told him softly what she only confessed to Giles before. She knew part of the reason for their problems was the fact she hid things from him. "Dawn isn't really my sister..."

Riley rolled over a little so he could look at her face. "Okay...." He waited for her to continue. Given enough time, he knew Buffy would tell him the rest of it. Maybe the younger girl was adopted?

Buffy's voice got even softer. "She was... sent to me... by some priest guys. Given human form and sent to me to protect. Everyone's memories are part of the spell. She didn't exist until recently. And... the demon chick we've been researching... she's after Dawn."

A light went on in his head as he studied her face. She was telling the truth, he just knew it. "Kinda like the thing with Jonathan last year? The whole memory thing where we thought he was this really super guy?"

Riley thought for a long moment, testing his memory for holes but couldn't find any. As far as he knew, Dawn had always been there. But Buffy had never lied to him before and there was no reason for her to start now. "And this demon chick, she's after Dawn?"

"The priest guy called Dawn "the key". Key to what, I don't know. But they did a spell to hide her from the demon... in a form that the demon wouldn't know. The spell... it gave her memories of a whole lifetime... and gave them to everyone else, too. Like she really was alive when she wasn't. And now she's here. And it's up to me to protect her. She's an innocent, Riley... even more so than most people..."

He tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear. "I'll help you with that. I'll do whatever you need, even if it means baby-sitting the squirt."

His generous offer touched her deeply even though she knew it was an ingrained part of his personality. It wasn't the first time that she realized just how great a father Riley Finn would make. "We'll still have time to ourselves. But I don't want to leave her alone. That snake demon was just the first try... and we can't let Glory find Dawn."

"Glory? That's the demon chick, right?"

"That's what the ugly little demon with her called her, last time I saw her." Buffy looked down at her hands on his chest. "And she's strong. Very, very strong. But I have to keep fighting her. I can't let her win."

Riley placed one finger under her chin and tilted her head up so they were eye-to-eye. His expression was fiercely protective. "We won't let her win..."

Her heart melted at that look, she kissed him in gratitude. "Thank you..."

Warm arms pulled her a little closer, laying her head down on his broad chest as he kissed her hair. "Anytime...."

She curled up against him and closed her eyes briefly, savoring the warm, safe feeling he always gave her. Riley skimmed his hand down over her bare shoulder. He placed a soft kiss on her forehead. "When do you need to get back home? And do you want me to come with you?"

"Soon, probably... so Wills and Tara can go home. And yes, I'd like it if you came... please?"

"I'd be happy to. Should we go now?" Riley wanted her to say no, to say they had a few more minutes to spare. But he was willing to do whatever she needed...

Buffy glanced at his alarm clock and shook her head. "No, not yet. Wills said to take whatever time I needed... I don't want to keep them too late, but I think we have a little time yet before we need to get back." She grinned a little and teasingly added, "besides...it's comfortable here and I don't feel like finding my shirt yet."

Riley grinned and ran his big hands down her back. "I've missed you so much..."

"I've missed you too, Riley," she told him in a low, seductive tone. That sound sent a thrill through him.

He kissed her cheek, her lips, her throat. It had been weeks since they'd had a moment to themselves and he needed her so very much. "Buffy...."

She smiled in knowing agreement and moved her head to catch his lips again, kissing him deeply. Riley moaned, his fingers in her hair. His body was screaming at him but he didn't want to hurt her. "Baby....Are you sure this is okay?"

"I'm sure. We'll have to be a little careful, but I'm sure. I want this... want you. Make love to me, please, Riley?"

Big grin, eyes alight with happiness, he looked like a kid on Christmas morning. "Just lie back and I'll do all the work"

Buffy rolled onto her back, peering up at his happy face. "Are you sure?"


"Okay, then."

Riley reached up over one shoulder to pull his shirt over his head. He tossed it into the far corner before unbuttoning her jeans and sliding down the zipper. She rested her hands on the mattress and used her strength as leverage to lift her hips up for him, trying to be careful of her injury. He pulled her jeans down very quickly so she didn't have to stay in that position for long. Once they were removed and tossed in the same direction as his shirt, he bent over to place a kiss on the inside of her right thigh.

Buffy moaned softly, parting her legs a bit to encourage his kisses. Another soft kiss, this one a little higher and that warm mouth lingered on her skin. He hooked his fingers in the elastic of her panties and glanced up at her before sliding them down. Silently asking her permission to worship her with his mouth.

She gave him an encouraging little nod. "Please, Riley."

He removed the delicate scrap of silk from her body before settling down between her legs. Warm kisses on the curve of her stomach, skirting the edge of the bandage. Riley stopped for a moment just to enjoy the feel of her skin against his mouth. It felt so damned good, he'd almost lost this feeling, this closeness in a moment of utter despair last night.

Buffy moaned softly, enjoying letting him tease her. She whispered, "I'm so glad you're still with me, Riley..."

Riley glanced up at her, surprised by just how perceptive she was about his thoughts. "Me too, Buffy, me too."

"I'm glad... I want you to be happy."

He slid one hand underneath her, pulling her a little closer and tilting her hips up. His head lowered slowly as he blew the soft curls gently, stirring them with his warm breath. "Being with you makes me happy." She sighed in happiness and found his free hand with hers, squeezing it gently.

Riley closed his eyes slowly, narrowing his senses down to the ones that really mattered right now. His mouth found her, and his warm tongue slid between her lips, seeking that little nerve center with an expertise borne of months of doing this with her.

She let her own eyes drift closed and moaned aloud as she felt his tongue moving over her, seeking and finding exactly what felt best to her... Loving the knowledge that he knew her that well and wanted nothing more than to give her pleasure.

He waited for a minute or two before sliding a finger inside her. Riley listened carefully to her sounds, concentrating on what would make her feel really good. His heart was singing in joy again, he loved her so much and amazingly enough, she loved him too...

Buffy muffled a cry in the pillow next to her as she felt his warm finger enter her, twisting her hips a little, wanting to feel him deeper inside her. "God, Riley... you make me feel so good..."

Riley pushed deeper, reaching for that spot, the one that always made her quiver. His mouth closed over her clit, drawing it in between his lips and moving his tongue back and forth over it. He had to hold her still with his free hand, trying to keep her from injuring herself.

She gave a wordless cry of ultimate pleasure and trembled when he found that spot deep within her... Despite her injury, there was no pain, and the pleasure began to overwhelm her, pushing her close to the edge.

Riley knew the signs, he knew exactly what to do. He pulled back a little and added a second finger, stretching her a little more before stroking that spot again. His tongue moved a little faster, he wanted to feel and hear her as she came for him.

Buffy screamed and writhed beneath him as she orgasmed, her inner walls clenching around his fingers. "Oh, god, Riley!"

He held her in place as best he could, just riding out the storm. It felt so good, felt so good to be right here with her, to watch the joy on her face. The young man loved every minute of being with her, loved that fact that he could do this for her, that he could give something back to the girl who gave so unselfishly of herself to all those who lived around her. Everything he had been through since she came literally crashing into his life was worth it, just to be in this room with her, just to be her lover.

She trembled for a few moments more, then opened her eyes and held her arms out to him. "Come up here, please?"

He shook his head and moved until he was lying next to her. "I don't want to hurt you."

Buffy rolled onto her side and wrapped her arms around him, kissing him deeply. Riley returned the kiss, his mouth opening for her so he could share her taste with her. She let her tongue explore his mouth, tasting herself on his tongue and his lips. It was not unpleasant in the least...

A moment later, he took one of her hands and guided it down to his still jeans-encased erection. He had no intention of being inside her tonight but he could be happy to just feel her touch. She rubbed her palm over his length for a moment, then unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, sitting up so she could pull them off of him. Riley lifted his hips to help, pushing his boxers down his legs along with the jeans.

Buffy smiled at him and tossed that those last articles of clothing onto the floor, then crawled back up the bed beside him, stopping when she reached his waist. She leaned down and traced soft kisses down the center of his stomach, then let her lips and tongue slowly drift over his sides. Riley moaned deep in his throat, content to just let her take the lead for the moment.

She slowly kissed her way downward until she reached his cock. Buffy lightly licked the tip, then trailed lightly sucking kisses down its length from tip to base... then she moved to the other side and worked her way back up.

He stared at her, his mouth open as he shuddered, "God...That feels so good."

Buffy smiled but didn't stop to respond. When she reached the head of his penis again she shifted a bit and slowly sucked it into her mouth, flicking her tongue around the head. Riley raised his hips toward her, silently begging for more, and Buffy sucked him as far inside as she could, then started to slide him in and out of her mouth. She wrapped her hand around the base and rubbed it against as much of him that didn't fit into her little mouth.


She smiled around him, pleased that she had reduced him to monosyllabic responses. That was a clear sign that she was getting to him. Buffy moved a little faster, sucked a little harder, and rubbed her tongue lightly against him. Riley tangled his hands in her hair, fighting the urge to push himself further into her mouth. It felt so damned good. Hot, slick, perfect....

Buffy knew that he wanted to feel more of her warmth around him... but instead of trying to fit more of him into her mouth, she pulled away and lifted herself up, moving until the head of his cock was positioned right at the mouth of her dripping entrance. She asked huskily, "Do you want me, Riley?"

"God, yes..." In response to that soft statement, Buffy pushed her hips back, sliding him into her until he was as deep as he could get. Riley was on the edge of tears again. So much had happened tonight, he was overwhelmed. With trembling hands he guided her slowly, moving gently underneath her.

Buffy felt tears in her eyes as she marveled at how lucky she was... how he was so gentle with her, so loving. She accepted his guidance, letting him keep her from hurting herself, and moved slowly on him. He continued with the slow, steady pace, raising his knees to give her back some support. The sight of her sitting there on top of him was so incredibly beautiful, he was momentarily speechless.

Buffy smiled down at him and leaned back against his legs, then whispered, "You're so good to me, Riley... you take such good care of me. God, how did I ever get to be so lucky?"

Riley laughed softly, love and devotion shining in his eyes. "You dropped a load of text-books on my head. I've been stunned ever since...."

Buffy laughed equally softly with him. "Oh, so that's it... you're just in a daze..."

Riley gripped her hips in both hands and thrust up into her almost sharply. "Yeah, I'm in a daze....Hope I never wake up from it."

Buffy moaned, surprised by his sudden thrust, then nodded in agreement, "I hope you don't, either."

"Buffy Summers...I love you." His tone was hushed, utterly reverent in the still night air.

"I know. I..I love you too, Riley Finn."

The smile on his face could have lit up the entire town of Sunnydale. "I'll never get tired of hearing that..."

"And I'll keep working on letting you hear it more often..."

Riley glanced at the clock, realizing they would need to get back to her house soon. He didn't want to rush her, he would rather take all night... but Dawn needed their combined protection.

With a shift of his hips, he increased the pace of his movements, subtly changing the angle so he could hit that sweet spot deep inside her and bring about her release along with his own. Buffy shrieked softly at the sudden increase in pleasure, her eyes closing as she let the feelings wash over her.

"Oh, god, Riley... gonna come...feels so good..."

He moved one hand down to slide between them so he could stroke her clit. His body tensed as his own climax was starting to overtake him. "Buffy.....Baby....."

Her eyes were wide, she looked down into his pleasure suffused face and listened to his soft whisper. "Come for me..."

She whimpered as that feeling of joy rose from deep within her, "Oh, god... come with me, Riley..." Buffy screamed as her climax crashed over her and she came hard, her channel milking his cock.

"I am..... Oh God, I'm coming now..." Riley gritted his teeth and spilled inside her. His whole body shook with the force of his release. It overwhelmed his senses, the room spun around them as they lost themselves in one another.

After a long blissful moment, he slowed his rapid breathing and pulled her down for a sweet kiss. "Baby....we need to go..."

Buffy returned that heartfelt kiss. "I know we do... but I'm glad we..talked."

"Me too....I'm glad we...talked..."

"Are you happy, Riley?" She asked him.

A deep sigh, a shift of the big warm body underneath her, a soft, sweet kiss on her neck. His mouth finding Angel's scar which he had always avoided before. In an unconscious act of total acceptance of her and her past, Riley kissed that mark. "More than you will ever know...You?"

"Yes. Yes, I am. There are still things to deal with... but at least I know that I can always find you if I need to..."

"I'll always be here for you... Always..." He combed his finger through her hair. *Only death will ever take me away from you…..*

"I know you will, Riley. And that means more to me than you can imagine." This one would never leave her…..never. And Buffy could live with that.....

(c) 1999 - Em & Mistress Ace